Biology 73 * Animal Behavior

Biology 252 – Human Anatomy and Physiology
Syllabus for LECTURE, SU14, Second Session
Time and Place:
Lecture - Every day, 9:45-11:15, Wilson 107
Lab – Wilson Rm 111 or 212
Dr. Eric Bauer
Nick Garcia, Susan Lyon
Wilson G10
Email: or (I prefer my Elon address to my UNC address but check both)
Office Hours: By appointment only. Most days, I arrive on campus just before lecture (~9:30) but am available to meet
after lecture as needed. Do not hesitate to arrange a time to meet with me. With notice, I can shift my schedule to meet
with you.
Class Website:
A website for Biol 252 is available on Sakai. This syllabus itself, lecture PPTs, and various other items will be posted
throughout the semester for your reading pleasure. Bookmark it as soon as you are able – you’ll be glad you did.
In addition to the Sakai site, you will have to activate your account on McGraw’s website. As part of the course, you
will have to take online quizzes through this course’s section of the McGraw site.
Special Needs: If you are a student with a documented disability who will require accommodations in this course, please
register with XXXX for assistance in developing a plan to address you academic needs. Then notify me and we will work
out a solution for this course.
Course Goals: The course teaches basic human anatomy and physiology. The lectures will focus on physiology (how
and why things work), while the lab will focus mostly on exposing you to the anatomy of us and other mammals. As
many other courses and programs build upon the foundation of introductory human A&P, the main goal of this course
is to give you a sufficient background in how humans work so that you will be prepared for the next step in your
academic career.
Attendance Policy: Attendance is not mandatory to lectures. In fact, if you are only going to come and sleep or text I’d
rather you didn’t come. You aren’t learning anything and you are a distraction to those who wish to learn.
HOWEVER, the majority of the exam questions will come from material covered in lecture, and not all topics
covered in lecture are in the textbook. So, if you wish to have a chance to pass this course I’d advise coming to
lecture and paying attention.
Attendance is mandatory to the labs, every single one. This is a very short course and the labs are an important part of
the course. Moreover, there is no easy way for you to make up a missed lab. Lastly, your lab partners are counting on
your presence and participation, so missing labs hurts them too. Emergencies and other unexpected events happen
though, so if you find that you can’t make it to a lab, your TA (or I) will need to hear from you (or someone speaking
for you) via email by 9am of the next day.
Missed In-class Work: For the lectures, there are 2 in-class exams. You must notify me in advance as soon as you know
that you will miss one of these exams because of a legitimate excuse. Failure to do so will result in a “0” for that
exam. If you miss an exam unexpectedly, due to illness for example, you must notify me by 9am of the next day
about why you missed it and when you will make it up. Email me until you get a response. If you do not get a
response then you cannot assume that I have gotten your message. Failure to notify me by 9am the next day will
result in a “0” for that exam. It is my sole discretion as to what is a legitimate excuse.
For the labs, there are no official make-up labs. If you miss a lab for a legitimate reason, you may be able to work out
with your TA some way to cover the missed material (perhaps coming in early or leaving late the next day). This is at
the discretion of the TAs who are very busy people when not teaching Bio 252 labs.
Online Quizzes and Homeworks: For the lecture, there are online quizzes and homeworks due most every day. All of
the quizzes must be completed by 10am of their due date. Homeworks allow you to retake them as many times as you
wish, until you get 100%. These are designed simply to allow you to test your own comprehension of the material.
The quizzes will be open for you to take only between 7am and 10am of their due date; you will have only 10 minutes
to complete them; and you will only get one try. These are designed to allow me to assess how well you have learned
the material.
Grading: We will have 2 in-class exams each consisting of a mix of T/F, multiple choice, and short answers. The
multiple choice questions usually require a thoughtful analysis and only rarely rely on pure memorization. The
written answers need to be clear, well-organized, complete, and concise.
The final exam will be cumulative and similar in format to the exams. Approximately half of it will cover new
material since the last exam, and the remainder will cover old material.
Lecture Assignments
Exam 1
Exam 2
Mini-quizzes 5@5pts
Final Exam
140pts (approximately)
Lab Assignments
To be announced in the lab syllabus.
Your overall grade for Bio 252 is determined by weighting the lecture grade at 75% and the lab grade at 25%. Thus,
your performance in the lecture will impact your final grade more than your performance in the lab. However, this
does not mean you can just blow off lab. Failure to get a passing grade (at least a D) in either the lecture or the
lab will result in failing the overall course regardless of how the math would work out. As an example: lets say
you earned a 77% in the lecture but only a 55% in the lab. Even though the math says your overall grade for the
course should be 71.5%, you will still get an F on your transcript. The reason for this is simple: this course is Human
Anatomy AND Physiology. The lecture covers the physiology side of things while the lab covers the anatomy side. I
cannot in good conscience say that you having a passing understanding of both topics unless you have actually passed
both subjects.
Additional notes: There will be no extra credit apart from that on exams. To be fair to everyone in class, no form of
curving will be used in grade calculations. The averages will speak for themselves. This also means that I do not
consider “effort” nor do I factor in “improvement” over the course of the semester. I do not provide extra
assignments to help boost your grade. I do not drop low grades. I do not “round up”; to get an A- you need a score of
90.0000000%, not 89.9999999%.
Text: Saladin , Anatomy and Physiology, 7th Edition. MAKE SURE to activate your online account and gain access to
this course’s website on McGraw.
Readings and course schedule are in a separate Excel file found on the Sakai site.
Honor Code: As in any course at UNC, you are expected to adhere to the tenets of the student honor code and you
will be asked to sign your exam as an indication that you will do so.