Module 6 Animal Abuse ppt

module 6
Family Violence Protocol
Integrated Training for Law Enforcement,
Social Services, and Advocates
animal abuse
Merced County Animal Control
HSA-SAS mod6animal.ppt (5/07)
 The Link
 Defined
• Laws
• Is it Abuse?
 Reporting
• Who and What
• Cross-Reporting
The Link
Between Animal & Human Abuse
 Research shows strong correlation
between animal abuse, child abuse, and
domestic violence.
 Seventy-five percent of violent offenders
have early records of animal cruelty.
 Animal abuse is a warning sign that
people in the home may not be safe.
More on the Link
 Child witnesses to animal abuse are also at
greater risk of becoming abusers
 Penal Code 11199 allows employees of
county child and adult protective service
agencies to report suspected animal abuse
for investigation.
 However, there are no laws mandating
reporting animal abuse.
More on the Link
 Law enforcement, social workers, domestic
violence advocates, health providers,
veterinarians, and animal control officers
all need to understand the link between
animal abuse and other forms of family
Legal Definition
 California Penal Code defines animal cruelty as
the malicious or intentional maiming, mutilation,
torture, or wounding of a living animal. Any
person who:
• Overworks, tortures, torments, deprives of
necessary food, drink, or shelter, cruelly beats,
mutilates, or cruelly kills an animal is guilty of a
misdemeanor or felony.
 It is a misdemeanor to:
• Own, possess, keep, or train a dog with the intent
to engage the animal in exhibition fighting.
• Be knowingly present as a spectator at an
exhibition of fighting dogs.
• Willfully abandon any animal.
Assessing Animal Abuse
 Identifying animal abuse or neglect can be
 Look at the entire situation to determine if
an animal is being abused or neglected,
and ascertain whether the abuse is
intentional or malicious.
 What seems like neglect may not fall within
the legal definition of animal abuse.
California 2007 Law Updates
 It is illegal to tether, fasten, chain, tie, or
restrain a dog to a dog house, tree, fence,
or any other stationary object. (H&S §
122335, New)
 Animal and cock fighting punishments are
increased. (P.C. § 597b, Amended)
 It is illegal to leave an animal in an
unattended motor vehicle under conditions
that endanger its health or well-being. (P.C.
§ 597.7 New)
Is it Abuse?
 A neighbor keeps his dog on a cable day and
night in the backyard.
• As long as the dog has food, water, and shelter,
this does not fall within the legal definition of
 The horse in the neighboring field stands in the
wind and rain all day.
• As long as the horse has food, water, and a place
to stand up, and can turn around and lie down in
an area not covered in water, this does not fall
within the legal definition of cruelty.
 A neighbor is shooting cats with a pellet gun.
• This is at least a misdemeanor and may be
charged as a felony.
What to Do
 If it seems a dog or cat has been poisoned:
• Take them to the vet immediately.
• Save any food products that may have been
thrown over the fence that they may have eaten; it
can be important evidence.
• A toxicology analysis will need to be done on the
animal to determine why it got sick or died before
cruelty can be proven.
 If a situation is unhealthy for an animal, but does
not fall within the legal definition of animal abuse,
approach the owner and suggest different
approaches to how they treat their pet.
Reporting to Animal Control
 If the incident is within city limits, contact
that city's police department.
 If the reported incident occurs outside of
city limits, contact County Animal Control.
• County Animal Control handles calls to the
unincorporated area and has agreements
to work within the cities if child or adult
protective services is involved.
• County Animal Control officers are sworn
law enforcement personnel.
Reporting (Continued)
 Report details so that Animal Control can
 Ask other witnesses to also report.
 Do not wait until an animal's life is in
 If you suspect abuse, document it and
report it to law enforcement.
What to tell Animal Control
 WHAT is happening may include information
about an animal's physical condition and/or an act
that was committed against the animal.
 WHO is committing the offense. Give the name
and description of the person or persons, car, and
license plate number.
 WHERE is the incident occurring. Give a specific
location, including address and cross streets.
 WHEN did the incident occur. Give the date and
 Animal Control officers are mandated
reporters of child abuse and neglect.
 If Animal Control sees children are possibly
neglected or abused, it is cross-reported to
 If Animal Control sees an elderly person or
dependent adult may have been abused or
neglected, it is cross-reported to APS
Know that . . .
 A Woman’s Place does not allow animals
in shelters.
 Foster parents do not allow pets.
 Animal Control may be able to find a
short-term animal foster home.
 Releasing the animal to Animal Control is
an option.
 Law enforcement should contact Animal
Control while on scene.
Module 6
Animal Abuse
Presented by:
Art Ferrario
Merced County Animal Control
Contact Information:
209-385-7436 or 209-564-2262
Family Violence Protocol
Training for Law Enforcement,
Social Services, and Advocates