antebellum reform notes

Education Reform
A good education would alleviate problems in America
1. Teach citizenship and moral education
2. Prepare working class for a successful life
3. Available to “all” citizens
4. Supported by local taxes
Horace Mann – father of education - Massachusetts
1. education was a child’s “natural right,”
2. better teacher training
McGuffey’s Readers - textbook
1. Taught Values, Morality, Patriotism
Women’s Education
1. 1830, women’s literacy was but half of men
2. Catherine Beecher
a. believed that women were natural teachers
b. purpose of women’s education was to prepare them to be better mothers
and teachers
3. Oberlin College in Ohio was the first to admit women
Temperance Reform
American Temperance Society formed in 1826
1. Factory owners said alcoholism reduced worker output and caused accidents.
2. Used pictures, pamphlets
Neal Dow – father of prohibition
1. Maine Law of 1851
a. Prohibited manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquor
b. Other northeast states followed
Women’s reform
A.Cult of domesticity – women had little to no rights (no voting, no owning property if
married, legal status of a minor)
1. Womans job to civilize husband and family
B. Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, concerned about the denial of basic rights to
women, organized a convention to meet at Seneca Falls,New York in July 1848.
1. Declaration of Sentiments - very first time that women gathered to organized a
revolution for their independence. – document very similar to the Declaration of
Independence listing rights for women and grievances against men (king in Dec. of Ind)
2. began to equate women’s social and legal standing with that of slaves
IV. Anti-slavery reform (Abolition)
A. -American Colonization Society 1817 (wanted blacks to be resettled in Africa) Liberia
-Others call for blacks to remain in US and become citizens
B. William Lloyd Garrison
- white abolitionist had his own antislavery paper in 1831 called The Liberator
-Demanded immediate emancipation and violence was okay because the end justified the
- founded the American Anti-slavery Society in 1833
C. Frederick Douglas
-Former Slave who became an outspoken critic of slavery
-created The North Star (anti-slavery newspaper)
-wanted abolition without violence
D. Nat Turner
-led slave rebellion in August of 1831
- - killed almost 60 whites when they attacked 4 plantations then he and his 50+ followers were
rounded up and executed
-led to export of extra slaves from the Upper South to the Lower South