
SSAT 阅读词频短语统计
abduction: n.绑架 2
abrupt: a 突然的
accelerate: v.加速
accountable for: 对…负责任
acquaintance: n.熟悉
a group of acquaintance who happen to be going in the same direction
adamantly: adv.坚定地 2
American thinkers adamantly advocated communism.
adapt: v.适应
add some weight to: 给…加以证据
Alien fans can add some weight to their argument that aliens exist.
adhere to: 坚持;遵守
ad-lib: v.即兴表演
ad-lib performance
adventure: n.冒险
Adolescence looked to fiction and fantasy for adventure.
advocate: v.支持,提倡
affectation: n. 假装,做作
afflict: v.折磨
she was afflicted with hemophilia.
aftermath: n. 事后余波 2
the aftermath of World War II;the details and aftermath of the Boston Tea Party.
aggressive: a.挑衅的;积极的
2 Aggressive between males, and sometimes between females, is quite common.
agile: a.敏捷的
alien: n.外来事物
alleged: a. 宣称的
allegedly represents gold
alliance: n.联合
a secret alliance made between country A and another country.
allot: v.分配
they allot to Easter candy and holiday-related merchandise.
almanac: n. 历书,年鉴
amateur: n. 业余选手
amateur detective
ambition: n.雄心壮志
amidst: 在…之间
amidst all the action
ammunition: n.枪火
amused: a.逗乐的 2
anarchy: n.无政府主义
anathema: n.极其讨厌的人和事
At six feet tall, Nation, in particular, became anathema to tavern owners and drinkers across the
United States.
ancestor: n.祖先
antibiotics: n.抗生素
anticipate: v.希望
apologetic: a.道歉的
apparatus: n.器具
appeal to: 吸引…
appeal to democratic-minded Americans
apply to: 适用于
Wearing white originally applied to shoes rather than clothes.
appreciative: a.欣赏的
archetype: n.原型
aromatic: a. 芳香的
a bitter, aromatic drink
arsenal: n.枪火
Equipped with an arsenal of viciously stinging tentacles, the jellyfish, though considered primitive,
is one of the few species that continue to hold the human predator at bay.
as odd as: 奇怪的是…
As odd as this sounds, the case deserve some investigation.
as opposed to: 与此相对的
aspire: v.期望
they aspire to intellectual finesse.
assassinate: v.暗杀
he was assassinated
assembly: n.集会
astrology: n.天文学
astrophysics:n. 天体物理学
autopsy: n.解剖学
baffle: v.使…困惑
The question of what became of the Neanderthals still baffles paleontologists.
bankrupt: a.破产的
barb: n.倒钩
these quills have tiny barbs
befall: 降临
He does this by depicting the horrible events that befall the Joad family on their way to find work
in California.
beggar: n.乞丐
bejewel: v.装饰
benevolent: a.仁慈的
bewilder: v.使困惑
biannual: a.两年一次的
biblical: a.圣经的
bitter: a.酸的;尖刻的
blast: n.一阵;爆炸
bleach: v.漂白
bleached bones
boastful: a.夸张的
bout: n. 来回(一次)
brewing: n.酿造,混合
brewing conflict
bubble: v.冒泡
burgeoning: a.繁盛的
the burgeoning community
burp: n. 饱咯儿
burp after a meal
bushy: a. 灌木一样的
bushy tails
cactus: n.仙人掌
calculating: a.深谋远虑的,精明的 2
His Dracula is striking in appearance, ruthless, calculating, and quite intelligent.
canine: a.狗的
cannon: n.大炮
capricious: a.任性的
While they are not as capricious as their tornado counterparts, they can have a malicious nature.
captivating: a.诱人的 2
Perhaps one of the most captivating true stories of heroism, daring, and determination comes to
us in the form of Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom:(2)the snake provides captivating
carbohydrate: n.碳水化合物
carcass: n. 尸体
cargo: n. 船货,货物
caricature: n. 讽刺画 2
And although the film correctly targets Rasputin as a disreputable villain, it nevertheless
caricatures his character and his ambitions.
cartridge: n. 弹药筒,弹药
catastrophic: a.大灾难的
category: n.分类
cavalry: n.骑士;骑士精神
cavity: n.腔洞
ceaseless: a.不停息的
chaotic: a.混乱的
As the world grows more complex and more chaotic, we humans find events spinning
increasingly beyond our control.
