
American History
Cold War Presidents Webquest
Cold War Presidents Webquest
Objective: Students will gain basic knowledge about the Presidents of the United States.
Introduction: This lesson plan can be used in several different ways.
Option 1: Handout the webquest. Have students do the webquests one at a time.
Option 2: Handout different parts of the webquest when studying the time period of the
Option 3: Have students work in groups, each student gets one of the webquests and share
their answers through a discussion with fellow students during the next class period
Materials needed: Cold War Presidents Webquest (See Below) and computers
Input and Activities: Give students at least one class period to complete the webquest and
have a classroom discussion on the questions the next day.
Closure: Connect the lesson to other civics topics, current events, or the Cold War
The Cold War American Presidents webquest is broken into 2 chronological parts.
Late 1940s through the 1960s
Truman, Harry S. (1945-1953)
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (1953-1961)
Kennedy, John F. (1961-1963)
Johnson, Lyndon B. (1963-1969)
1970s through the early 1990s
Nixon, Richard M. (1969-1974)
Ford, Gerald (1974-1977)
Carter, Jimmy (1977-1981
Reagan, Ronald (1981-1989)
Bush, George (1989-1993)
Use complete sentences if needed
Cold War Presidents Webquest
(Late 1940s through the 1960s)
Type in the following web address
Feel free to look at the pictures and read the information
You will need to click the “back button” once you click on a President to get back to
the list of Presidents
Click on Truman, Harry S. (1945-1953)
30. Harry S. Truman (1945-1953)
Vice President: __________________________________________________________
Political Party: __________________________________________________________
Age at Inauguration: _____________________________________________________
What state was this President born in? ______________________________________
What year did this President die? __________________________________________
Nickname: ______________________________________________________________
What is this President most known for? _____________________________________
List two interesting facts about this person’s presidency: _______________________
Click on Eisenhower, Dwight D. (1953-1961)
31. Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961)
Vice President: __________________________________________________________
Political Party: __________________________________________________________
Age at Inauguration: _____________________________________________________
What state was this President born in? ______________________________________
What year did this President die? __________________________________________
Nickname: ______________________________________________________________
What is this President most known for? _____________________________________
List two interesting facts about this person’s presidency: _______________________
32. John F. Kennedy (1961-1963)
Vice President: __________________________________________________________
Political Party: __________________________________________________________
Age at Inauguration: _____________________________________________________
What state was this President born in? ______________________________________
What year did this President die? __________________________________________
Nickname: ______________________________________________________________
What is this President most known for? _____________________________________
List two interesting facts about this person’s presidency: _______________________
List two new fun facts about this person: ____________________________________
Click on Johnson, Lyndon B. (1963-1969)
33. Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969)
Vice President: __________________________________________________________
Political Party: __________________________________________________________
Age at Inauguration: _____________________________________________________
What state was this President born in? ______________________________________
What year did this President die? __________________________________________
Nickname: ______________________________________________________________
What is this President most known for? _____________________________________
List two interesting facts about this person’s presidency: _______________________
List two new fun facts about this person: ____________________________________
Use complete sentences if needed
Cold War Presidents Webquest
(1970s through the early 1990s)
Type in the following web address
Feel free to look at the pictures and read the information
You will need to click the “back button” once you click on a President to get back to
the list of Presidents
Click on Nixon, Richard M. (1969-1974)
34. Richard M. Nixon (1969-1974)
Vice President: __________________________________________________________
Political Party: __________________________________________________________
Age at Inauguration: _____________________________________________________
What state was this President born in? ______________________________________
What year did this President die? __________________________________________
Nickname: ______________________________________________________________
What is this President most known for? _____________________________________
List two interesting facts about this person’s presidency: _______________________
List two new fun facts about this person: ____________________________________
Click on Ford, Gerald (1974-1977)
35. Gerald Ford (1974-1977)
Vice President: __________________________________________________________
Political Party: __________________________________________________________
Age at Inauguration: _____________________________________________________
What state was this President born in? ______________________________________
What year did this President die? __________________________________________
Nickname: ______________________________________________________________
What is this President most known for? _____________________________________
List two interesting facts about this person’s presidency: _______________________
Click on Carter, Jimmy (1977-1981)
36. Jimmy Carter (1977-1981)
Vice President: __________________________________________________________
Political Party: __________________________________________________________
Age at Inauguration: _____________________________________________________
What state was this President born in? ______________________________________
What year did this President die? __________________________________________
Nickname: ______________________________________________________________
What is this President most known for? _____________________________________
List two interesting facts about this person’s presidency: _______________________
Click on Reagan, Ronald (1981-1989)
37. Ronald Reagan
Vice President: __________________________________________________________
Political Party: __________________________________________________________
Age at Inauguration: _____________________________________________________
What state was this President born in? ______________________________________
What year did this President die? __________________________________________
Nickname: ______________________________________________________________
What is this President most known for? _____________________________________
List two interesting facts about this person’s presidency: _______________________
List two new fun facts about this person: ____________________________________
Click on Bush, George (1989-1993)
38. George Bush (1989-1993)
Vice President: __________________________________________________________
Political Party: __________________________________________________________
Age at Inauguration: _____________________________________________________
What state was this President born in? ______________________________________
What year did this President die? __________________________________________
Nickname: ______________________________________________________________
What is this President most known for? _____________________________________
List two interesting facts about this person’s presidency: _______________________
List two new fun facts about this person: ____________________________________