1960-1980 Matching Protest and Change

1960 – 1980 - Protest and Change
1. Counterculture
2. The Beatles
3. Communes
4. Generation Gap
5. Haight Ashbury
6. Betty Friedan
7. NOW
8. ERA
9. Gloria Steinem
10. Phyllis Schlafly
11. Roe v. Wade
12. Caesar Chavez
13. UFW
14. AIM
15. Ralph Nader
16. Rachel Carson
17. Earth Day
18. EPA
19. Three Mile Island
20. OPEC
21. Watergate
22. Executive Privilege
23. 25th Amendment
24. Gerald R. Ford
25. Boat people
26. Amnesty
27. Helsinki Accords
28. Camp David Accords
29. Ayatollah Khomeini
30. Hostage crisis
1. ____ Site of the democratic party campaign headquarters burglarized by members of
the Committee to Re-elect the President
2. ____ Historical peace agreement brokered by President Jimmy Carter between Egypt
and Israel
3. ____ Political pardons granted by Jimmy Carter to those who had avoided the draft
during the Vietnam War
4. ___ Belief that the president has the right to keep certain information secret; espoused
by Richard Nixon
5. ____ Fundamentalist Islamic cleric who deposed the Shah of Iran in 1979
6. ____ Outlined the line of presidential succession
7. ____ Outlined the basic rights automatically held by every human being
8. ____ Thousands of refugees who fled after Vietnam fell to the Communists
9. ____ Agency founded in 1970 to protect “the entire ecological chain.”
10. ____ 1973 Supreme Court decision that assured women the right to a legal abortion
under their constitutional right to privacy
11. ____ Organization established by Betty Friedan to help women gain full equality
12. ____ Conservative activist who fought against the women’s movement; preferred the
traditional role of women as wives and mothers
13. ____ President who succeeded Richard Nixon and granted him a full pardon
14. ____ Seizure of 66 Americans in the American Embassy in Teheran in 1979
15. ____ Latino activist who fought for the rights of farm workers
16. ____ Site of a near nuclear meltdown at a power plant in Pennsylvania
17. ____ Communities in which groups of “hippies” lived and worked together
18. ____ Response to growing concerns about environmental waste and pollution
19. ____ Generation of the 60’s that rejected traditional values and beliefs; valued youth,
spontaneity, peace, and love; also called hippies
20. ____ Author of Silent Spring about the environmental impact of pesticides on wildlife
21. ____ Organization to help Native Americans
22. ____ Referred to the growing philosophical differences between the younger and older
generations in the 1960’s
23. ____ Famous area of San Francisco where the hippies gathered
24. ____ Consumer advocate during the 70’s; wrote Unsafe at Any Speed, about the
dangers in the automobile industry
25. ____ Amendment that would have guaranteed full gender equality; failed to pass
26. ____ Organization of oil producing countries in the Middle East
27. ____ British musical group that came to America in 1964 and revolutionized the music
28. ____ Feminist and author of The Feminine Mystique
29. ____ Feminist who founded “Ms” magazine and sought to expose the inferior position
of women
30. ____ Union formed to help farm workers; used strikes and boycotts to achieve its goals