Chapters 7 & 8 - Questions and Vocabulary

Mrs. Sharp
Lord of the Flies
Guided Notes & Discussion Questions
Use the following questions to guide your reading. You may respond to the questions by noting pages and passages in your book and
adding your own thoughts and ideas (on post-its, with notes in margins, on a “bookmark,” in your English notebook, etc.) or you can
answer the questions in your English notebook. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS IN THE SPACE PROVIDED HERE.
Also, note important passages/quotations for us to discuss in class.
As you read, find the assigned words for each chapter. For each vocabulary word, write down (on notebook paper or on a post-it in
your book) all of the following:
- Vocabulary word AND page number
- Sentence (or part of sentence) containing the vocabulary word
- Part of speech (as it is used in the text)
- Definition of the word (in YOUR OWN WORDS) as it is used in the text.
* You may use a dictionary to define the vocabulary words, but you may also use context clues and your knowledge of words and word
parts to infer the meaning of the word.
CHAPTER 7: Shadows and Tall Trees
1. What is Ralph’s opinion of his appearance at the start of the chapter? What does he think his
appearance says about his mental state? Do you agree?
2. On page 111, Simon tries to reassure Ralph by saying “You’ll get back alright.” What do you make of
the fact that he says “you” and not “we”?
3. What does Ralph daydream about? What does this reveal about his thoughts and response to being
on the island?
4. How does Ralph respond to being a part of the hunt and kill of the pig? Why is this important?
5. When Ralph asks Jack why he hates him, what is Jack’s response? How do the other boys react?
6. Why do you think Golding tells the reader right away that the “beast” the boys find is a pilot and his
parachute, not the “beast” they think it is? Wouldn’t it have been more suspenseful if the reader
knew just as little as the boys?
1. crestfallen – page 117
2. impervious – page 121
3. enterprise – page 122
CHAPTER 8: Gift for the Darkness
1. Compare/contrast how Jack and Ralph each see the hunters.
2. Explain why Jack decides to leave the group. What does he do? Where does he go? Who goes with
him? Why?
3. What is Jack’s plan to get more of the bigger boys to join his new tribe? What is his plan for the beast?
4. Describe the pig hunt, kill, and aftermath. What effect does it have on Jack and the hunters?
What is Jack’s plan for the head of the pig (why does he want to “sharpen a stick at both ends”)?
Where is Simon? What is happening to him?
After getting over the initial scare, how do most of the boys feel about joining Jack and his new group?
Explain/Summarize what the pig’s head tells Simon. What insight do we get into the future of the boys
on the island?
9. On page 138, we see the title of the book used in a speech by the pig’s head. What does the head say
about the “Lord of the Flies”? What is the meaning of the title? (Feel free to do a little outside
1. glowered – page 127
2. rebuke – page 128
3. demure – page 133
4. fervor – page 133
There are clues throughout the text which hint at what may happen later in the story. Skim back over the
chapters and look for examples of foreshadowing. For each, include a quotation and the page number as well
as your prediction of what may happen later.
Quotation/Passage (with page number)