lCastillo Esmeralda English 1302 sec March 27, 2013 Ms. Felicia

lCastillo Esmeralda
English 1302 sec
March 27, 2013
Ms. Felicia
MLA Assignment
Direct Quote: Adams family and friends were less than supportive of his journey, he says “My
mom is nervous. My pop seems more excited about it than I am. My brother anxiously awaits my
departure so he can take possession of my bed. My friend Sarah is merely curios” (Shepard, 1).
Paraphrase: Adam family has mixed reactions at the thought of Adams journey. His mother is
anxious, but his father is excited. His brother and friend Sarah take a nonchalant attitude toward
it(Shepard, 1).
Work Cited: Shepard, Adam. Scratch Beginnings. New York:Harper, 2008.Print
Direct Quote:
No one knows when the story of love began in the history of mankind, though from a religious
point of view it started with Adam and Eve and the Forbidden Fruit.(Tarlaci)
Paraphrase: Love has a place in the religious story of Adam and eve and the forbidden fruit. In
mankind’s history, love has no beginning and is obscure.
Work Cited: Tarlaci, Sultan. (2010). The Brain in Love: Has Neuroscience Stolen the Secret of
Love? Retrieved from EbscoHost data base. (Accession No. 84345641)
Direct Quote: While describing his previous service after the return on Vietnam Kern said “What
stands out most about everything is that before I went and after I got back, the news media
showed the bad things the military was doing over there and the body counts” (Cornall and
Flaccus 13A ).
Paraphrase: “Kern believes that the media only portrayed the negative parts of the Vietnam war,
such as the body counts. He believes the news changed significantly before and after his time in
the service”(Cornall and Flaccus, 13A).
Works Cited Cornall, Lisa,.Gillian Flaccus. “American Troops Left Vietnam 40 Years Ago”
Caller Times. March 31, 2013.13A.Print
Direct Quote: The mother of the defendant, Brenda Moses says “My feelings go out to the
mother, and the baby and my baby" (Valencia).
“The crying mother of the accused defendant, Brenda Moses spook to reporters, expressing
condolences to the victim and his family, and her own son.” (Valencia).
Work Cited : Valencia , Nick. “Suspected baby shooter's Mom, Aunt, arrested”
March 26, 2013.web.March 27, 2013
5. Magazine
Direct Quote: Manning, a soldier accused of violating military law had his behavior described as
“flying into uncontrollable rages, yelling, crying, and throwing chairs, then becoming sullen and
withdrawn.”(Reitman, 51)
Paraphrse “ The accused soldier Manning, who is accused of violating military law, had been
noted to go into tantrums, and was known to throw chairs, yell, cry, go in a rage. Afterwards, he
would become dethatched and sullen”(Reitman, 51)
Works cited Reitman, Janet. “The Trials of Bradley Manning”Rollingstones. 51.print.
6. Literature Book
Direct Quote: “A bibliography is an organized list of sources (books, articles, websites, maps,
and so on) on a particular topic”(Channell and Crusius , 524).
Paraphrase: As the authors of the classroom literature book, Channel and Cruisius go on to
explain that a bibliography is just a concise record of sources, which include, but is not limited
to, books, articles and websites.(Channell and Crusius, 524)
Work Cited Channell E. Carolyn, Timothy W. Crusius. Engaging questions: A guide to
writing. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2013.print.
Works Cited
Channell E. Carolyn, Timothy W. Crusius. Engaging questions: A guide to writing. New
York, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2013.print.
Cornall, Lisa, Gillian Flaccus. “American Troops Left Vietnam 40 Years Ago” Caller Times.
March 31, 2013.13A.Print
Shepard, Adam. Scratch Beginnings. New York: Harper, 2008.Print
Tarlaci, Sultan. (2010). The Brain in Love: Has Neuroscience Stolen the Secret of Love?
Retrieved from EbscoHost data base. (Accession No. 84345641)
Valencia , Nick. “Suspected baby shooter's Mom, Aunt, arrested” March 26,
2013.web.March 27, 2013