Peace Like a River Discussion Questions 1. On page 36, after

Peace Like a River Discussion Questions
1. On page 36, after Swede is taken by Finch and Basca as a warning that any of the Lands can be
assaulted at anytime, Reuben recites a poetic warning.
Be careful whom you choose to hate.
The small and the vulnerable own a protection great enough, if you could but see it, to melt you
into jelly.
Beware those who reside beneath the shadow the of the Wings.
How does this quote tie to Reuben's beliefs and to the Lands in general. How is this a warning to Israel
and Tommy? Is this foreshadowing based on what happened to the boys? Think about this last question?
2. One major argument is whether Davy is guilty of murder or killing in self-defense. Identify all the main
components of the events leading up to their deaths and then take a stand and justify your claim.
3. Justify whether Tommy Basca's death was necessary or not?
4. "Is it hubris to believe we all live epics?" Based on your knowledge of hubris and epics, what do you
5. After viewing the power point slide on the symbolic nature of names. Authors oftentimes carefully pick
names of people, animals, towns, etc. The purpose can simple or intricate and symbolic. Choose two
names in the novel and explain how significant, impacting, or symbolic they are.
6. The roles of males and females in this novel seem to be very specific; however, there seems to be a
sense of respect between both genders. Why do you think this black and white view on roles men and
women play is displayed in this particular novel? Or, if you do not think this exists in the novel, argue and
support your claim.
7. If you were Jeremiah and there was a moral or lesson to be learned in this novel, what would he say it
was and why? What if you were Swede? What if you were Reuben? What if you were Jape? Pick at least
two characters and answer the question.
8. Was it circumstance or something bigger that kept Reuben and Swede from sneaking out and rescuing
9. "He should have been after the bearded fellow he could see through thte front window eating steak and
eggs," Waltzer said gleefully. "But he looked straight past me, you see. He was quite blind. In sight of
wolf, he was hunting squirrel!" Think about the characteristics of squirrels and wolves and how these are
significant comparisons to two criminals, Waltzer and Davy. Why would one be considered a wolf and
the other a squirrel if they both are guilty of killing and being wanted?
10. Davy said to Reuben on page 249, "Say I did regret it; what good does it do? I have to go on from
here." Reread the conversation between the brothers. Do you think Reuben is right to hope his brother
regrets his actions or do you agree with Davy? Explain. See through each character's eyes before you
make a decision.
11. Hunting is been a basic human instinct since the beginning time. Survival drives people to act; these
actions can have varied consequences. How is hunting and survival prevalent thematic or symbolic
concepts throughout the novel? How can hunting be perceived? How can hunting be taken out of context?
12. Reread the tale of Boy Ready on p 268. What lesson was Waltzer trying to convey? How does this tie
to the novel?
13. The impact of family loyalty and the lengths at which people will go for the family are strong themes
is the novel. Contrast the sense of family loyalty of Reuben's views and actions to Jeremiah's views and
actions. Although both are closely tied to their family and driven by love for their family, with whose
view would you side: Jeremiah's or Reuben's. Explain
14. When Reuben testified in court, should an eleven-year-old's testimony be held accountable in a trial?
Should children have to testify? Would a jury in today's society have allowed his testimony to be
admissible and grounds for convicting a person?
15. Why does Reuben finally tell the truth to his about Davy's whereabouts? What drove Reuben to
16. Explain your interpretation of the man with the skin bag? How is this possibly significant, irony, etc.?
17. Justify your claim whether Reuben is responsible for Andreeson's death.
18. What do you think Jeremiah meant by telling Ruby to tell Davy, "Soon. Very soon"? Think about this
before answering. Based on the informal epilogue the Enger gives us explaining what happens to the
remaining characters, including Davy, is there more to this statement?
19. Define the word miracle. What constitutes to be a true miracle in your opinion? Do they even exist? Is
a miracle a scientific discovery or an unexplained happening? Are miracles tied to religious beliefs?
20. When the Lands come home to find their front door tarred, the door is described as what once was a
happy color has now changed to darkness from green to black (Enger 21). Explain this point on a deeper
level. Think of what colors mean? How does this apply to the Land family, what they go through, and the
storyline itself.
21. "It was indeed miraculous. How else to describe a valley where in deepest winter steam plumes as if
from a battlefield, where boulders crouch warm as artillery where spreading fire wakes frozen
salamanders with which to scare your sister?" (Enger 199). Roxanna brought the lands to one of Mother
Nature's many unexplained beauties or miracles of nature. This "fire like hot steams in the heart of
winter" (Enger 199). Explain what this place of beauty in a barren land could signify? Tie it to the
storyline, the characters, the bigger picture, faith, etc.
22. Jeremiah gave up his life to save his son. A man who had just found love in one of the most remote
places in the country; a man who had happily remarried only three months earlier; this same man
relinquished all ties to the earthly plane. Do you think that is why he gave up his life? Is there more to it?
Was Jeremiah destined to be a sacrifice for the greater good? Does his own sacrifice possibly resemble an
allusion to something else? Would you have done the same?
23. On page 268, Waltzer stated, "So you can win the battle, Reuben--but the war is lost long ago"
(Enger). What does he mean? Do you agree with this? Explain
24. Explain how Valdez and Sunny Sundown could represent more than one character in the story and
explain who. What is the significance of this epic poem being filtered throughout the novel? A frame
story is a story within a story that intertwines or comes together to fit into the bigger picture. Does this
occur in the novel? If so, how do the two tie together and for what purpose?