War on Poverty

CH 19.3 & 20.1
Johnson’s Great Society
Origins of Vietnam War
LBJ’s background; Rhetoric on equality; JFK’s Legacy  Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII)
War on Poverty; Tax Bill (middle class); job training, education, healthcare; Economic Opportunity Act (1964); job corps/ volunteers
Head Start Program (1965); eliminated EOA; day cares; play groups  prepare for Elementary / PBS
Election of 1964; Johnson v Goldwater
Goldwater; Conservative  small government
Great Society Speech (1964); Vision for America; Improve OVERALL Quality of Life; End to Poverty & Racial Injustice
Healthcare; Medicare & Medicaid
Education; 1965 Elementary & Secondary Education Act
Environment & Consumer; Books (Silent Spring, Unsafe at Any Speed)  Water Quality Act (1965), Clean Water Restoration (1966),
National Traffic & Motor Vehicle Safety Act (1966)
Immigration; Immigration & Nationality Act (1965); altered quota system  L.A, Central America, Caribbean and Asia
Legacy; Poverty Declined; Healthcare Improved; Head Start Successful;
National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities (1965(
Supreme Court Reform; Earl Warren; Warren Court  most liberal in U.S History
Baker v Carr (1962) & Reynolds v Sims (1964); Reapportioned Representation
Rights of the Accused; SEVERAL; Escobedo V Illinois (1964); Miranda V Arizona (1966); Miranda Rights (5th & 6th Amendments)
Separation of Church and State; Engle V Vitale (1962)
Origins of Vietnam War
Ch. 20.1
Origins of Vietnam War; Post WWII Era  Against Colonialism  France and Indochina (Vietnam); some benefited; poverty
Rebellion; Ho Chi Minh (most important voice); independence  communism; traveled for Western Support
U.S faced with tough decision; nationalism –BUT- also against communism (containment); supports France  Domino Theory
France lost (1954); Vietminh @ Dien Bien Phu  May 7, 1954 declared Vietnam independent
Vietnam Divided; 17th Parallel
North; Communist  Ho Chi Minh; South  anti-communist; U.S supported; free elections; unify
U.S aids South Vietnam; SEATO; Ngo Dinh Diem  refused to run –BUT- received aid from U.S
Communist Opposition Grows; National Liberation Front (NLF, 1957); guerilla leaders  Vietcong  weaken Diem
Diem’s policies weaken him; how? ; Religion
JFK sends advisors (Special Forces) (1961); aids ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam) Americanizes war; 1963  11,300 advisors
Diem is weakened (1963); protests; New Leadership needed; JFK removes Diem 11/1/1963  killed
LBJ leads nation to war; Aug. 2, 1964; Vietcong  U.S.S Maddox; U.S  Airstrike
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution; unlimited war decision-making power