Chapter 9 DBQ Assessment Points

Chapter 9 FLIPPED!!
What? Flipped?? What’s that mean? Well here’s the deal… for Chapter 9 there are two videos of your wonderful Social Studies
teacher on the Techbook giving a short lecture and power point on the key topics of 9-1 & 9-2.
So you are asking yourself what does that have to do with flips?? Flipped instruction means that instead of getting the lecture/notes
at school and doing the homework/activity at school we are going to FLIP IT. You will get the lecture/notes at home and then do the
homework/ activities here at school (guess we can’t call it homework, then can we. ) Below, I’ve listed the plan of attack for Ch. 9…
Monday 2/15
Tuesday 2/16
Wednesday 2/17
Test Review
Chapter 8 test
Monday 2/22
**Flipped lectures will
be on the Techbook
Tuesday 2/23
Wednesday 2/24
Thursday 2/18
9.1 Content Questions
Thursday 2/25
9.2 Content Questions
Monday 2/29
Writers Workshop:
Rubric & citations
-9.1 & 9.2 Doc
Questions DUE
Tuesday 3/1
1 hr delay schedule
Wednesday 3/2
2 hr delay schedule
Friday 2/19
Friday 2/26
Writers workshop:
Intro pre-writing
Thursday 3/3
1 hr delay schedule
Friday 3/4
1hr delay schedule
Along with the video lessons, you will be looking at primary and secondary sources about the key topics discussed in 9-1 and 9-2… think DBQ. 
The open spots on the calendar can be used to watch the videos (but really to maximize time, this should be done at home) OR to work on the DBQ’s.
Eventually you will be writing and essay…If you are ready, you will be able to start your essay on those open spots too. This essay is your test grade for
Chapter 9. You will have two options of essays to write. The essay will be a 1, 3 or 5 paragraph essay with a REQUIRED pre-writing step.
The essay and pre-writing are due Tuesday, March 3rd.
Video Access
Since we have our Techbook, watching videos are EASY!! Just log onto the Techbook and you’ll see an assignment board
called Chapter 9 Flipped. On that board you’ll find this paper, the videos, and the questions.
**If you are not able to watch them at home, please see me. You can watch them at school, but remember, if you have
to watch them at school, you are losing out of time you could be working.
Video Questions: While watching the videos, please answer the following questions, on another sheet of paper. Also
have your parents sign off at the bottom of the answers saying you have viewed BOTH videos.
9-1 Questions:
1. Explain the Rush Bagot Treaty and why it was even created in the first place.
2. What was decided at the Convention of 1818?
3. Why was the First Seminole war started? What was its outcome?
4. The Monroe Doctrine dealt with what countries?
5. What were the 4 main points of the Monroe Doctrine? (in your own words)
6. Parent Signature/Guardian/M&M Teacher Signature 
9-2 Questions:
1. What is nationalism?
2. Who proposed the American System? What was the purpose of the American system?
3. How did the American people benefit from roads and canals?
4. Explain McCulloch v Maryland and Gibbons v Ogden…what were they, what was decided?
5. What were the 3 parts of the Missouri Compromise? (in your own words)
6. Parent Signature/Guardian/M&M Teacher Signature 
Chapter 9 DBQ Essay Instructions
Directions: Choose ONE of the questions below to create either:
- a 3 paragraph essay (intro paragraph, body paragraph and conclusion paragraph)
- a 5 paragraph essay (intro paragraph, 3 body paragraphs for each of your 3 documents, and a conclusion)
- a 1 paragraph essay (at least 12-15 good quality sentences)
Essay #1
Would you have supported or opposed the Monroe Doctrine? In your response, think about if you think it was
necessary or not then think about…why did we create it in the first place, could we “back it up”, who was it written to,
who was on our side, did it work
Essay #2
Could either side be considered the winner of Missouri Compromise? Why or why not? In your response, first tell the 2
“sides” then think about… the goals of the groups creating the compromise, were they trying to agree or to gain an
advantage over the side. Was the Missouri Compromise of 1820 a real agreement, or was it the first step in the path
leading to the Civil War? Also, what is "sectionalism" and how did it play a role in the compromise.
Chapter 9 DBQ Assessment Points
Assessment-Homework Portion:
- 9.1 content questions
- 9.2 content questions
10 pts
10 pts
20 points
Assessment-Document Portion:
- 9.1 Document questions
- 9.2 Document questions
12 pts
12 pts
24 points
Assessment-Writing Portion:
- Prewriting
- Essay
Use rubric to see how the essay will be graded
10 pts
60 pts
70 points
Chapter 9 DBQ Helpful Hints
-Keep up!! When we give you time in class to work…WORK!!
-Work outside of class!! Even though we are giving you time in class to work, SOME of this will have to be done outside
of class as homework
-Use what you’ve already been taught!! Use your metacognitive markers!! Use your writing skills from Language Arts
and Social Studies class
-Use the prewriting!! If you fill out that pre-writing with the necessary details and spend time really making sure it all fits
together, writing your essay will be a piece of cake!!
-Use the Rubric!! Once you have it written, go back to the rubric and check that you have all required parts
-Ask Questions!! This is lots of independent work. We can’t help you if you don’t tell us you need help!!
-You can do this!! I know it seems overwhelming, but we know you can do this and we promise it will help get you ready
for the High School next year!!
I’m EXCITED about this new way of learning!! Since this is the first time for you guys, hang with me, there may be
some bumps along to road. We’ll figure them out as they arise. At the end of the week, we’ll also evaluate whether
you liked this way or not. 