Review The New Deal 1932-1939 Part I: Match the New Deal

The New Deal
Part I: Match the New Deal program with its definition or characteristic.
National Recovery Act
Agricultural Adjustment Act
Public Works Administration
Tennessee Valley Authority
6. Civilian Conservation Corps
7. Federal Emergency Relief Act
8. Social Security Administration
9. Works Progress Administration
10. Wagner Act
Part II: Multiple Choice (Review Questions)
1st New Deal Programs
1. What 2 presidents would serve during the Great Depression?
2. What name was given to FDR’s program to help the country recover from the economic
3. The New Deal was FDR’s answer to which of the following events?
4. Who were the talented advisors that helped shape the New Deal programs for FDR?
5. Which of the following would be the main purpose of the New Deal programs?
6. What was the intent of the recovery measures during the New Deal?
7. The New Deal period in American history is associated with the idea that
8. What was the intent of Social Security, unemployment insurance & the FDIC?
9. What was the purpose of the president’s “bank holiday”?
10. What was the purpose of the NRA?
11. What was the purpose of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933?
12. Why did Congress establish the TVA?
13. Why was the CCC established?
14. What program helped keep homeowners from losing their homes?
2nd New Deal Programs
15. Social security is best defined as a
16. Why was the Social Security System created?
17. Which programs were designed to give workers the right to organize & join labor unions
under the New Deal?
18. What law was created to protect workers who are negotiating work agreements?
19. Why was FDR accused of “packing” the Supreme Court?
20. Why were many business leaders opposed to the New Deal?
21. What was the point of Huey Long’s “Share Our Wealth” program?
22. What were characteristics of Long’s program to end the Great Depression?
23. What did Fr. Charles Coughlin propose to help end the Great Depression?
24. What program did Dr. Charles Townsend want to create to help those who couldn’t work?
Evaluating the New Deal
25. The creation of the FDIC, Social Security Administration, & unemployment insurance
during the New Deal indicates that
26. Which of the following statements about the New Deal is accurate?
27. Even though most of the New Deal programs were unsuccessful, what was the lasting
effect that they had on U.S. history?
27. How did the New Deal programs affect the U.S. government?
28.Which of the following was a lasting reform of President Roosevelt’s New Deal Program?
29. Which of the following was a lasting reform of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal
30. If the country would experience another Great Depression, what lessons would be
learned from the New Deal?
Part III: False to True—Make the following false statements true. Rewrite the entire
statement for full credit (3 points each)
1. One of the main causes of the Great Depression was prohibition.
2. Franklin Roosevelt was blamed for his failure to solve the problems of the Great
3. The Agricultural Adjustment Act was established to investigate & solve environmental
pollution problems.
4. The Social Security Act helped to reform banking practices.
5. To explain his New Deal programs to the American public, FDR used yellow journalism.
Part IV: Discussion (5 points)
Many modern day politicians would like to repeal any left over New Deal programs.
Choose 1 existing New Deal program & explain why it is still necessary today.