characteristic: a.有…特征的
chariot: n. 二轮战车
faded chariot
charlatan: n.江湖郎中
cholera: n. [医]霍乱
chuckle: n. 吃吃的笑声
clinical: a.临床的;冷静的
it is too clinical for most of us.
cloak: n.掩护
cloaked in intrigue
clog: n.阻塞
The Alpine roads are clogged by endless streams of vacationers in traffic jams 80 miles long.
clown: n.小丑
clumsy: a.笨重的
come across: 遇见
commonsense: a.常识的,一般的
compassion: n.同情
one deserving of more honor and compassion than such stories allow.
compensate for: v.补偿
complementary: a.补偿的
compliment: n.恭维
compulsory: a.必须的
conceited: a.自负的 2
concentrate: v.集中
condescending: a.以恩惠的态度对待
conductive: a.传导性的,有传导力的
conform to: 遵守
confound: v. 使混淆,使狼狈
Researchers have identified two phenomena that in previous literature were confounded under
the category of nightmares.
confused: a.混淆的
congestion: n.阻塞
congregation: n.聚集
sewage pollution was so much that stinging nettle congregations have clogged the intake pipes
and the cooling systems of power plants.
conjurer: n.魔术师
conniving: a.共谋干坏事的
conquer: v.征服 2
conquer England in 1066
conservative: a.保守的
consolation: n.安慰
We have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
constitute: v.组成
What constituted the basic Neanderthal diet.
consult: v.咨询
consult a doctor as soon as possible
content: a.满意的
Temperance society members were not content merely to tell salacious stories.
contest: v.竞争
contour: n.轮廓
contribute: v.贡献
Factors contributing to its decline included sawmills, nails.
controversy: n.争论,争议
corpse: n.尸体
corrupt: a.腐败的
counterpart: n.相对应之物
courageous: a.勇敢的
courageous patriot
courteous: a.注重礼节的
courtship: n. 求爱,求婚
cracker: n. 饼干,爆竹
cracker box
criticize: v.讽刺
criticize traditional English poetry
crooked: If we have crooked teeth, we can get braces: n.吊带,背带
crucial: a.重要的
a critical/crucial moment
culminate: v.达到高潮
cyclical rising
cynical: a.愤世嫉俗的
czar: n. 沙皇
date back to: 回溯到
debauch: v. 使堕落;放荡
decomposition: n.分解
dedicated: a.贡献的
she was a dedicated supporter of many social causes.
deface: v.磨损,损坏 2
Art does not deface property.;(2) Graffiti is the scrawled artwork that defaces public buildings.
defer: v.延迟
defer to senior females
defiant: a.公然反抗的
dehumanize: v. 使失掉人性
Tin Woodsman is a dehumanized industrial worker.
dehydrate: v.脱水
delight: v.高兴
demoralize: v.使失去道德
denominator: n.一般水平
He considered our death rituals to be our most common denominator.
dentistry: n. 牙医术
deodorizer: n.除臭剂
depredation: n. 掠夺,破坏痕迹
deprivation: n. 剥夺,剥夺官职
the long-term effects of sleep deprivation are even worse
derive…from…: 来源于,来自于
Bruges derived its wealth from wool and banking.
descend: v.下降
It in turn seems to have descended from a group of small canids.
descendant: n.后代
desecrate: v.亵渎
to desecrate Rasputin’s reputation
despise: v.蔑视
He particularly remembered an old fellow who used to sit upon a cracker box in front of the store
and pretend to despise such exhibitions.
detached: a.中立的
a detached observer delivering pronouncements from an ivory tower.
detailed: a.详细的
to give a detailed argument
detergent: n.清洁剂
detriment: n.有害
devastate: a.绝望的 2
Hurricanes can be quite devastating.
diarrhea: n. 痢疾,腹泻
differentiate: v. 区别,差别
dioxide: n.二氧化物
dire: a.可怕的
dire wolves
disband: v.解散
discern: v. 辨别,看清楚
discriminate: v.区别,差别待遇
we are discriminating against those whose artistic ideals are different from ours.
disdain: v.蔑视
Orienteers tend to disdain beelining over obstacles as a crude approach.
disdainful: a.蔑视的
disgust: v.恶心 3
disgust at his inability to resolve his problems
dismiss…as…: 不相信…是…
Parents of children who experience night terrors tend to dismiss them as inconsequential.
disposal: n.不同意
dispute: v.反驳
a dispute over ownership of a piece of land bordering.
dissection: n.解剖,切开
distinguish: v.区别,区分
There is nothing that clearly distinguishes a Neanderthals’ brain from that of modern humans.
distortion: n.扭曲
severe distortion
divert…from…: 转向…
doctrine: v.教条,理论
Why do we associate chicks and eggs with church doctrine?
document: v.记录
domesticate: v.驯养的
a domesticated dog
dour: a.严酷的,不讲话的
drain: v.抽干
Years of fighting battles around the globe had drained the country of important resources.
dramatic: a.戏剧化的 2
dramatic end of the World War II
drawback: n.缺点
dread: n.恐惧,可怕 2
drowned: a.溺水而死的
drowsy: a. 昏昏欲睡的
He grew more obese and more drowsy every day of his life.
dubious: a.怀疑的
enjoy a dubious reputation for being able to tantalize its victims
dummy: n.哑巴,笨蛋
duration: n.期限
she wants to call attention to the duration of time the survivors spent in the water.
dwelling: n.居所
dynasty: n.朝代
eclipse: n. 日蚀,月蚀,衰落
editorial: n. 社论 editorial written for a daily paper
elaborate: a.精工细作的
elaborate construction of wigs
elated: a.喜出望外的
eliminate: v.消除
elusive: a.难懂的
elusive secret to making gold
embarrassing: a.尴尬的
we blame society for embarrassingly low educational scores.
embryo: n.胚胎
emerge: v.出现
emigrate: v.移出
emission: n.发射,射出
enchanted: a.着魔的
endure: v.经受
I was ready to work, eager to be independent, and too proud to endure patronage.
enduring: a.持久的
The cowboy of the American West is an enduring icon in popular culture, but Hawaiian cowboys
predated their American counterparts by several decades.
enlist: v.应征入伍
they enlisted in the war effort knowing that they would be fighting to the death.
enormous: a.巨大的
enormous mouth
enrapture: v.使狂喜
The serious vampire offerings have grown increasingly enraptured by the idea of being undead.
entitle: v.加标题
enzyme: n.酶
epidemic: n.流行病
eradicate: v.消除
Even though plague has mostly been eradicated, it rears its ugly head in regions that lack good
insect and rodent control and water purification.
erratic: a.脱轨的
erroneous: a.错误的
with a few well-timed lashes, a porcupine can drive so many quills so quickly into an attacker as
to give the erroneous impression that it can throw the spines like darts.
escort: v.护卫者,护送者
esteem: v.尊敬
ester: n. 酯
eternity: n.永远
etiquette: n. 礼仪,礼节
We cannot keep track of all the various etiquette systems in the world.
most notably evident along the shoreline
evolve: v.进化
exacting: a.要求苛刻的
reconstructing extinct animals from their fossil bones is a challenging and exacting science.
exaggeration: n.加重
exasperation: n. 恼怒
exhilarate: v.高兴
Unfortunately, lcarus, exhilarated by the freedom he felt while flying, flew too close to the sun.
exorcism: n. 驱鬼,伏魔
exotic: a.奇异的
an exotic beverage
expedition: n.旅行
It was not until the Mexican expedition of Hernan Cortes in 1519, that Europeans first learned of
exploit: v.开采,剥削
adjust to and exploit the changes
exquisite: a.极好的
extinct: a.灭绝的
why the Neanderthal species became extinct.
extraordinary: a.非凡的
extraordinary number of words
extravagant: a.浪费的
When a magician makes an extravagant gesture with one hand, he is generally trying to divert
your attention from the other.
exuberant: a 繁茂的
fabric: a.纤维的
fad out: 过时
By the 1840’s, though, the log cabin began fading out.
falcon: n. 猎鹰
falconer: n. 以鹰狩猎者
fall into: 归类
And plastics fall into this category.
fauna: n.动物
feat: n.功绩
feebly: adv.虚弱
feline: a. 猫科的
feverish: a.兴奋的
They displayed a feverish desire to have every possible cartridge ready to their hands.
fierce: a 猛烈的
filter: v.过滤
flair: n.才能
the artist’s flair for composition
fledging: a.初出茅庐的
fleeting: a.转瞬即逝的
fleeting ambitions
flexible: a.可弯曲的
lacking in evolutionary flexibility
flog: v. 鞭打,鞭策
flora: n.植物
flotsam: n.渣滓
flourish: v.繁荣
The Neanderthal was an early human that flourished throughout Europe and western Asia.
fluctuation: n.波动
weather fluctuation
flute: n.长笛
foil: v. v. 衬托,阻止
the ability of the jellyfish to foil its predator
for the sake of:
Honorable death, especially by suicide for the sake of the Emperor during battle, brought nobility
to the soldier and his family.
