CYU #6 – Crossword

CYU #6 – Crossword
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Interactivity Type: Crossword
Read the hints provided to solve the crossword puzzle. Click
on the square containing the relevant number to view the
hint for that option.
1. Chronological
Hint: Time order
2. First
Hint: (I, me) person
3. Third
Hint: (Him, Her) person
4. Topic
Hint: What you are writing About
5. Controlling Hint: (Point, opinion, attitude, feeling) idea
6. Transitional
Hint: One idea to another
7. Paragraph plan
Hint: A map or outline (The answer consists o
8. Unity
Hint: Consistent
9. Edit
Hint: Improve
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The numbering in the crossword squares is 1, 2, 3… and so on. On clicking, the square marked 1, the relevant hint will be displayed
on the screen. It will also mention whether the word will be a ‘Down’ word or an ‘Across’ word. We will map common alphabets of
different words and arrange them in the crossword.
For an accurate visual representation, refer to the course Developmental English, Lesson 6, Frame 26.