Grading for Mr. Van Dam's PE Class Each student will start off the

Grading for Mr. Van Dam’s PE Class
Each student will start off the day with 5 points. Points will be lost due to absence,
non-participation, poor participation, being tardy, non-suits, partial non-suits and
profanity. As long as the student shows up on time, dresses out and participates
daily, he or she will be successful in my class.
Cardio Run Times for Each Semester
4 Laps (1st SEM)
A - under 830
B - 831-1030
C - 1031-1230
D - 1231-1459
F - 1500-1700
4 Laps (2nd SEM)
A - under 815
B - 816-1015
C - 1016-1215
D - 1216-1445
F - 1446-1645
5 Laps (1st SEM)
A - under 13
B - 1301-15
C - 1501-17
D - 1701-1959
F - 2000-2200
5 Laps (2nd SEM)
A - under 1245
B - 1246-1445
C - 1446-1645
D - 1646-1945
F - 1946-2145
Grading scales for the runs are as follows:
A - 10
Make ups: All students are encouraged to make up lost points by completing written assignments that
can be found on my website. Students can also attend Zero period any time and participate in that class
that morning to recover any points lost during their regular class.