The Mexican Invasion Immigration

By Brian Smith
The U.S.–Mexico border has the highest number
of both legal and illegal crossings of any land
border in the world except for the Canada.
More than 1700 border patrol agents are
responsible to patrol the area but can only
effectively patrol 700 of the 1954 miles of the
total border
It is estimated that there are .5 million illegal
entries into the United States each year.
Several hundred migrants die before ever
reaching the U.S. each year.
For a period of time in the 1990s the US army
was stationed along the U.S.-Mexico border to
try and deter the illegal immigration and drug
smuggling into the country.
◦ After September 11th it was suggested that soldiers be
placed to guard the U.S.- Mexico border to increase
security there
◦ It is believed that the border could be sealed off if the
army was to use as few as 100 helicopters equipped with
infrared scopes and a few hundred men.
◦ Or place a guard every 500-1000 feet along the 2000
mile border that even this would not be very cost
intensive and would be feasible.
Joe Arpaio has racially profiled the General
population and has attacked the Mexican
American public by arresting and deporting
as many as he and his deputies can find
through traffic stops, and sweeps in many of
the major cities in the valley.
Joe Arpaio has performed well in the
deportation of many illegal immigrants many
of which are criminals and has helped keep
our streets clean and the casualties (offended
Mexican American legal immigrants) are
necessary to bring order to the system.
PHOENIX — The self-proclaimed "toughest sheriff in America" has never gotten so much resistance from the federal
The Homeland Security Department wants Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz., to stop arresting illegal
immigrants whose only crime was crossing the U.S.-Mexico border without documents.
The thing is, Arpaio doesn't much care.
"I'm not going to bend to the federal government, I'm going to do my job," he said. "I don't report to the federal
government, I report to the people."
Shifting winds in Washington have led the Homeland Security Department to rework a federal program that has
allowed Arpaio's deputies to make federal immigration arrests since February 2007.
It's not yet known whether Arpaio – who has 160 deputies and jail officers trained to make federal immigration
arrests and speed up deportations – will sign the new deal.
If he doesn't, the feds say he would lose his authority to make any federal immigration arrests.
The revamped program would require Arpaio to clear plans for immigration sweeps beforehand with U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement and coordinate with ICE before releasing information about such
enforcement actions to the news media.
Those requirements don't sit well with the sheriff, who is known for his independence and well-oiled media
Even as he considered whether to sign the deal, Arpaio launched a three-day immigration sweep east of metro
Phoenix on July 24. Deputies arrested 74 people; 25 of them were illegal immigrants.
Ten of the illegal immigrants were released because they had committed no other crimes, and that fact pitted Arpaio
against Homeland Security. Arpaio says the feds told his deputies to let them go, while Homeland Security says
the decision was exclusively Arpaio's.
That sweep was the latest of 10 Arpaio has conducted in the last two and a half years. Many were held in heavily
Latino areas in metropolitan Phoenix, with deputies stopping drivers for traffic violations.
The sweeps sparked several angry protests from critics who said they amounted to racial profiling and led to a
Justice Department investigation of Arpaio. Arpaio said the people who were pulled over were approached
because deputies had probable cause to believe they had committed crimes.
Homeland Security's revamped program focuses on the most serious criminals and creates three priority levels for
The other two levels pertain to immigrants with prior convictions, but people whose only crime is being in the country illegally are not covered
under the program.
Eleven agencies in the country have signed the new so-called 287(g) agreement, while 66 agencies operating under the old program –
including Arpaio's – were given 90 days starting July 10 to decide whether they want to agree to follow the revamped program, said DHS
spokesman Matthew Chandler.
Arpaio called the new program an amnesty for illegal immigrants.
Chandler said changes to the new program were designed to spend Homeland Security resources wisely. "We feel that, you know, with the
limited resources we have we need to be focused on criminal aliens who pose a public safety threat," he said.
Chandler declined to say whether DHS could take away Arpaio's option to sign the agreement.
Even if Arpaio doesn't sign it, he vows to continue cracking down on illegal immigration. He will do so by enforcing more limited state
immigration laws that prohibit immigrant smuggling and ban employers from knowingly hiring illegal immigrants. Just on Wednesday,
his deputies arrested 52 illegal immigrants, 48 of whom will face human smuggling charges.
In a news release about the arrests, Arpaio said: "This is yet another example of my continued promise to enforce all the illegal immigration
laws in Maricopa County regardless of the ever-changing policies emanating from Washington, D.C."
Ira Mehlman, a spokesman for the anti-illegal immigration group Federation for American Immigration Reform, said it supports allowing local
law enforcement agencies to make federal immigration arrests and that Arpaio should not be limited to targeting only serious criminals.
"If all police departments did was go after serious crimes, most of their other functions would fall by the wayside," he said. "Just because there
are murderers in Phoenix doesn't mean cops shouldn't pull someone over for speeding and running a red light."
Alessandra Soler-Meetze, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona, said her group doesn't believe local agencies
should be allowed to make any immigration arrests and that Arpaio has abused his power long enough.
"He's a rogue sheriff, and he is the clearest, most visible example of why these 287g ordinances are bad for local communities," she said.
"Arpaio demonstrates what happens when there's absolutely no federal oversight of a program that has really led to some serious civil
rights abuses."
This is a strong article strongly opposing the
sheriff’s position and shows the strong
opposition to the sheriff. the cited quotes are
from credited sources and express very
clearly the problems involved in the conflict.
This Political cartoon is showing that the mexican people are
immigrating to the U.S. are innocent and help perform the
jobs that the american people are refusing theselves.
This Political cartoon also is showing that the mexican people
immigrating to the U.S. are innocent and help perform the
jobs that the american people are refusing theselves.
This Cartoon depicts that the american public are ignorant
when it comes to the situation that the mexican public faces.
They are hard working bunch and that they just want to
provide for their families.
This cartoon is trying to depict the director of homeland
security as corrupt in the fact that she is as most of the U.S.
government just allowing the illegal immigrants in with the
hope of getting the Mexican vote.
The title that came with his cartoon talked that the majority
of the Arizona population is more worried about the border
battle than health care reform and this cartoon is showing
how if we don’t take care of the border issue we will be
causing ourselves more problems.
This Graph shows that the foreign born employees from
mexico are diversified in the main catagories of production,
construction and service. It also shows that there is a lack of
mexicans in management and sales positions
In analysing this data and comparing it to the
2000 census declaring 12.5% mexican
population in the USA 24.8% of employees in
the field of production, transportation and
material moving employees are Mexican
24.8% in construction extraction, and
21% in service
While 5% in sales and 3% in management
In analysing this data and comparing it to the
2000 census declaring 25.3% Mexican population
in the state of Arizona and basing it off of the
information on the percentage per industry…
50.2% of employees in the field of production,
transportation and material moving employees
are Mexican
50.3% in construction extraction, and
43% in service
While only 11% in sales and 6% in management
It may be that the Immigration has taken a lot
of entry level jobs but that pushed the rest to
specialize and get more training which could
be considered a plus.
Only minus is how many of these people are
on food stamps and other government
welfare programs
I feel that immigration is an very important
process and needs to be considered carefully
and that Joe Arpaio is handling things badly
and should not be allowed to continue. There
are other ways to handle this problem
"Hispanic population." USCIS. USCIS, Web. 14
Dec 2009.
< >.
Myers, Amanda. "Joe Arpaio Ignores Feds,
Won't Stop Arresting Illegal Immigrants."
Huffington post. Huffington Post, Web. 14
Dec 2009.