Registration Override Request - Grand Valley State University

Registration Override Request Form
Geology Department
Grand Valley State University
Please complete and submit this form, with any relevant documentation attached, to the Geology Department office, 118 Padnos Hall
of Science. All requests will be reviewed expeditiously; missing or incomplete information or documentation will delay the
processing of your request. You will be notified via email of the decision. Please write neatly and legibly.
1. Your name: ________________________________________________________ Date: __________________________
2. Your e-mail address: ________________________________________________________________________________
3. Your G-number: ___________________________ Major(s): _____________________ Minor: __________________
4. In the table below, please give information about the course(s) for which you need a registration override. Include Discussion and
Lab sections if relevant. In the last column, indicate the reason the override is needed. Reasons may include:
 Closed Class (Cap) -Permission requires signature of course instructor blow.
 Prerequisite not met (Pre)-Provide documentation that pre-req has been met, or will be met in time for start of class.
 Class requires Permit to Register (Pmt)-Permission requires signatures of Instructor and Department Head below.
List all reasons that apply. If reason is not listed, please explain below.
Course & section
Example: Winter 2011
Winter 2011
GEO 212-10
GEO 212-102
5. Reason for request. Explain clearly and in detail why you should be admitted to a closed class, or the specific prerequisite issue.
Use the back of this page or extra sheets if needed. Please include any documentation that supports your request (e.g. - class
schedule, unofficial transcript, proof that pre-req course will be completed, when and where, etc.). If a Permit to Register is required,
explain the reason you are taking the class (e.g. – research, field camp, etc). For GEO 399 and 499 classes, the student should attach a
brief summary of the expected course activities and products (agreed on with faculty mentor).
Instructor’s approval for closed class registration: _X______________________________________________________________
Department Head approval for “Permit to register: _X______________________________________________________________
Geology Department, 118 Padnos Hall of Science, Ph: 616-331-3728, Fax 616-331-3740, Email:
Date implemented:
Implemented by:
Student e-mailed on: