University of West Florida Department of Health Leisure & Exercise


University of West Florida

Department of Health Leisure & Exercise Science

College of Professional Studies

11000 University Parkway

Pensacola, Florida 32514







Office Hours:

Class Meets:

HSC 2100: Personal Health

Summer 2014

Dr. Daniel K. Drost, Ed. D.

Bldg. 72/257

850-474-2593 (main office)

Tue/Thu, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm; by appointment

100% online

Course Description:

This course provides information on personal health issues from which students may base current and future decisions regarding their health and wellness. The course promotes an environment where effective decision making skills can be acquired through structured group interaction.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to: o Discriminate between the six dimensions of health and explain their interrelatedness. o Identify scientifically-based health and wellness principles and evaluate their applicability to students’ own lives. o Discuss strategies to improve personal well-being and prevent illness. o Access accurate health information.

Required Text :

Insel, P.,& Roth, W. (2013).

Core Concepts in Health (13th ed.), New York, NY: McGraw-

Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-761331-0

* Note: The textbooks come in both a “brief” version and a “full” version. Make sure you purchase the “full” version. You do not need the access card that comes with the text.

Requirements :

Point distribution for course assignments is as follows:

Discussions (15 x 10 pts.) 150

Dropbox Assignments (13 x 10 pts., 1 x 30) 160

Quizzes (1 x 10, 14 x 20 pts.) 290

PowerPoint Presentation 30

Final Exam 80

Total Points 710


The correspondence between percentage points and letter grades is as follows:

93-100 = A

90 - 92 = A-

87-89 = B+

83-86 = B

80-82 = B-

77-79 = C+

73-76 = C

70-72 = C-

67-69 = D+

63-66 = D

60-62 = D-

< 60 = F

Note: Once grades are finalized, students will not receive extra points (even if a student is 1 point away from a letter grade change) . Grades will only change if an error was made in the grading process.

Assignments: o Exam (80 points): One cumulative final examination will be administered online. The exam will consist of multiple choice, true false, matching, and short answer questions and will cover assigned text chapters and in-class materials including handouts, activities, videos, and guest lectures. o Quizzes (10-20 pts each): There will be one quiz that has 10 questions and is worth 10 points.

There will be 14 other quizzes, which will each contain 20 questions and worth 20 points. The questions will be of either Multiple Choice, True/False, or matching format. The quizzes are designed to test your understanding of the materials presented in the power point lectures and chapter readings. Once you decide to take the quiz, you will have 25-40 minutes to complete it - you only have one attempt - you cannot come back and take it later once you open the quiz!!!

Quizzes are due no later than seven days from the initiation of the class session for which the quiz is associated; this means quizzes will always be due no later than Sunday at 11:59 P.M., which is when access is automatically closed out . Do not wait until the last minute . o Dropbox Assignments (10-30 pts each): A major part of the course is learning about yourself, your health behaviors, and what measures you can take to improve your health status both short- and long-term. Dropbox activities (14) will be assigned throughout the semester to further expand the reading material. These include the completion of wellness worksheets, and commentary on assigned readings, and Internet activities. o Health Topic PowerPoint Assignment (30 pts): At the end of the semester, you will be responsible for creating a PowerPoint presentation and posting it in the discussion area. The presentation can be on any health topic of your choosing. Grading will be based on depth of content, accuracy of information, and other technical aspects. More information will be provided on eLearning. 3

o Discussion Assignments (10 pts each): There will be 15 discussion questions assigned throughout the semester. These are designed to provide insight and critical thinking. While the discussion postings are less structured than a formal paper, the rules of logic and grammar still apply. Please respond in complete sentences and use proper punctuation.

The student must post a response to each discussion question and respond to 2 other students’ responses. Each post contains length requirements; make sure you follow the length requirement to receive full credit. Response posts to classmates’ posts should be at least 4 sentences.

It is common that students will not have enough words in a post or will not reference text or other expert material, etc. and needlessly lose points in their grade. "Good job, Jill. I agree with you,” is not an adequate response to someone's posting.