forecast: v.预示
forecasting the weather
forge: v.打造
a great number of settlers forged westward.
formidable: a.可怕的
The British Army presents a formidable opponent.
formulate: v.形成
formulating theories to explain certain phenomena
fragrant: a.香的
fragrant blossom
framework: n.框架
frantically: adv.疯狂地
All we see are two pale legs, kicking frantically in the surf.
frolic: a. 嬉戏的
full-fledged: a.长成的
full-fledged dream
fusion: n.融合
a fusion of engineering feats and sculpture
futile: a.无用的
fuzzy: 模糊的
They show fuzzy photos of floating white cigars.
generic: a.普通的
a generic term
generous: a.慷慨的
genre: n.文学体裁
giant: a.巨大的
giddy: a. 眼花的,头晕的
The American War of Independence—and, even more so, the subsequent French
Revolution—brought the wig’s giddy heyday to an abrupt end.
gimmick: n.骗局
Whatever the gimmick, the mechanics of magic are almost beside the point; most magical effects
owe their success to pure stagecraft.
gingivitis: n. 齿肉炎
give credit to: 相信
glibly: ad. 流利地,流畅地
He saves his own life by glibly turning the tables on the so-called “wise men” and suggesting a
new location.
glorious: a.光荣的
Brueghel’s work depicts a huge, glorious scene of people working the land along a beautiful
glory: n.光荣
gain personal glory.
gossip: n.闲话
graffiti: n. 涂鸦
grandeur: a.宏伟 id
The Alps are becoming victims of their own grandeur.
grandiose: a.宏大的
grandiose toilets
grave: a. 严肃的,庄重的
greed: v.贪婪
grip: v. 抓紧,抱住
gruesome: a.抱怨的
Stories about Vlad Tepes seem gruesome even by today’s standards.
guillotine: n.断头台
As the heads of bigwigs began to roll from the guillotines, extravagance, ostentation and anything
that smacked of class distinction or the depredations of royalty fell quickly out of fashion.
gyre: v. 旋回
hallucination: n.幻想
hamper: v.组织
hazardous: a.有害的
headlong: a.轻率的
They purposely drove their planes headlong into their targets, exploding themselves along with
their planes and their targets.
heavyhanded: a. 笨拙的
hesitant: a.犹豫的
heyday: n.全盛时期
The heyday of the log cabin occurred between 1780 and 1850.
hierarchical: a.等级制度的
in hierarchically structured packs
highlight: highlight a feature of the body that acupuncture has not yet been shown to influence.
holistic: a. 整体的, 全盘的
holy: a. 神圣的,圣洁的
holy man
hook: n.钩子
to hook the reader’s attention so that she will continue reading.
hooves: n.蹄子
horn: n.喇叭
hubris: n.自高自大
As punishment for his hubris or conceitedness, King Hades created a special task for Sisyphus.
humanitarian: a. 人道主义的 humanitarian causes before her marriage
humanity: n.人性
humiliate: v.侮辱人的 2
patronage is as humiliating as work
hypochondriac: a. 忧郁症的
hypocrisy: n. 伪善
In particular, they find human hypocrisy fascinating.
icon: n.画像
identify: v.认出 2
identifying the factors that will predict a California earthquake
idolize: v.把...当偶像崇拜
illusion: n.幻想
It is the art of deception that ultimately creates the illusion.
immortality: n.不道德
impale: v.刺穿
impaler: n. 插入物
in pack:狼成群
incantation: n. 诀语,咒语
magical incantation
inconsequential: a.不重要的
Parents of children who experience night terrors tend to dismiss them as inconsequential.
indicate: v.暗示
indifferent: a.不关心的
indulge: v.放纵 2
He came to believe that the only means of salvation came through indulging one’s appetites.
inexcusable: a.不可饶恕的
infatuate: v.迷恋
The American colonists were no less infatuated with wigs than were their European
infest: v.骚扰,群居
informative: a.信息性的 6
informed: a.无所不知的
informed anatomist
ingratiate: v. 逢迎,讨好
Rasputin ingratiated himself with the Czarina.
ingredient: n. 成分,因素
inhumanity: n.非人类
the inhumanity of slavery
injustice: n.不正当
It would be doing her a great injustice, however, to describe her only in terms of her relationship
to men in powerful and important positions.
insertion: n.插入
insertion of needles into the body.
insight: n.洞察力
he lacked insight into the complexities of international policies.
