wrtg bib

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14. "Gang Tattoo Database." GangInc. N.p., 04 Apr 2009. Web. 28 Jan 2011.
15. Gilbert, Steve. Tattoo History: A Source Book. powerHouse Books, 2000. Print.
16. Goldman, Sarah. “History and Symbolism of the Traditional Thai Tattoo.”
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17. Holtham, S. Mutilating the Body: Identifying in Blood and Ink. Bowling Green State University
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18. L., Karen. Living Canvas: Your Total Guide to Tattoos, Piercings, and Body Modification. Seal
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19. Indhu, Rajagopal. "Identity Manipulated Body and Docility." International Sociology
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20. Irwin, Katherine. "More than Skin Deep: Self and Social Transformation within the Tattoo
Culture ." Dissertation Abstracts International; The Humanity and Social Sciences. 9.6 (1993):
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21. Jacobson, Greg, Dir. Modify- Uncensored Edition . Dir. Greg Jacobson." Perf. Max, Masumi.
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22. Koch, Jerry. "Body Art, Deviance and American College Students." Social Science Journal. 47.1
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23. Koch, Jerry. "Correlates of Tattoos and Their Reference Groups." Psychological Reports. (2006):
24. Koch, Jerry. "Motivation for Contemporary Tattoo Removal: A shift in Identity." Archieves of
Dermatology. (2008): Print.
25. Kosut, Mary. "An Ironic Fad: The Commodification and Consumption of Tattoos." Journal of
Popular Culture. 39.6 (2006): 1035-1048. Print.
26. Kosut, Mary. "Mad Artists and Tattooed Perverts: Deviant Discourse and the Social
Construction of Cultural Categories." Deviant Behavior. 27.1 (2006): 73-95. Print.
27. Lemma, Alessandra. Under the skin: a psychoanalytic study of body modification. Taylor &
Francis, 2010. Print.
28. Lineberry, Cate. “Tattoos: The Ancient and Mysterious History.” Smithsonian.com. 1 January,
2007. Web. Retrieved 30 January, 2011.
29. Mascia-Lees, Frances E., and Sharpe, Patricia, eds. Tattoo, Torture, Mutilation and Adornment:
The Denaturalization of the Body in Culture and Text. Albany, NY: State University of New
York Press, 1992. Print.
30. Mercury, Maureen, and Steve Haworth. Pagan fleshworks: the alchemy of body modification.
Park Street Pr, 2000. Print.
31. N., Nancy. Bodies in the Making: Transgressions and Transformations. New Pacific Press, 2007.
32. Pitts, Victoria. In the Flesh: The Cultural Politics of Body Modification. New York:
33. Prend, Angela. "Corporate Logo Tattoos and the Commodification of the Body." Journal of
Contemperary Ethnography. 38.4 (2009): 493-517. Print.
34. Philips, Susan. "Gallo's Body: Decoration and Dammnation in Life of Chicano Gang Member."
Ethnography. 2.3 (2001): 357-88. Print.
35. "Profound Bodies and Purloined Looks: The Prisoners Tattoo and the Researchers Gaze."
Journal of Communication Inquiry. 11.2 (1987): 17-25. Print.
36. Rainier, Chris. Ancient marks: the sacred origins of tattoos and body markings. Mandala Pub
Group, 2006. Print.
37. Roberts, Alden. "College Tattoos: More than Skin Deep." Dermatology Nursing. (2002): Print.
38. Rush, John. Spiritual Tattoo: A Cultural History of Tattooing, Piercing, Scarification, Branding
and Implants. Berkeley : North Atlantic Book, 2005. Print.
39. Sanders, Clinton. Customizing the Body: The Art and Culture of Tattooing. Philadelphia:
Temple University Press, 2008. Print.
40. Silverman, Larry, Dir. Flesh and Blood. Perf. Haworth, Steve. 2008, Film.
41. Slawomir, Koziel. "Tattoo and Piercings as Signals of Biological Quality." Evolutionary Human
Behavior. 31.3 (2010): 187-92. Print.
42. Miami Ink. TLC, 10 Jan 2011. Web. 29 Jan 2011.
43. <http://tlc.discovery.com/fansites/miami-ink/miami-ink.html>.
44. Talmadge, Eva, and Justin Taylor. The Word Made Flesh: Literary Tattoos from Book Worms
Worldwide. New York: Harper Perenial , 2010. Print.
45. “Tattoo Museum.” The World’s Largest Online Tattoo Museum. Vanishingtattoo.com. 2010.
Website: http://www.vanishingtattoo.com/tattoo_museum/index.html (includes a great
bibliography for finding further sources)
46. “Tattoo Temple: Unique Living Art. Questions Behind the Art.” Collection of articles and
academic papers. A GREAT site, but I have no idea how to correctly cite it in MLA format.
Published 2010. Website: http://tattootemple.hk/international-tattoo-academy/questions-behindthe-art