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Name: _____________________________________ Period: ____ Date: ________________________
Identifying and describing stages of the Cell Cycle
Write your answer in the correct spaces below for each station. Write in complete sentences where it says “describe”
The cell cycle is a series of events that allows the cell to grow and divide. The cycle contains two major phase each broken
up into smaller phases. Interphase consists of G1, S and G2 phase where the cell is growing, replicating DNA and
multiplying organelles and proteins to prepare the cell to go into a division phase. M phase, or Mitotic phase, consists of
Mitosis and cytokinesis. It is during these phases when the nucleus or eukaryotic organisms and the cell is dividing,
resulting in identical daughter cells being produced.
Station 1
1. What phase of the cell cycle is labeled 1? Describe the events that are happening during this phase
2. Identify the stage 4 and describe what is happening in this phase.
Station 2
3. Put the numbered stages in order from the beginning to end (example: 2,3,4,5 or 3,2,5,4)
4. Describe the events of the stage circled and identify this stage. During what phase of the cell cycle is
this event occurring?
Station 5
5. Identify the phase circled and describe the events that are happening during this phase.
Station 4
6. Put the numbered stages in order from the beginning to the end.
7. Identify the phase of each of the numbered circles. Describe what is happening in each.
Station 3
8. How many cells in this view are in anaphase? What is happening during anaphase.
Station 7
9. How many cells in this view are in one of the middle 2 stages of Mitosis?
10. How many cells in this view are in the last phase of Mitosis?
Station 6
11. How many cells in this view are clearly in prophase? What happens during prophase?
Label in phases of the cell cycle below including: Interphase and all related phases, Mitotic phase and all
related phases. Include a brief description of what is happening during each of the phases of interphase.