insinuate: v.暗示
All of these traumas, Steinbeck insinuates, will come true under capitalism.
instrumental: a.重要的
The wool brought to Bruges was not instrumental.
integral: a.整体的
trees are integral part of the enjoyment of life.
intimate: a.亲密的
intravenous: a. 静脉的,静脉注射的
intrigue: v.引起
intriguing: a.烦人的
intrinsic: a.内在的
play an intrinsic role in the cycle of life.
invading: a.侵略性的
invading Germans
ironical: a.讽刺的
irony: n.讽刺
the irony of the Alps’ gradual
ivory: a.乳白色
jealous: a.季度的
jellyfish: n.海蜇
joyous: a.高兴的
juggle: v.生活
If you are like most Americans, you juggle quite a busy schedule.
justifiable: a.可证明的
porcupines have justifiable confidence in their defensive armament.
knit: v. 编织
landmark: n.地标
a natural landmark
landslide: n.山体滑坡
largeness: n.慷慨
Brueghel’s work sends a clear message, one that underscores the largeness of the world and the
relative insignificance of the individual therein.
lasso: n. 套索(捕捉牛、马用)
leather: a. 皮革制的
legacy: n.财产
a legacy of Martin Van Buren
leisure: n.休闲
light-hearted: a. 轻松的, 无忧无虑的
to give a light-hearted tone to the poem
livestock: n.牲畜
logs continued to house livestock.
looped: a.酩酊大醉的
loquacious: a. 多话的
lore: n. 知识,全部传说
vampire lore
lump: n.块状
get lumped in the with the rest
luxury: n.奢侈
magnificence: n. 豪华,宏伟
malaria: n.疟疾
malicious: a.恶毒的
mammal: n.哺乳动物
mammoth: a.巨大的
this mammoth fish is quite mild-mannered
mandatory: a.统治的
manifest: v.展现
Combining enormous physical strength with manifest intelligence, Neanderthals appeared to be
supremely well adapted.
manipulative: a.操纵的
manure: n.策略
marksmanship: 射击术
marvelous: a.极好的
massive: a.大量的
masterpiece: n.杰作
Mediterranean: a.地中海
menacing: a.威胁的
give a menacing tone to the poem
merit: n.优势
compare the merits of several different occupations
meteorologist: n.气象学家
miniature: a.微小的
human beings are miniature versions of the universe.
minstrel: n. 吟游诗人
miraculous: a.奇迹的
miraculous cultural growth to a decision to farm beans
mirage: n.奇迹
miserable: a.可怜的
mnemonic: a. 助记的,记忆的
mockery: n. 嘲弄
monastery: n. 修道院,僧侣
monstrous: a. 巨大的,畸形的
monstrous earthquake
movements of a giant sea turtle
muffle: v.消音
a muffled roar of sound
mutter: n. 喃喃低语
mythological: a.神话学的
nap: n.打盹
narrative: a.叙述的
navigate: v.导航
competitors use a map and compass to navigate their way cross-country along an unfamiliar
neutral: a.中立的
nicknames for various fields of study
nightmare: n.噩梦
nitrous: a.氮的
nonliving: a.不在存在的
nostalgic: a.怀旧的
noteworthy: a.值得注意的
noteworthy way during courtship
notoriety: n.臭名昭著
she had gained notoriety as a difficult woman
nourishment: v.养育
The plankton stay in the mouth for nourishment
nuisance: n.细小差别
obscure: a.模糊的
obsessed with: a.迷恋…
occult: a.神秘的
odor: n.气味
odorless: a.没有味道的
odorless flowers
offspring: n.后代
onslaught: n. 突击,猛攻 2
Rather than preparing for the onslaught by putting masking tape on windows, people spike
tropical punch and foolishly sit out on their porches, watching for the eye of the storm.(2) off the
roads, the Alpine terrain is threatened by the onslaught of ear-shattering dirt bikes.
ooze: v.汩汩的流出
a thick and oozing lava
opinionated: a.有偏见的
opportune: a.合适的,适当的
an opportune moment to strike .
ordeal: n. 严酷的考验,痛苦的经验
orphan: n.孤儿
orthodontist: n.正骨师
ostentation: n.表面,虚假
outbreak: v.爆发
The plague, or Black Death, struck Europe in a series to outbreaks in the 13th and 14th century.
outcast: 被逐出的
the outcast wolves rejected by the rest of the pack.
outfit: a.合适的
outline: n.轮廓
The president outlined his plan for a post-World War I peace settlement.
