Unit 3 Study Guide KEY

Unit 3 Resources
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Study Guide
Use your Textbook (Chap 4), Vocabulary, Notes, FRAMES, Unit Organizer, and this Study Guide to prepare for the TEST.
Remember, your score depends on you knowing and understanding the content. Studying requires your time and
concentration. Complete the following using your Unit 3 Materials.
1. List all the fossil fuels.
Coal, Natural Gas, Petroleum
2. List all the non-renewable
Minerals, Coal, Natural Gas, Petroleum
3. List all the renewable
Biomass, water, soil, sunlight, air, tides
4. What is the main reason coal
Cheap when compared to other choices.
is used to produce
5. What are the biggest
Nonrenewable, causes pollution, adds carbon dioxide to atmosphere.
problems with depending on
fossil fuels?
6. What are the environmental
benefits gained by using
Fewer pollutants, fewer greenhouse gases (ex. carbon dioxide, carbon
renewable energy?
7. Which fuel has the least
Solar energy
environmental impact on the
8. Why is it a bad idea to
The source in consistent.
depend on wind power to
generate electricity for a
large city?
Burning of fossil fuels
9. What is climate change?
10. How does nuclear power
Does not generate carbon dioxide. Doesn’t contribute to climate change.
help to slow climate change?
11. What is the main
disadvantage of using nuclear
as an energy resource?
Creates long-lasting waste (radioactive waste).
12. What is the main
Causes pollution when burned.
disadvantage of using coal as
an energy resource?
13. What is the main
Only available during the day or through storage (cell).
disadvantage of using
solar/solar panels as an
energy resource?
14. What are the main
Occasionally available. Wind turbines obstruct views. Kills birds.
disadvantages of using wind
as an energy resource?
15. What is the one negative
Interferes with migratory birds.
thing about using wind
turbines on the peak of
16. What is the greatest
Destruction of free-running rivers and its ecosystem.
environmental cost of
hydroelectric power?
17. What is the source of
Within the earth’s crust (volcano).
Geothermal Energy?
18. What is Geothermal Energy
Space (building) heating and cooling, and hot water heaters.
used for?
19. What region or province in
Appalachian Highlands.
VA is best known for coal
20. What natural resource makes
the biggest contribution to
VA’s economy?
21. What is coal used for?
Power plants  energy
22. What is silica used for?
23. What is gravel/crushed stone
Road Construction
used for?
24. What is limestone used for?
25. What is a largely untapped
Tidal energy
reusable energy source in
26. What is strip mining and
what is one method to lessen
Removal of top the top of a mountain to extract coal. Require that
landscape and vegetation of mined land be restored.
the environmental impact?
27. What is (a) biomass and what
are all the different kinds?
28. When looking at this graph,
Burning former living plant material as fuel for energy. Ex. soybeans &
corn, wood, grass-eating animal dung, peat blocks.
About 75% of consumption is a combination of fossil fuels.
what can you conclude about
energy consumption (=use)?
29. Historically, Midwest
factories were responsible
They were caught up in the wind and carried to the NE United States
where they contributed to acid rain.
for high concentrations of
local air pollutions. They
raised the height of the
smokestacks, which solved
the local air pollution
problem. (a) What happened
to the pollutants and (b)
what did it contribute to?
30. Which source of energy is
Solar Power Cells
thought to have the smallest
ecological impact on Earth?
31. What are the two most
Limestone & coal
common organic
sedimentary rocks?
32. When classifying rocks, they
are classified as sedimentary,
igneous, or metamorphic
Based on origin (where).
based on what?
33. How are sedimentary rock
layers always deposited?
34. What kind of grain do
igneous rocks have and why?
35. When looking at an igneous
Coarse grain, intrusive…cools slowly.
Fine grain, extrusive…cools quickly.
The texture which is actually the size of the grain/crystal.
rock, what is the best
evidence of the environment
in which it was formed?
36. (a) How are metamorphic
rocks classified? (b) Which
Foliated…with stripes/bands of color.
Non-foliated…without stripes/bands of color.
type has stripes or bands of
37. When figuring out the position of a point on a map the latitude gets larger going N and S of the Equator and
the longitude get larger going east and west of the Prime Meridian.
38. What is the formula for
39. What are the steps of coal
formation in order?
1. Ancient vegetation in swampy area
2. Vegetation dies & gets buried
3. Sedimentary layers continue to deposit on top of the dead vegetation
4. Heat and pressure caused by layers piling up change it into coal
40. The unit for mass is grams and the unit for volume is milliliters.
41. If a rock sample is 24 grams,
and its volume is 6
millimeters, its density is
calculated as
Show your work here and don’t
24g/6mL = 4g/mL
forget units 