8 Common Factors of Ancient Egyptian Civilization This is an

8 Common Factors of Ancient Egyptian Civilization
This is an independent project!!
(It will also be an IB grade)
Your task: Research Ancient Egyptian Society to reveal the 8 common factors of civilization
 Cities
 Organized Government
 Complex Religion
 Job Specialization
 Social Classes
 Arts and Architecture
 Public Works
 Written Language
Using the internet, books from the library, and resources that can be found in the classroom, you
are to research the 8 common factors and display them in an informative and creative manner.
The Format:
1. Must be on a standard sized poster board
2. It must have a title
3. Must have flaps that reveal the information below. These flaps will have the name of the
common factor on top of it
4. Each common factor must have some sort of picture or illustration to demonstrate your
5. Each common factor MUST have a minimum of 3 items that support it (at least 3 facts).
It can have more if more information is needed. Example = social classes, there are more
than 3 which means you need more than 3 facts
6. The more detailed you are with your information, the better your overall grade
7. You must have the rubric with you on the day the project is due or it will be 10 pts off of
the final grade
My Project is Due: _________________________________________
Ms. Ladd will be at school every day at 8am, and every day until 5:30pm so that students may
come into the classroom before and after school to use the computers to research.
There is no excuse as to why you should not be able to complete this project on time
Research Key Words for Ancient Egypt
1. Cities
2. Organized Government
3. Complex Religion
4. Job Specialization
5. Social Classes
6. Arts and Architecture
7. Public Works
8. Written Language
8 Common Factors of Ancient Egypt Rubric
Directions: Use this rubric to guide you in creating your 8 common factors poster. Your goal is to
achieve the maximum score in each category.