outrage: v.出离愤怒
oversee: v.忽略
Levitt oversaw the building of some of the first towns that would eventually be called suburbs.
overview: n.概观
a brief overview of the history of forensic medicine
paleontologist: n.古生物家
paralyze: v.瘫痪
passionate: a.热情的
pathos: n. 感伤,悲怅
patronage: n.资助
patronage is as humiliating as work
peak: Literary interest in hypocrisy reached a peak in the 1940s and 1950s
pedantic: a. 卖弄学问的,假装学者的
perch: v.栖息
perfume: n.香气
permanent: a.永远的
personalize: v.个人化
It personalizes the discussion by using direct address.
perspective: a.视角
persuasive: a.有说服力的
a persuasive essay from an ecologist
perturb: v.打扰
pessimism: n.悲观主义
phenomena: n.现象
pierce: v.刺透
pierce the hide of any predator
pilgrimage: n. 朝圣之旅
a place of religious pilgrimage
pious: a.虔诚的
pique: v.愤怒
his interest was apparently also piqued by the Aztec’s peculiar beverage.
pirate: n.海盗
plague: n.疲劳;瘟疫
plankton: n.浮游生物
playful: a.嬉戏的
plot: n.情节
prevent immoral national leaders from secretly plotting aggressive actions against others
plumage: n. 鸟类羽毛,翅膀
plumage often plays a key role in both identification and courtship.
plumb: v.探测
indoor plumbing
plummet: v.垂直
He plummet into the ocean.
plunge: v.投入
ply: v.弯曲
wigmakers were plying their trade in the Colonies.
poetic: a.诗歌的
pointless: a. 不尖的,钝的
ponder: v.思考
to ponder deeply the consequences
pop up: 突然出现,冒出来
We learn about many sensational events, but more popping up as we continue to study the
porch: n. 门廊
porcupine: n. 豪猪
portable: a. 轻便的,手提式的
portable buildings
potential: a.潜力的
potential predator
poverty-stricken: 2 poverty-stricken class
practicality: n.有实际效用 2
It’s easy to see the practicality of English, keyboarding.
precaution: n. 预防
Outside of taking commonsense precautions—such as making sure a sleepwalker does not go to
bed near an open window or on a balcony—there is nothing much to do about them.
predate: v.在…之前
predator: n.捕猎者
prescribe: v.开药方 3
sleep researchers prescribed medication for children suffering from night terrors.(2)Most of us
follow the natural, prescribed funerary practices.
prim: a.拘谨的
priming their guns
primitive: a.原始的
prior to: 在…之前 2
Prior to their arrival, Vlad had punished several people by impaling them on long spikes
surrounding the banquet area.
privilege: n.特权
prodigious: a.巨大的
profitable: a.可盈利的
profound: a.影响的
prominent: a.出名的,优秀的 2
it may be better to follow a prominent contour along one flank of the mountain.
prompt: v.推动;n.提示;a.迅速的
The most important skill in any conjurer’s repertoire is misdirection, the fine art of prompting an
audience to look elsewhere at a critical moment.
prosperity: n.倾向性
the prosperity began to prolong childhood.
proximity: n.接近
Climate and the proximity of the local forest no longer set architectural limits.
prune: v. 修剪,砍掉
The plant is pruned down to three or four feet for cultivation.
pseudonym: n.假名
Mark Towing wrote under a variety of pseudonyms.
pseudoscience: n.伪科学
punch: v. 以拳重击
purification: n.纯化
quarantine: v.隔离
quill: n.打羽毛
radiation: n.辐射
rage: n.生气
ramification: n.批准
the ramifications of using the Tower as a prison
raw: crude 原始的
rear: v 举起
they rear back on their hind legs with both hooves in the air
rebellion: n.反抗
rebellion against the British is justified.
recast: v.重铸
recede: v.后退
Time passed, and glaciers advanced and receded.
receding: a.后退的
a receding forehead
recycle: v.循环利用
redundant: a.多余的
regretful: a.后悔的
rejuvenate: v.使年轻
Snake skin rejuvenates easily (Gilgamesh’s flower at work) as the snake increases in
relieve: v.解脱
relinquish: v.放弃
I relinquished my dramatic aspirations.
relish: v. 品味,喜欢
Tea was probably first used as a vegetable relish and for medicinal purposes.
reluctance: n.不情愿
reluctance to fear
reminiscence: n.回忆
reminiscence to anticipation
remnant: n.剩余物
remorse: a. 阴郁的
remorse for the way his country treated him
renege: v. 背信,违约
She agreed to do as he said, but when he died, she reneged on her word.