Replies posted late will not be accepted. I will read through all discussion board posts, but I will not always have time to respond.

If you have questions about an assignment or other class topic, please post them in the General

Course Questions section to ensure a timely response from me.


8-10 points

Needs improvement

4-7 points


1-3 points

No answer

0 points

Discussion Board Grading Rubric

Individual post

Addresses discussion board questions or goals with relevance and justifies answer.

Reply Posts

Posts 2 or more replies to classmates' posts.

Replies are relevant, polite, and justified.

Does not completely address goals or questions and barely justifies answer.

Does not address goals or questions at all in answer, does not provide any justification for answer.

Posts 1 reply to classmates' posts and/or replies are not entirely relevant, are impolite, or are barely justified.

Does not post replies to classmates' posts.


Does not seem to understand question/goals at all and does not use any argument to support answer

Understands discussion board question/goals and uses concrete arguments to support answer.

Supports answer with facts and data if necessary.

Partially understands question/goals and does not use concrete argument to support answer


Make-up exams will be permitted only in case of serious illness when accompanied by proper documentation from a physician or the student health care center. Students who receive prior approval to miss an exam for a University approved function may also be permitted to make up the exam, but must make arrangements to do so before the exam date. All make-up exams must be taken within one week of the scheduled exam date.

Work Submission: o All work needs to be submitted online, on the assigned date, and by the correct time.

o Complete your work and save your file as a .docx. or .rtf file. I will not accept .wps files. o Make sure you can see your submission after you post or upload. If you do not, it was not posted or uploaded and you should repost or upload again. o In the event of university technical problems, I will arrange for alternative submission procedures and activities. o Keep a copy of all materials you submit. o Student work may be authenticated by the instructor using an on-line verification program.

Class Culture/Policies: o Respect each other’s opinions and comments even though you may not agree. Each of you has a heritage, history, and variety of life experiences that influence how you see the world.

We tend to attach labels, develop values, and express attitudes based on this diversity. It is this diversity, however, that makes us each unique and important. In this classroom, we will attempt to minimize the barriers associated with sensitive or controversial topics and maximize learning together in a trusting environment. o If you are experiencing life problems that are affecting your academic performance, it is important to see me as soon as possible (not at the end of the semester). While course requirements will not be altered for life problems, I will work with you during this time.

Expectations for Academic Conduct:

Neither cheating nor plagiarism will be tolerated. If a student is caught turning in work other than their own, they will automatically receive zero (0) points on the exam or assignment.

By registering for classes at the University of West Florida, a student signs a contract for the following policy:

As members of the University of West Florida academic community, we commit ourselves to honesty. As we strive for excellence in performance, integrity—both personal and institutional— is our most precious asset. Honesty in our academic work is vital, and we will not knowingly act in ways which erode that integrity. Accordingly, we pledge not to cheat, nor to tolerate cheating, nor to plagiarize the work of others. We pledge to share community resources in ways that are responsible and that comply with established policies of fairness. Cooperation and competition are means to high achievement and are encouraged. Indeed, cooperation is expected unless our directive is to individual performance. We will compete constructively and professionally for the purpose of stimulating high performance and standards. Finally, we accept adherence to this set of expectations for academic conduct as a condition of membership in the UWF academic community.

The University of West Florida plagiarism policy is available for your review at:


Netiquette refers to a set of behaviors that are appropriate for online activity, especially with email and threaded discussions. The core rules of netiquette can be found at Please read these rules to ensure that you are familiar with what will be the expected online behavior for this course. You are expected to

follow all rules; however, please note that students frequently violate rules 5, 7, and 10. Make sure you review carefully these rules as they will reflect on your participation grade. Violation of the rules may also results in delays of email responses.


Students with special needs who require specific examination-related or other course-related accommodations should contact Barbara Fitzpatrick, Director of Disabled Student Services

(DSS),, (850) 474-2387. DSS will provide the student with a letter for the instructor that will specify any recommended accommodations.

If you are experiencing technical difficulties viewing PowerPoint, emails or other technically related material call ITS at 474-2075.
