LP AP Bio 8-23-10

Allelia Scott
Objectives for the week:
AP Biology Lesson Plans
08/23/10 to 08/27/10
The student will:
use the scientific method to conduct laboratory investigations, observing accepted safety protocols,
demonstrate a knowledge of the characteristics of life
demonstrate how organisms are classified into categories
112.35.C.5.B - use the Periodic Table to identify and explain the properties of chemical families, including alkali metals, alkaline earth metals,
halogens, noble gases, and transition metals
112.35.C.5.C - use the Periodic Table to identify & explain periodic trends, including atomic and ionic radii, electronegativity, and ionization energy.
112.35.C.6.B - understand the electromagnetic spectrum and the mathematical relationships between energy, frequency, and wavelength of light;
112.35.C.6.E - express the arrangement of electrons in atoms through electron configurations and Lewis valence electron dot structures.
112.35.C.7 - The student knows how atoms form ionic, metallic, and covalent bonds.
**Please note: Reading is assigned each day
Mon. Greetings
Q. How do you
define “life”? (3)
Present students with a
variety of samples and ask
them to decide which is
alive. (3 min)
Students will explain to each other in
a Socratic discussion what the
characteristics of life are. A list will
be kept on the board (15 min)
(Teacher hands out safety contracts
& forms, shopping & reading lists,
Tues. Q. What do you
want to accomplish
in this course? (2
Students begin filling in
Goal Setting form. (5)
Review: The Scientific
Method- What are the
Teacher explains requirements of the The Scientific Process
course & grading policy. (8)
Critiqued- think /pair/share
Hand out: The Scientific Process
Critiqued. Explain that they are to
evaluate each experiment based on
the steps of the Scientific Method
Students write their own
definition of what constitutes
life. (5 min)
Students will write a
reflection stating
whether or not a virus is
alive and defending their
(Teacher goes over expectations position using at least
for the class, the rules, record
three of the
keeping, & grading.)
characteristics of life
Students write a
hypothesis about a demo
the teacher will do. For
homework, they write a
conclusion stating
whether their hypothesis
was supported and why
(2 min)
What do the terms
Wed. What are the
elements of a good (describe, compare,
AP essay? (3 min) define, etc.) mean? Briefly
go over handout on
writing (5 min)
Go over grading system for AP
exams and show them the rubric for
an example question. (5 min)
HW Using the rubric as a check list,
write an answer to the question.
(question # 4 form 2004B AP exam)
Students will use an
activity kit to build models Using the periodic table, students
of elements, ions, &
will collaborate to make Lewis dot
isotopes. (5)
models of various elements. (10)
Do “Comparing Molecular
Thurs. Begin by taking
quiz over Ch 1 & 2 Bonds” activity
Q Which
compounds have
stronger chemical
bonds- ionic or
covalent? Why?
Lab Activity: Physical properties
of ionic, covalent & hydrogen
Teacher will brief the lab, then
demonstrate the difference between
melting points in ionic and covalent
compounds and the conductivity of
two solutions.
Discussion: What trends are
seen in the Periodic tableconcepts- electronegativity, the
number of electrons that fill each
shell, valence electrons, families
& periods, bond types
Announce quiz for
tomorrow over Ch 1 & 2
Drawings of atoms and
atomic bonding will be
on the quiz.
HW Using Lewis dot diagrams,
show how covalent and ionic
compounds form. Answer
Lab Activity:
Ionic vs. Covalent compoundscomparison of the physical and
chemical properties of ionic &
covalent compounds
HW Do free response essay on
Watch assigned videos
Get chapter notes caught up
(Notebook check on Monday)
Lab Activity: (continued)
Ionic vs. Covalent compoundscomparison of the physical and
chemical properties of ionic &
covalent compounds
Answer reflection
questions on Molecular
Bonds. Write a
summary on what was
discovered in this
Reflection: Students
will answer reflection
questions and write a
summary of what they
have learned about ionic
and covalent compounds
HW Begin Tic Tac Toe Activity in terms of relative
strength, conductivity,
melting point, etc..