Unit 7 – The Judiciary - Abby Muirheid, Chase Chapaman Guiding

Unit 7 – The Judiciary - Abby Muirheid, Chase Chapaman
Guiding Questions
1. What powers does the judicial branch hold, according to Article III of the
Article III
The Judiciary has the power of…
Trying cases and controversies
All cases, including cases with ambassadors, public officials, states,
and citizens
Original jurisdiction in all cases where ambassadors, other public ministers,
and where the state is a party involved
The Supreme Court has appellant jurisdiction in every other case
Declaring the punishment of treason
2. How have the judiciary’s powers evolved over time, and what tools has the
judiciary used to expand its power?
1803- Marbury v. Madison
o Established the ability of judicial review to determine constitutionality of
1850-Sheldon v. Shillo
Showed that Congress could not limit the cases that the Supreme Court
would hear although it could limit the jurisdiction of district courts
1930-1953- West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish, Wickard v. Filburn, US v. Darby, US
v. Butler
Supreme Court redefines how they interpret the Constitution (to more
of a loose constructionist philosophy) to incorporate the New Deal
3. How is the judicial branch organized, and how does this impact the political
process and policy implementation?
Supreme Court
Highest State Courts
Court of Appeals
State Appellate Courts
District Courts
State Trial Courts
District Courts- created in 1789
94 total throughout the 50 states, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, Washington
DC, and the Northern Marina Islands
Serve as trial courts at the federal level
Seen as “enforcers” to policies implemented by SCOTUS
Court of Appeals- created in 1891
13 total
Each in separate districts of the US
Only have appellate jurisdiction
May only review decisions from lower courts
Supreme Court- established in Constitution
Highest court with final authority
Both original and appellate jurisdiction
Cases come from both federal and state courts
Most likely court to be involved in new policy making and implementation
4. What is the relationship between the judicial branch and the other branches of
government, and how has the balance of power shifted over the course of
American history?
o The Supreme Court has little prestige and few cases and very minor
o 1803- Marbury v. Madison establishes judicial review giving the judicial branch the
power to check the legislative branch
o Makes several rulings about the balance of power between the federal government
and the states
o 1850- Sheldon v. Shill establishes that Congress can limit the jurisdiction of district
courts but not the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
o 1935- SCOTUS gains its own accommodation!
o SCOTUS changes its interpretation of the Constitution to help facilitate the New Deal
o WWII- Court favors government power
o Expands the force of civil liberties according to the Constitution
o Supplies government with an unbroken run of antitrust victories
o 2000- Bush v. Gore to find the next president was very controversial
5. How does the judicial branch interact with political parties, interest groups, the
media, and state and local governments (including types of federalism)?
Supreme Court Justices hold their job under the tenure of good behavior in an attempt to
avoid biases in the court
District court judges are elected by the people and the legislature while federal court judges
are appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate
1803- Marbury v. Madison establishes judicial review giving the judicial branch the power
to check the legislative branch
1850- Sheldon v. Shill establishes that Congress can limit the jurisdiction of district courts
but not the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
Interest groups file amicus curiae briefs to argue in favor of an issue
o Interest groups also file lawsuits against the government or other parties
Judicial branch only interprets the law- it’s up to the legislative and executive branches to
implement it
The judicial branch can be influenced by the popular opinion portrayed in the media
Vocab Words
Court Cases