“Teaching is a form of interpersonal influence aimed at changing the behavior
potential ofanother person”. -N.L. Gage(1962)
“Teaching is an arrangement and manipulation of a situation in which there are
gaps and obstructions which an individual will seek to overcome and from
which he will learn in the course of doing so”. -John Brubacher
Concept of Teaching:
Traditional Concept: Teaching is the act of imparting instructions to the
learners in the classroom situation. The teacher gives information to the students
, or one of the students reads from the text-book, while the other students
silently follow him in their text-books.
Modern Concept: Teaching is to cause the pupil to learn and acquire the
desired knowledge, skills and also desirable ways of living in the society. It is a
process in which learner, teacher, curriculum and other variables are organized
is a systematic and psychological way to attain some pre-determined goals.
According to Ryburn, “Teaching is a relationship which keeps the child
to develop all his powers.”
According to B. O. Smith, “Teaching is a system of actions intended to
produce learning.”
According to Thomas F. Green, “Teaching is the task of teacher which is
performed for the development of the child.”
According to Burton, “Teaching is thestimulation, guidance, direction
andencouragement of learning.”
According to H. C. Morrison, “Teaching is anintimate contact between a
more maturepersonality and less mature one which is designedto further
the education of the learner.”
Teaching is…….
 Tri-polar Process (The Teacher, The Pupil and The Subject Matter)
 Interactive Process.
 Multiple Phases (Pre-active, inter-active and post-active phase)
 Multiple Levels (Memory level, understanding level and reflective
 Planned Activity.
Intentional Behaviour.
Communication between 2 or more persons.
To cause motivation to learner.
Professional Activity.
Art as well as Science.
Nature and Characteristics of GoodTeaching:
 Includes the Provision of Desirable Information
 Is Causing to Learn
 Needs Efficient Planning
 Is Selective (Disseminating the selected knowledge is called good
 Is to Provide Opportunities for Activity.
 Is Sympathetic (Successful teaching essentially requires emotional
stability and security)
 Is Cooperative (Teacher should offer good suggestions).
 Is Organization of Learning.
 Is Democratic.
 Is Progressive
 Leads to Emotional Stability
 Is Helping the … Child to Adjust Himself to his Environment
 Is a Means of Preparation for Future Life
 Is Both Diagnostic and Remedial
 A key aspect of effective teaching is having a plan for what will
happen in the classroom each day. Teaching and learning should be
well planned with clear objectives that are understood by learners.
 The approaches to teaching and learning should engage all learners,
encouraging them to be active partners in the process.
 The activities should be relevant to the needs of learners and to the
programme they are following.
 Creating such a plan involves setting realistic goals, deciding how to
incorporate course textbooks and other required materials, and
developing activities that will promote learning
 This means that teaching learning sessions should:
 meet individual learning needs;
 contain activities that motivate and engage all learners,
whatever their age, ability and cultural background;
 make clear links between schemes of work and individual
session plans;
and thus a teacher who is prepared is well on his/her way to a successful
instructional experience.
Planning is important because how we teach is as important as what we
The purposes of planning include:
 clarification of the objectives to the pupils,
 provision for individual differences,
 development of means for stimulating interest,
 provision for a logical instructional sequence,
 provision for flexibility, and
 enabling the teacher to teach with confidence.
 Effective planning is the basis of successful teaching.
 Planning begins with the goals of a particular teaching- learning situation;
 encompasses means of attaining those goals, including materials and
 and terminates with effective procedures for evaluating the degree to
which the instructional goals have been achieved.
 Good planning has the potential to build confidence, and make a
teacher feel more secure in lesson execution.
Basic types of planning include:
 Long-range plans for the year or semester
 Plans of units of work relating to the larger plan and
 Plans for each days work -- all contributing to the accomplishment of the
major objectives of education.
Cooperative planning.
Although the preparation of actual plans is regarded as the primary
responsibility of the student teacher, it must be viewed as a team effort action.
Thus, the mentor teacher plays a critical role in planning for teaching.
A wide range of activities may be included in the planning process, such as,
 the mentor teacher: serving as an exemplar of well-planned teaching;
 furnishing basic planning instruction;
 encouraging, and
 if necessary, insisting on planning being done;
 critiquing student prepared plans;
 recommending modifications;
 using the plans as a basis for objectifying
observations; and
 helping the student evaluate his or her instructional
efforts within the context of the pre-prepared plans.
In other words, careful, cooperative planning involves instruction and offers the
mentor teacher excellent opportunities for establishing good working
relationships and guiding the growth of the student teacher.
Elements of planning :
 statement of objectives, which clearly shows what is to be taught and the
outcomes to be achieved, expressed in terms of pupil learning;
 statement of activities, a logical step-by-step sequence of instruction,
necessary transition, and an appropriately developed ending;
 list of materials to be used;
 assessment, including at least two types of assessment:
o assessment of pupil learning, and
o assessment of the teaching procedures.
Title of the lesson
Time required to complete the lesson
List of objectives which may be behavioural objectives (what the
previous lessons student can do at lesson completion) or knowledge
objectives (what the student knows at lesson completion)
The set (or lead-in, or bridge-in) that focuses the lesson students on the
lessons skills or concepts—these List of required materials include
showing pictures, which or models, asking leading questions, or
An instructional component that describes the sequence of events that
make up the lesson including the teachers instructional input and guided
practice to students to try new skills or work with new ideas.
An evaluation component, a test for mastery of instructed skills or,
concepts—such as a set of questions to answer or a set of instructions to
the follow
Analysis component the teacher uses to reflect on the lesson itself —
such as what worked, what needs improving
A Summary where the teacher wraps up the discussion and answers
A continuity component reviews and reflects content from the previous