repel: v.驱逐
repercussion: n.反响
economic repercussions for the U.S. economy
repertoire: n.保留剧目
reptilian: a.爬行的
reptilian creatures
resentful :厌恶的
resentment: n.厌恶
residue: n. 残渣,剩余
resort: v.诉诸于
Hope is a good last resort when faced with a difficult situation.
respectful: a.尊敬的
He was respectful of the great Tower of London.
resurgence: n.复活,再现
a resurgence of good will
revival: n.复生 2
the revival of the past
revive: v. 使...生醒,复生
it revived the economies of Western Europe and set them on a course for future growth.
rhyme: n.韵律
rhythmic: a.有韵律的
riddle: n.谜语
ridicule: v.奚落
he was ridiculed for his sentiment
rigorous: a.严格的,严厉的
rogue: n. 流氓
rogue motivated by greed
roughly: adv.大约
at roughly the same time
rural: a.乡村的
rustling: n. 瑟瑟声, 沙沙声
ruthless: a.无情的
sacrifice: v.牺牲
saddle: n. 鞍,车座
saddling horses
salacious: a.好色的,淫荡的 2
salacious lifestyle and his distaste for bathing.
salvation: n.拯救
sarcastic: a.讽刺的 3
satire: v.讽刺
scatter: v.粉碎 2
scornful: a.蔑视的
scratch: v.瘙痒,抓
scrawl: n.爬
screw up: 拧紧
sculptor: n. 雕刻家
sculpture: n. 雕塑
self-hatred: a.自己恨自己的
semiabstract: a.半抽象的
semiannual: a.半年的
serene: a.宁静的 2
set aside: 把…放在一边
The city should set aside funding for grants to graffiti artists so they can continue their work.
severe: a.严重的,严肃的 2
shark: 鲨鱼
sheath: n. 鞘,叶鞘
log homes were gradually sheathed with clapboard or brick.
shelter: v.庇护
to shelter animals
showerhead: n. 喷嘴
shrill: a.尖锐的,刺耳的
shrill yells
shrink: v.退缩
The summer soldier will shrink from the service of their country.
sinful: a.邪恶的
skeleton: n.骨骼
skeptical: a.怀疑的
slip away: 溜走
His unique vision recorded a time, place and culture that might otherwise have slipped away.
smother: v.使窒息
Snow cannons that create artificial surfaces for skiers smother the fragile Alpine flora and fauna.
snicker: v.窃笑
worthy of a snicker or two
sniper: n.狙击手
snub: v. 冷落,不理睬
Customs became a weapon used by those with old money to snub those with new money.
sober: a.清醒的
sober houses
solemn: a. 庄严的,严肃的
solitude: n.孤独
it likes its solitude
somber: a.清醒的
sour: a.酸的
a sour taste
span: n.跨度
in a single thirty-year span
spectrum: n.一系列
This spectrum of questions
spin: v.旋转
begin spinning uncontrollably and fly apart
spinster: n.老处女
spontaneity: n.自发;随性
he attempted to achieve spontaneity and naturalness of expression in his verse.
spray: v.喷洒
squeamish: a. 恶心的
People were too squeamish to allow routine dissections of human corpses.
squirt: v.喷出
stagecraft: n. 编剧才能
stamped: a.有邮戳的
He was paralyzed when the cavalry stampeded his tent.
staple: a.主要的,重要的
one of the staples of a society’s diet.
stark: a. 变硬了的,完全的
stark beauty
starvation: n.挨饿
statistical: a.统计的
statistical analysis
statue: n. 塑像,雕像
stem from: 来源于
War usually stems from unresolved disagreements.
stereotypical: a.老套的
stereotypical characters
sterile: a.无菌的,贫瘠的
stethoscope: n. 听诊器
stew: n. 炖汤
a stew that is cooking
stimulating: n.刺激
stocky: a. 矮胖的,健壮结实的
stomp: v.跺地
Populated primarily by women, temperance societies set out to stomp out the sale and use of
stoop: n. 佝偻,屈服
They came on, stooping and swinging their rifles at all angles.
strain: v. 劳累,拉紧
the water strains through gills in the side of the mouth
stripe: n. 条纹
yellowish spots and stripes of varying sizes
stroll: v.闲逛,漫步
stunning: a.惊人的
the stunning beauty of the Alps
sturdy: a. 强健的,健全的 2
subgroup: n.小组
subordinate: a.附属的
mature wolves with subordinate status in the hierarchy
subsequent: a.后继的
substantial: a.实质的
substantial financial assistance would be required to maintain a state of political stability.
