Letcher County Schools SWAT Steps

School-Wide Assistance Team (S.W.A.T)
Pre-referral step-by-step process
General Information:
Regular Classroom Teacher identifies students that are in need of TIER 1 interventions through collecting
baseline data in the areas of concern. These interventions should be provided on a weekly basis with
progress monitoring data collected. TIER 1 classroom interventions target weaknesses in the content
being taught and can be provided in teacher centers, small group, or one on one, but should be provided
by the same individual to ensure fidelity (This can be the classroom teacher, instructional aide, or coteacher).
TIER 1 interventions should only last 4 – 6 weeks. TIER 1 interventions should typically “catch” a student
up to grade level in the area(s) of concern. When a child is not exhibiting successful growth during TIER 1
interventions more intense interventions are warranted. If interventions are not progressing successfully,
toward the end of the 4 – 6 week implementation period, the Regular Classroom teacher must begin
compiling and typing the First two pages of the SWAT document. Lack of progress requires moving that
child from TIER 1 into TIER 2 – SWAT.
At the time you decide the interventions may not be adequately addressing the area(s) of concern, notify
your Principal/Counselor that you are beginning the SWAT document to consider moving the student into
TIER 2 – SWAT. The Principal/Counselor will schedule the initial SWAT Meeting.
SWAT documents are to be typed not handwritten, by the Regular Classroom Teacher, Principal/Counselor.
SWAT - Page 1 – Demographic information, TIER 1 data, & Screening data – Regular Classroom Teacher
 Complete demographic information using IC at the top of the SWAT form
 Mark all areas of concern, even those in which you may not be providing TIER 1
interventions (For instance if you suspect cognitive weaknesses, you may not
necessarily be intervening in that area).
 Indicate if 4 – 6 weeks of TIER 1 interventions have been implemented. (DD and
Communication students that participated in the Preschool/Kindergarten screening
would indicate that summer interventions were provided by the parent).
 Mark continued areas of concern following TIER 1 interventions
 List the baseline scores from the interventions (beginning assessment score from
interventions, for example: Reading Comprehension – 30%).
 List the ending data from those interventions (ending assessment score from
interventions, for example: Reading Comprehension – 35%).
 Provide work samples, this should be the intervention data you collected.
 Complete a Motor screening and place the information on the SWAT, include copy
of screening with SWAT for documentation.
 Communicate with the Principal/Counselor the need to request a hearing/vision
and speech screening. Once completed, the Regular Classroom Teacher will then
enter this information on the SWAT document. This must be completed prior to the
first meeting to begin the SWAT process. Include copy of the screenings with SWAT
for documentation
SWAT Steps
Page 1
SWAT page 2 – Cumulative data, Educational history data
 The Counselor/Principal will gather the following data for the SWAT document:
Universal Screening data, Grades, Attendance, and Discipline. Once, provided, the
Regular Classroom Teacher will enter this information on page 2 of the SWAT
document. This data is to be listed on the SWAT with most recent year to least
recent year. Four years must be listed if the child has been enrolled for that long.
This information will be placed on page 2 of the SWAT. If Discipline documentation
exists, it must be included in the SWAT folder.
 The Regular Classroom Teacher is to complete the educational history.
 The Counselor/or Special Education Teacher may need to assist with the
educational history.
Page 3 – Initial Meeting Notice
 When pages 1 – 2 are completed the Principal/Counselor will use page 3 to
schedule the 1st meeting to discuss the beginning of the TIER 2 intervention period.
The parent must be invited, but if attempts are made and they do not attend, the
meeting can be held and results mailed, or sent home to the parent. All members of
the SWAT team must be present, even if the parent does not attend. This must
include the Special Education Teacher.
 You do not have to have parent permission to begin TIER 2 interventions. The TIER 2
intervention period should be for 6 – 8 weeks.
Page 4 – Initial SWAT Meeting Notes Form and meeting
 Prior to the initial SWAT meeting the SWAT team should meet to determine the
areas of needed TIER 2 interventions. This includes the Special Education Teacher.
 Once those areas are determined, the individual(s) that will be implementing those
interventions will conduct a pre-test to establish a baseline point prior to the initial
 TIER 2 interventions have to be more intense and should be implemented one-onone. There must be a set time for interventions to occur and a set teacher for
fidelity. The teacher must provide one-on- one instruction in the identified
intervention area(s), and then assess the growth at least once weekly. This data has
to be collected and reported weekly to the parent once the TIER 2 period begins,
and can only occur after the initial SWAT meeting.
 The SWAT team will designate a Team Designee that will be responsible for keying
in information into the SWAT document at the meeting. This Team Designee will
mark the areas of concern for TIER 2 implementation on the SWAT document page
4. The Team Designee should not be the Special Education teacher.
 The Regular Classroom Teacher will place the information in the section concerning
baseline data, frequency TIER 2 will be implemented (a minimum of three times
weekly with assessment of growth each week), and list who the interventionist. The
designee can key the information in to the SWAT document, but it must be
provided to the designee in advance of the initial meeting.
 The SWAT team will complete page 4 at the SWAT meeting. The SWAT committee
will indicate the meeting decision by checking the appropriate box at the bottom of
page 4.
SWAT Steps
Page 2
At the initial meeting the SWAT team sets a projected meeting date to discuss the
results of TIER 2 interventions.
 Everyone in attendance must sign the bottom of page 4. Do not type the names,
this must be actual signatures. At the end of the meeting copies are to be made and
provided, or sent to the parent that day.
Page 5 – Weekly Progress Monitoring Letter
 Regular Classroom Teacher or designated Interventionist(s) will make copies of
page 5 for each week of interventions.
 These are to be completed by the Regular Classroom Teacher or designated
Interventionist(s) copied, signed (actual signature), and sent home to the parent
every week of the TIER 2 intervention period. A Hard copy is to be kept with SWAT
 Data must be kept of each week’s progress.
Page 6 – Final Meeting Notice
 At the end of the 5th or 7th week of interventions the Principal/Counselor will send
home page 6 - the final meeting notice to remind the parent of the upcoming
 If the child has not made successful progress and the interventionist suspects a
possible disability, all information must be given to the Special Education Teacher
in advance of the meeting, so that they can also schedule and prepare a referral for
evaluation meeting with the parent.
Page 7 - Final SWAT meeting:
 The Regular Classroom Teacher or designated Interventionist(s) is to provide the
TIER 2 intervention result information to the Team Designee, in advance of the
meeting, that will be placed on page 7 - final meeting notes. The Regular Classroom
Teacher or designated Interventionist(s) will provide the following data; beginning
baseline data (start score) in each area of intervention, the end score (assessment
scores from last day of interventions), and answer whether the intervention target
was met (Yes, or No).
 The SWAT team will make a decision of how to proceed on the SWAT, by checking
the decision made at the bottom of the form.
 The SWAT team in attendance must sign the bottom of page 7. Do not type the
names, this must be actual signatures. At the end of the meeting copies are to be
made and provided, or sent to the parent that day.
 The parent must be invited, but if attempts are made and they do not attend, the
meeting can be held and results mailed, or sent home to the parent. All members of
the SWAT team must be present, even if the parent does not attend. This must
include the Special Education Teacher.
Referral Meeting:
 If the SWAT team suspects a disability a referral meeting must be held immediately.
 The Special Education Teacher will prepare and schedule a referral meeting to
discuss the need for further testing, the suspected disabilities, and obtain consent.
SWAT Steps
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