Chapter 16 Questions


Chapter 16 AP World History Questions The Mongol Empires from pp. 466-473

1. For most of history, where did the Mongols live?

2. What made it hard for the Mongols to organize on a large scale?

3. Who was the “unifier” of the Mongols?

4. How did Genghis ( or Chinggis Khan) chose high military and political officials?

5. Where was Chinggis’ capital?

6. What was the most important institution of the Mongol state? ______________ What was the population of the Mongol people? ___________________, which is less than ______% of China’s population.

7. What did the Mongol armies rely on to defeat their enemies?

8. If people resisted Mongol attacks, what did they do to them?

9. Where was the first place Chinggis Khan extended his rule?

10. After conquering the area mentioned in #9, he moved on to where?

11. What did Chinggis Khan do to the Shah of Khwarazam land after he defeated his army?

12. What type of political administration did Chinggis set up?

13. After Chinggis Khan’s death, how was his vast realm divided up? Name the kingdoms

14. The consolidation of Mongol rule in China came under the reign of __________________________, one of Chinggis’s ________________. Who was the famous Venetian traveler that worked at his court?


15. Who presided over the Mongol empire at its height? ___________________________ What were the years of his reign? ________________________

16. What is the name of the Mongol dynasty established in China? ________ It lasted from

___________ to __________.

17. Which countries did the Mongols have little success in conquering? Why did the Mongols fail?

18. Describe the failed invasion of Japan in 1281.

19. The Mongols who controlled Russia were known as the ______________________.

20. How long did the Mongol control of Russia last?

21. Who toppled the Abbasid Empire? _________________ What was his kingdom called?

22. What year was the Abbasid capital of Baghdad captured? ________________

23. Why did the Mongols have trouble ruling their conquered territories?

24. In 1295 Iklhan Ghazan publicly converted to ______________. What impact did they have?

25. What were some of the laws the Mongols passed in China?

26. How did the Mongols treat Confucian scholars?

27. What form of Buddhism did the Mongols like and why?


