Narrative Experience Essay

Ms. Porter
English 10
Narrative writing is all about detail and description. A great narrative uses description to draw
the reader in, then uses clear and vivid language to describe an experience in detail to keep
the reader interested.
This assignment has two purposes:
1. To help me get to know you
2. To show me what you can do as a writer
PROMPT: Choose a memory or experience that you want to write about. This should be a
specific event that you remember clearly, and that has somehow impacted or affected who
you are today. Your story should have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion, and it
should use your best descriptive writing. This paper will be scored based on the NARRATIVE
rubric (see back).
 Requirements: This paper must be a minimum of 2 pages typed in MLA format: size 12
Times New Roman font, and double-spaced (OR 2 pages single-spaced, handwritten).
 DUE DATE: You are expected to bring a completed draft to class on Friday, September
18th. Your final draft is due Tuesday, September 22nd.
Use any of the following questions to help you brainstorm an experience in your life that
you want to write about:
o What is your first clear memory? Why do you think you remember that experience so well?
o Who was your first best friend? How did you know they were your best friend?
o Is there an event in your life that has changed you in some way? If so, how did it change you?
o What is the most vivid memory you have from the last year?
o What is your fondest memory from being young? Why is this memory important to you?
o Have you ever moved? If so, where from? What was the experience like? How did it affect you
or your life?
Name of Writer: ___________________________
Class/Period: ____________________________
Peer Scored by: ______________________________
RUBRIC for Narrative (Experience) Paper: DUE September 17th!
Exceeds (4)
Meets (3)
Nearly Meets (2)
Beginning (1)
Ideas and
____1. Purpose and main
ideas are clear, focused
and interesting
____1. Purpose and
main ideas are clear
and focused
____1. Purpose and main
ideas are overly broad or
Supporting details:
____2. General or
limited in places
____3. Some
connections and
insights are present
____4. Organization is
clear; order and
structure are present.
____5. Clear
sequencing and
paragraph breaks;
organization is
____6. Introduction is
Supporting details:
____2. Limited, off-topic,
predictable or too general
____3. Connections and
insights are missing
Supporting details:
____2. Relevant, carefully
selected details
____3. Makes
connections and shares
____4. Order and
structure are strong and
move the reader through
the text.
____5. Effective
sequencing and
paragraph breaks
____1. Purpose and main
ideas are unclear and
require inferences by
Supporting details:
____2. Minimal
development; insufficient
____3. Irrelevant details or
extensive repetition
____4. Organizational
structure is unclear and
difficult to follow
____6. Inviting
introduction that draws
the reader in
____4. Overall structure
is inconsistent or skeletal.
____5. Some sequencing
and paragraphs breaks;
order of ideas may be
____6. Introduction is too
short, obvious or
ineffective (e.g., “My
topic is…”)
____7. Conclusion is too
short, obvious or
____8. Transitions are
infrequent or repetitive
____5. Paragraph breaks
are missing.
____9. Language is
repetitive and/or misused,
taking away from the
meaning and impact.
____7. Conclusion has a
satisfying sense of
resolution or closure
____8. Smooth, effective
transitions among all
elements (sentences,
paragraphs, ideas)
____9. Employs a broad
range of words, which
have been carefully
chosen and thoughtfully
placed for impact.
____7. Conclusion is
____10. Writing has an
easy flow and rhythm.
Sentences are carefully
crafted, with strong and
varied structure.
____10. Writing is easy
to read aloud; sounds
natural; variety of
sentence beginnings,
lengths and patterns.
____9. Does not employ a
variety of words,
language lacks precision
and variety, or is
inappropriate to audience
and purpose.
____10. Some parts are
easy to read aloud;
occasional awkward
constructions force the
reader to slow down.
____11. Strong control of
conventions; uses
conventions effectively to
enhance readability.
Errors are few and minor.
____11. Control of
conventions. Minor
errors do not impede
____11. Limited control
of conventions. Errors
begin to impede
Word Choice
____8. A variety of
transitions are used
____9. Employs a
variety of words that
are functional and
appropriate to
audience and purpose.
____6. Introduction is
missing or underdeveloped
____7. Conclusion is
missing or underdeveloped
____8. Transitions are
____10. Writing tends to
either be choppy, rambling
or incomplete. Awkward
constructions force the
reader to slow down or
____11. Little control of
conventions. Frequent
errors impede readability.
Name: ________________________
Period: ____
Possible Topics:
 The BIG mistake or success
An extreme weather condition that you endured
A time when you were lost (literally or metaphorically)
The first… (friend, day of, experience…)
The worst mix-up of your life
Your best... (pet, birthday, Fourth of July, Halloween, etc.)
Your worst accident or brush with death
Meeting a celebrity
Challenging an authority
A triumph/failure in sports or some artistic endeavor
A risk that paid off (or didn’t)
A bad habit that got you into (or out of) trouble
Look at your Random Autobiography Poem/Brainstorm for ideas
What did you write about for the I live in Poem? Is there a story about this?
Who did you write about for the Who poem? Is there a moment or experience with them?
Brainstorm your potential moments:
Directions: Pick ONE of the moments in your brainstorm list.
Use the graphic organizer below to organize the events of your experience and to identify its significance.
● List the events of your experience in chronological order.
● Answer the questions at the bottom of the page to consider the significance of the experience, and
write a sentence telling what the experience meant to you.
Event 1:
Event 2:
Event 3:
Event 4:
How did the experience change me?
What did I learn from the experience?
How has my perspective, my thoughts and feelings about the event changed or shifted over time?
What did the experience mean to me?
If you answered no or that your experience didn’t change or affect you in a MEANINGFUL way…
choose another experience!
How will I work in details in description? What do I need to describe in detail?
Essay requirements:
❏ Brainstorm sheet completed
❏ Rough draft with Peer Edit
❏ Final copy (size 12 Times New Roman font, 2 pages typed, double-spaced)
❏ Self Score and Peer Score on Essay Rubric
This essay is graded for the 5 writing standards: ideas/content, organization, word choice, sentence fluency,
and conventions which is 50% or 5/10 standards!
**If you don’t do BOTH essays in a semester, you will fail the class. **