M-B Profile and Work Behavior

Myers Briggs In Organizations
Richard W. Moore, Ph.D.
 Complete and score instrument
 Think about your behavior at work when
 Understand your personal preferences and
how they affect your Managerial style.
 Examine how MBTI effects teamwork.
 Understand the importance of individual
differences in organizations.
Value of the MBTI
 Better understand your own and others
behavior at work.
 Develop a language for talking about
individual differences in an objective manner.
 Understand how individual’s different ways of
approaching a problem can improve team
 Predict strengths and blinds spots for teams.
Understanding the MBTI
 Reflects back what you say about your self
in a systematic way.
 Profiles what you prefer to do, not what
you can do.
 Letters represent ends of one scale, your
actual score is somewhere along the scale.
 All participation is voluntary.
 Rick is available for follow-up discussion.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicators (MBTI)
 1st Letter
 Energizing: Orientation of your energy
Extroversion: towards the outside
world, people activities and things
Introversion: toward the world inside
you, emotions and impressions.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicators (MBTI)
 2nd Letter
 Attending: what a person pays attention to,
Sensing: noticing what is actual, taking
in information through the five sense,
focus on specifics first.
 INtuition: noticing what might be, take
in information through a 6th sense,
focus on the overall pattern first.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicators (MBTI)
 3rd Letter
 Deciding: how a person makes decisions,
Thinking: preference for structuring
information to decide in a logical
objective way
Feeling: preference for structuring
information to decide in a personal,
values orientated way.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicators (MBTI)
 4th Letter
 Living: orientation to the outside world, how
you deal with life: either
Judging: preferring a planned organized
Perceiving: preferring a spontaneous,
flexible life
Discussion Point
 On page 9 and 10 examine the “preferences”
that go with your profiles.
 Discuss with your group:
 Do you prefer these behaviors at work?
 Do you recognize people around you have the
opposite preference?
 Have your preference affected you interactions with
Discussion Point: Quadrants
 On page 34 find your leading/following style.
 Discuss:
 Does this description fit you?
 How has your type affected your interactions at
work? With subordinates? With Peers?
 Give specific examples.
 Report in to larger group
Discussion Point: Four
 Find and review your temperament on page 34.
 Discuss how these preferences influence your
behavior at work:
Discussion Point 5: Your Type
 Find full description of your type in
pages 14-29.
 Review the description and see if it
fits you.
 Review “Potential Areas for Growth”
 What are your blind spots? Where
can you develop?
M-B Profile and Groups
 Homogeneous
 Start fast.
 Reach agreement
 People feel
 Generate fewer
creative solutions.
 Tend to have
collective blind
 Heterogeneous
 Start Slow.
 Have more conflict
and have difficulty.
 People feel less
 Generate more
creative solutions.
 Catch errors and
over sights.
Map # Team members in Each Quadrant
IS Thoughtful Realist
IN Thoughtful
ES Action Oriented
EN Action Oriented
Map # of Team Members in Each
SJ Guardians
SP Artisans
NF Idealists
NT Rationalists
Based on your profiles
answer these questions
 How heterogeneous of homogeneous is your
 How would you describe you team’s workstyle(s)?
 What are your team’s strengths?
 What types of tasks will your team be best at?
 What types of tasks will be most problematic?
 What leadership style works with your team?
 What are your collective blind spots?