Joey Pigza Think Tac Toe - Anderson School District Five

Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key Think Tac Toe
Directions: Choose three options to complete to form a line across, diagonal, or down as in the game Tic
Tac Toe. The activity will be graded according to the scoring rubric that is also on this sheet. The project
will be due on December 19.
Draw a picture of Joey’s house
based on what you have read in
the novel and build a model of
the house.
Draw a series of 8 cartoons to
illustrate a chapter’s major
event. Example: Title of Chapter
– Marie’s Nose Chapter.
Create a bio poem about Joey
and one for yourself – compare
the two. The comparison needs
to be at least a page in length.
The format to follow for the
poem will be on this paper.
Find five examples idioms,
metaphors, and/or similes to
write down and draw an
illustration of each as well as
explaining the meaning of the
figurative language used.
Pretend you are the school
librarian and create an
advertisement to convince
students to read the novel. The
advertisement needs to include
the title of book, author’s name,
and main character’s name as
well as a review of the book.
Write diary entries as Joey’s
mother during the missing years
– must include 10 entries. The
entries must be at least ten
sentences in length to fully
explain Joey’s mother.
Create a timeline of the major
events of the novel. Draw a
picture to go with each event.
There should be at least 15
Make a board game about the
including at important events.
The game needs to include at
least fifteen important events.
Be a “profiler” for CSI and do a
profile on Joey. Write and
illustrate a full and useful profile
of an interesting character with
an emphasis on personality traits
and mode of operating.
Bio Poem Format:
Line 1: First Name
Line 2: Who is . . . (five adjectives that describes the character)
Line 3: who is the brother, sister, son, or daughter of . . . (choose one)
Line 4: Who loves . . . (three ideas or people)
Line 5: Who feels . . . (three ideas or emotions)
Line 6: Who needs . . . (three things or ideas)
Line 7: Who gives . . . (three ideas)
Line 11: Who is . . .
Line 8: Who fears . . .(three ideas)
Line 12: Who is a resident of . . .
Line 9: Who would like to see . . .
Line 13: Last name
Line 10: Who shares . . .
Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key Think Tac Toe Scoring Rubric
Completed three
activities to make
a straight line
Completed three
activities to make
a straight line
Put a great deal of
effort into the
projects and
created quality
Obviously used
Tried to use the
the novel to create novel, but may
the projects
have missed
getting one or two
facts correct
Used time wisely
Used time in class
in class and turned and turned in
in projects on time projects two days
projects with
projects with
minimal assistance some assistance
from teachers or
from teachers or
Obviously used
the novel to
complete the
Used time wisely
and turned in on
projects with
minimal assistance
from teachers and
Points Earned
Completed three
activities, but they
weren’t in a
straight line
Put effort into the
projects and
created average
Completed two
Completed one
Put minimal effort
into the projects
and produced
products that
exhibit that effort
Attempted to use
the novel, but
mostly relied on
memory which
wasn’t correct
Didn’t use time
wisely and turned
in projects four
days late
projects with at
least half the
projects being
done or assisted
by teachers or
together to try to
get a grade
Faked it because
reading the novel
was just too much
It was supposed to
be turned in
when? I
completely forgot.
Evident parents
completed the