suburbs: n.郊区
successor: n.后继者
sulky: a. 生气的(阴沉的)
sullen: a.阴郁的
summit: n.顶点
superstition: n.封建
Alchemy’s associations with astrology and the occult suggest primitive superstition to the
modern mind, and the alchemist is generally portrayed by historians as a charlatan obsessed with
dreams of impossible wealth.
superstitious: a.封建的
supreme: a.至高无上的
surf: v.冲浪
suspicious: a.怀疑的
swarm: n.蜂窝
a brown swarm of running men who were giving shrill yells.
swoop: v.俯冲
swooping, swirling seagulls
sympathetic: a.同情的 2
Degas’ work encapsulates a distinctive, sympathetic interest in the struggles and defeats of
symptom: n.症状
syndicate: v. 联合组织
a syndicated column in a daily newspaper
synergistic: 协同的,协作的
a synergistic effort comparable to the work of the Wright Brothers
systematically: adv.系统地
study systematically the mouth, gums, jaw, and teeth.
taboo: n. 禁忌,禁止接近
take on: 从事
they begin to take on a life of their own, independent from the real-life objects they are taken
tame: v.驯服
It has tamed wildernesses, constructed sprawling cities.
temperance: n.适度
Temperance carries the Nation.
tenet: n 主旨
the tenets of Existentialism.
texture: n.纹理
therein: 在那一点上
thrill: v. 震颤,抖颤,激动
Such members of the audience thrilled to hear how two slaves escaped the chains of slavery
thrillful: a.爱好刺激的
a small thrillful boy
torpedo: n. 水雷,地雷 2
The submarine was torpedoed by a Japanese sub.
torture: v.折磨 2
beat and torture your pets
trademark: n. 商标
trample: v. 践踏,轻视
the unruly animals often trampled the crops.
trancelike: a.恍惚的
transient: a.转瞬即逝的
we had transient ambitions of other sorts, but they were only transient.
trauma: n. 精神创伤,外伤
treatise: n. 论文,论述
a scientific treatise
treaty: n. 条约,协定
negotiate a treaty
trickery: n. 欺骗,诡计
William and Ellen escaped using trickery
triumph: n.胜利
trivia: n.琐事
trivial: a.琐碎的 2
tropical: a. 热带的
turbulent: a.猛烈的,激烈的
turmoil: n.骚动
he also wrote satires, a powerful tool given the fledging nation’s political turmoil.
twist: n. 一扭,扭曲
in a strange twist of fate.
tyranny: n.暴君
Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has a right.
ultimate: a.最终的
His ultimate business goal was to make cars as Henry Ford did.
ultimately: adv.最终地
ultrasound: a.超音速的
uncluttered: a. 整齐的,整洁的
uncluttering the kitchen
underscore: v.强调
unpremeditated: a. 无预谋的;偶然的
unrecoverable: a.不可恢复的
unscrupulous: a.傲慢的
War rarely results from the behind-the-scenes plotting of unscrupulous national leaders.
urban: a.城市的
vampire: n. 吸血鬼 2
vanish: v.小时
They vanished from the face of the earth.
vaquero: n.牧童
Spanish vaquero
varnish: v.消失
veer: v.转向
veer right
vehicle: n.交通工具
ventriloquist: n. 作腹语者
verse: n. 诗,韵文
vicious: a. 恶毒的,恶意的 2
most vicious is the interpretation Littlefied finds lurking behind the gates of the Emerald City.
victim: n.受害者
vigorous: a.有活力的 2
villain: n.恶棍
volcano: n.火山
vomit: v.呕吐
vulgar: a.粗野的
Art is not vulgar.
wade: v. 跋涉
a penny at the bottom of a wading pool
waxing: a.增大的
the waxing and waning of tides to a moon goodness (like the Roman deity Diana) or to the
weary: a.疲倦的 2
when the road is weary, the traveler presses on.
well-drained: 井水的
whirling: 涡流
wicked: a.邪恶的
wicked temptations and dangers in the outside world
wig: n.假发
wipe out: 清除
witch: n.女巫,巫婆
worship: v.尊崇
wrathful: a.愤怒的
wrathful Hawaiians
wreckage: n.失事船骇
ship wreckage
wretched: a. 可怜的
wrought: a.可锻的
The epidemic wrought enormous changes in European society.
zombie: n.怪物 the enduring zombie