Geometry and the Z

The Z-buffer algorithm and
geometric primitives
Drawing with lines and curves only – no
Used today in PostScript, text, and some
output devices
Creating images for a rectangular array of
pixels -- virtually all modern displays
Usually RGB colorspace used: say 8 bits for
each of red, green, blue
Hardware-accelerated graphics emphasized
populating the raster with sensible values as
quickly as possible
Rendering: converting a description of a scene
into an image of the scene
Typically, scene descriptions are geometry
Explicit geometry: list of points (vertices) about
which some information is known
Different ways of assembling vertices
isolated vertices (points)
 sequences of points (lines, piecewise linear curves)
 triangles
 collections of triangles
Triangle fan
Triangle Strip
fewer than 3 vertices per triangle
saves memory, bus usage
Hardware support for real-time rendering
which pixels are needed to show the object?
which object can be seen?
Project objects onto screen
eye position
Project every vertex onto screen
Pixels receive appropriate colors
eye position
The vertex is the fundamental
primitive in modern real-time rendering
 All information stored in vertex
 color
 texture coordinates
 surface normal (direction perpendicular to surface)
 possibly other attributes, in custom vertex format
Fundamental rendering problem:
Have a collection of geometry
 Need to know what is visible (closest to the eye) at a
given point on the screen
 Don’t draw things that are behind other things
Historically, devolved to sorting
"Painter's Algorithm"
Sort your objects in order of decreasing distance to
the eye
 Paint the most distant ones first, the closest ones last
 Paint over the images of the distant objects with the
closer objects that are in front of them
Sorting is an enormous burden
The Z-buffer uses dedicated memory to free us
from that problem (mostly)
Depth buffer: stores z value at every pixel
Depth test: only draw a fragment if it is closer
than the last drawn fragment
Now, objects can be drawn in any order
With each pixel, store a depth (Z) value
Initialize z-buffer values to infty
For each fragment: Draw it iff it has a lower
value than the previous value (hence is closer)
Specialized buffer available
Update the depth buffer
Brute force solution to visibility
Lack of resolution in depth buffer results in “zfighting” between close values
Transparent objects need to be drawn last, and
multiple transparent objects still demand
Few transparent objects
Maybe, don’t care if we accurately show transparent
objects behind other transparent objects
Lighting calculations done on each vertex to
determine color
Custom vertex shader executed, or standard
one : BasicEffect in XNA
Historically, final colors computed by vertex
shader, later interpolated across pixels
"Three term lighting model"
Gouraud shading
Critical task of vertex shader: compute final
position of every vertex
Each vertex in the geometry receives
appropriate transformation
Same transformation on each vertex
Modeling transform: Moving, orienting, and scaling
the objects to create the scene
Viewing transform: Change of coordinate systems
from whatever world coordinates into canonical
Values from vertices interpolated to find values
of fragment
Color interpolated (RGBA)
Texture coordinates interpolated
 Texture lookup produces per-pixel color
Custom pixel shader executes at this step,
potentially taking additional values from
vertices and computing final color
Primitives converted into pixels in the raster
Fragment values combined into pixel values
(might have multiple fragments per pixel)
Depth test applied here
Virtually all modern real-time computer
graphics done with z-buffering
Hardware executes operations in parallel to
accelerate image synthesis
Strict limitations on what can be done
“why do all video games look the same?”
Changing because of access to shaders
Now we will look at how to make use of some
of this information in practice
Future lectures:
Writing custom vertex and pixel shaders
 Applying and combining transformations
 Using transformations to control the camera
 moving the camera around in a scene, like in a FPS
For now:
putting geometry in the world
rendering with static camera and BasicEffect shader
XNA runs the Z-buffer algorithm for you
Fixed bit depth of Z-buffer is an issue
enable depth testing, and nearer objects will be
drawn in front of further objects
floating point Z means less resolution at larger
Reminder: pixel shader can modify depth
can obtain interesting special effects by adjusting
Fein and McGuire, NPAR
Partial silhouettes by
adjusting depth values
To render geometry, execute the following
create your vertices and set their properties
 create a vertex declaration for the graphics device
 create and configure an Effect
 establish your camera parameters
in Draw, use the Effect to draw your vertices
Various builtin vertex types provided
different combinations of what information stored
 position
 color
 texture coordinates
 surface normal
 VertexPositionColorTexture
 VertexPositionNormalTexture (**)
 VertexPositionTexture
Probably you will want to make an array
containing your vertex data
VertexPositionColor[] mydata = new
mydata[0] = new VertexPositionColor(
new Vector3(1, 3, -1), Color.Aquamarine);
The Graphics Device has to be informed what
kind of data it will receive
Done through a VertexDeclaration object
vd = new
graphics.GraphicsDevice.VertexDeclaration = vd;
Built-in vertex shader
The BasicEffect can do lighting
cleverly designed with a 3-light rig
 key light: main light (often overhead)
 fill light (somewhat dimmer, reduces shadows)
 back light (behind object, illuminates silhouettes)
Or, you can disable lighting and just use the
raw color
"the Basic Effect is not so basic"
Critical job of any vertex shader – (what?)
Calculation of screen position from vertex
position done with matrix multiplication
we'll look at this in some detail in later
Done with three matrices:
world matrix: computes true world coordinates
 just set to identity for now
view matrix: transforms world to "canonical"
coordinates relative to camera
projection matrix: transforms 3D canonical
coordinates to 2D screen coordinates
Viewing transformation matrix
Matrix view;
Matrix.CreateLookAt(eyepos, lookat, up,
out view);
Viewing transformation matrix
Matrix view;
position of camera
Matrix.CreateLookAt(eyepos, lookat, up,
out view);
position looked at
output – view matrix
"up" direction
Projection transformation matrix
Matrix projection;
fov, aspect, near, far, out projection);
Projection transformation matrix
Matrix projection;
fov, aspect, near, far, out projection);
aspect ratio
Field of View
far clipping plane
near clipping plane
Need to define a frustum (truncated pyramid)
Different ways of describing
always need near & far distances
In any API: function to get projection matrix
given frustum description
effect = new BasicEffect(graphics.GraphicsDevice,
effect.View = view;
effect.Model = model;
effect.Projection = projection;
An Effect contains one or more Techniques
 A Technique contains one or more Passes
foreach (EffectPass pass in
effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes) {
... // drawing geometry here
Various ways to specify
Arguably simplest:
PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, mydata,
start, numprimitives);
Various ways to specify
Arguably simplest:
PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, mydata,
start, numprimitives);
number of
Z-buffer: algorithm for real-time rendering
vertices projected onto screen
 vertices contain data: position, color, ...
intermediate fragments interpolated
 depth test used to render fragments in front
Lot of setup needed in XNA to render
Vertex data and VertexDeclaration
"Effects" to transform and light vertices
 transforms achieved through matrices
Drawing syntax
Custom shaders
Texture for added visual complexity
Closer look at transforms
mathematics of transforms
 homogeneous coordinates
 composite transforms
 modeling transforms, camera control