what should i study for the test?

Biology Essentials: Unit 9 - Introduction to Animals
1) Activity: Characteristics of Animals
a) Can you classify each of the kingdoms (Monera, Protista, Fungi, and Animalia) as prokaryotic,
eukaryotic, unicellular, multicellular, autotrophic, and heterotrophic?
b) Which of the kingdoms has some species with cell walls?
2) Kingdom Animalia PowerPoint notes. Review the entire PowerPoint notes: Topics may include:
a) List 5 characteristics of animals!
b) What percent of the animal kingdom are invertebrates? Vertebrates?
c) What are the levels of organization in animals?
d) Can you define each of the following types of feeding: herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, detritivores,
and filter feeders?
e) What gas is essential for animal respiration?
f) What is the function of the circulatory system? What all is transported within the system?
g) What is the primary waste product of cellular metabolism?
h) Define cephalization. Define sessile. What kingdoms have muscles?
i) How do most animals reproduce? Which type of reproduction leads to genetic diversity?
3) Kingdom Animalia PowerPoint notes II. Review the entire PowerPoint notes: Topics may include:
a) Define bilateral and radial symmetry
b) List the 5 steps of evolution by natural selection.
c) What theory did Darwin propose? What was the mechanism propose in this theory?
d) Be able to describe coevolution and adaptive radiation.
4) Lab: A Simulation of Natural Selection
a) What is natural selection? What is artificial selection?
5) Activity: Relative Dating
a) Can you define the following words: relative dating, the law of superposition, index fossils, and the
geologic time scale?
b) Do you know how to place rock layers in relative order?
6) Lecture: Absolute Dating
a) Can you define absolute dating, radioactive isotope, and half-life?
b) What elements are used to conduct absolute dating? What are the half-lives of K, C, and Pb?
c) Do you know how to complete absolute dating problems?