Art 10 Course outline - MSONEIL147

Art 10
Ms. O’Neil - Room 147
Digby Regional High School
Art 10 is an introductory Fine Arts course. It looks at the historical
importance of art, the elements and principles of design, and the cultural
relevance of art. Students will explore a variety of artistic techniques,
styles and theories. Students will be introduced to the fine arts through
lessons and hands-on experimentation. Students will also be expected
to examine and critique artistic works using art terminology.
Artistic forms covered in Art 10:
Found Art
**Copies of class notes and handouts will be available in electronic format on my wiki
The fundamental goal of this course is to help students explore their own
identity and creativity. They are encouraged to use artistic forms to
express themselves.
Sketch Book
Pens/ Pencils
Sketching pencils
Gummy Eraser
Coloured Pencils
Expectations of Students
1. Be Respectful! Treat all students and
staff with respect.
2. Come to class prepared to learn
3. Arrive for class on time
4. Contribute to class discussions in an
appropriate and respectful
5. No CELL PHONES are to be used
during class time!
Parents/ Guardians:
If you have any
questions regarding Art
10 and/or your child’s
progress please feel free
to contact me at school
or by email at
Visit my website:
I encourage you to
contact me with any
comments, questions or
Please feel free to come
see me for extra help or
questions about
assignments or grades.
Extra help can be arranged
before or after school.
I am here to help you!
* Art 10 is an introduction to fine arts. Students are not expected to master art forms or produce perfect finished
products. This is a participation and effort based course. It is imperative that students participate and try all
Sketch Book/ Journal (20%) – Students are expected to apply the techniques they learn in class and produce
opinion based responses on works of art. As they are introduced to art terminology they will be expected to use
this terminology when critiquing or commenting on works of art.
Independent Research Essay & Poster (15%) – Each student will have to conduct research and write a
research paper on a type of art, period of art history or famous artist. Topic must be approved by the teacher.
In- Class Assignments (45%) – In addition to the above mentioned components students will also be asked to
complete in-class assignment on topics and materials discussed in class.
Art Show /Exam (20%)- Students will be given the option of participating in the Art Show or writing a Written &
Product based Exam
Art Show: Each students is required to submit five pieces of art ( complete in class, at home or specifically for
the show), 150 word response on each piece of art and participate as a judge in the show.
Assignment Policy:
If an assignment is passed in on or before the due date it will be marked and eligible for
re-submission. Assignments not passed in on the due date are not eligible for resubmission and must be passed in with a late slip on the due date agreed upon by the
teacher and student. When a due date is missed it is the student’s responsibly to fill out a
late slip and have the teacher sign it.
Assignments that do not include the late slip will not be marked.
Assignments that do not meet the second due date will receive a mark of zero.
Assignments that have been plagiarized or are not properly cited will receive a mark of zero. The student will
have the opportunity to resubmit their assignment. If the assignment is not resubmitted the mark of zero will
be kept.
This policy is in place to encourage students to read feedback, reflect on their work, and
take opportunities to revise and resubmit.
I have read and understand the assignment policy.
Student Signature
Parent/ Guardian Signature
Late Assignment Slip
Name: ________________________________
Reason for missing original deadline: _____________________________________________________
This assignment will be handed in on __________________________ (date), or I will receive a zero for the
Student Signature: ___________________________
Parent Signature: ___________________________
Teacher Signature ___________________________