Project plan for development of education at VPT

1 (6)
Prepared by (incl. person responsible for factual information, if someone else)
else)aktaansvarig om annan)
Approved by
Bo Lewander
Kennie Thörn
Project plan for development of education at VPT
1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................2
2 TG 0 IDENTIFY COMPETENCY NEEDS ....................................................................2
3 TG 1 PLACE EDUCATION ORDER/ASSIGNMENT...................................................3
PURCHASING ............................................................................................................4
5 TG 3 AWARD PURCHASE ORDER TO SELECTED SUPPLIER ..............................5
6 TG 4 PREPARATION FOR LAUNCH .........................................................................6
Table of Appendices
Appendix 1: Placement of education order/assignment TG1
Appendix 2: Basis for decision/approval of placing purchase order TG 2
Appendix 3: Project and activity planning in support of planning for TG2-TG5
Appendix 4: Design and cost estimate for education to be used prior to TG 2
Appendix 5: Communication plan to be used prior to TG 3
Appendix 6: Final report with deviation resolution and project evaluation TG 5
Fig 1: Vattenfall Professional project methodology for development of education in five tollgates
TG 0
At BU/Company:
 Identify
needs and
gaps based on
the current
situation and
future needs
 Plan actions to
fill competency
needs/GAPs of
individuals and
TG 1
Placement of
education order/
TG 2
Design, cost
estimate and
project planning
of education.
Use appendix 1
Use appendices
2 and 3
TG 3
Award Purchase
Order for
appendices 1, 2
and 3 to the
TG 4
 Prepare the
plan use
appendix 5 and
assign the
responsible at
 Ensure
 Prepare
TG 5
Prepare the final
report for project.
Use appendix 6
2 (6)
Prepared by (incl. person responsible for factual information, if someone else)
else)aktaansvarig om annan)
Approved by
Bo Lewander
Kennie Thörn
The purpose of the project plan is to provide a basis, or a guideline, for the
development of computer aided education, or other forms of education when a less
complex subject matter is at hand.
The project plan aims to ensure quality, provide cost efficiency and minimize the
development time for production modules.
The project plan is based on proven Props-methodology, which is the project
methodology selected to be used within Vattenfall. The plan is also adapted to the
SAT-Methodology that the Education Council within Vattenfall has selected to be
used for analysis, design and evaluation of internal educational programs.
The project plan is divided into five so called “Tollgates” (steps, or decision points).
Prior to certain Tollgates one can access appendices developed to support planning
and execution. All the steps should be followed regardless of whether the production
takes place completely under own supervision using internal resources, or with the
help of external production resources (consultants), or through a combination of both
of these ways.
All activities shall be planned in a project/activity plan (see appendix 2 project and
activity planning) and prior to each Tollgate the applicable appendices should be
used and attached.
TG 0 Identify competency needs
TG 0
The company and BU will solely handle this step. Tollgate 0 is aimed at identifying
competency development needs of individuals and units to meet future requirements
based on the current competency situation. This task is ultimately the responsibility of
the HR Manager, but he or she can delegate the operative work to other roles, to
Competency developers, and persons responsible for Courses and Education at a BU
or Company.
The analysis is a prerequisite for being able to place a correct order (assignment) in
accordance with TG 1.
3 (6)
Prepared by (incl. person responsible for factual information, if someone else)
else)aktaansvarig om annan)
Approved by
Bo Lewander
Kennie Thörn
TG 1 Placement of education order/assignment
TG 1
This step is conducted as a full day workshop involving all interested parties!
Support for this step can be found in appendix 1 (Basis for TG1 decision). This step
is aimed at developing a factually correct basis for the order.
The step includes the following tasks:
 Identify who the customer is (the person or persons within Vattenfall who order
and provide the funds for the education)
 Identify who is responsible for the course (the person who owns the course and its
content within Vattenfall)
 Identify the person or persons who are subject matter owners, or so called fact
sources/fact reviewers (the person internal or external to Vattenfall who has the
particular subject matter competency)
 Identify the resources required beyond the fact sources and fact reviewers
 Ensure that the resources have been contacted and are available
 Identify the sponsor for the education (the person who helps to open doors within
Vattenfall by providing decisions and guidance so that the project can deliver the
goals set)
 Identify the assigned project manager from VPT
 Identify the person/persons targeted for the education (to be clearly stated for each
BU and Company)
 Provide a description of the overarching purpose and goal of the education
 Provide a description of the content of the education in unit/modular form and
identify the goals present within each unit
 State how long the education shall be kept active and maintained
 Provide a delivery date
 Describe the method for evaluation of the purpose and goal of the education
 Identify the funding and method of funding for the development, operation, and
future maintenance of the education
 How shall the participants register for the course?
 What method is suitable?
 What prerequisite knowledge is needed?
 State the number of participants/number of courses
 Identify suggested suppliers
 Identify the need for meeting space
 Identify needs for assistance in purchasing
4 (6)
Prepared by (incl. person responsible for factual information, if someone else)
else)aktaansvarig om annan)
Approved by
Bo Lewander
Kennie Thörn
Use the attached appendix 1 (Basis for TG1 decision), let the customer, subject matter
owner (fact owner) and the project manager sign it after the workshop has been
completed and then file it! At this point TG1 as a decision point has been completed
and approved by the customer.
TG 2
TG 2 Design of education and preparation for purchasing
This step is handled together with fact reviewers, internal educators, or with potential
suppliers (if external purchasing is applicable).
If external purchasing is by inquiry to several suppliers, then this step is handled by
separate workshops with each supplier. The supplier who can assist with the highest
quality, design (pedagogical structure), content and price will then be recommended
prior to the TG2 decision. Purchasing in cooperation with the purchasing group for
Vattenfall can then take place.
The appendices 2 and 3 are used to document this step, and one should start based on
the specification which can be found in the TG 1 decision (Placement of order for
educational assignment, see appendix 1).
In this step the following tasks should be completed prior to project launch:
 Design of the educational material with respect to pedagogical structure,
navigation, and graphical layout.
 Summary of external costs based on an inquiry, or based on a suborder in the case
of a master agreement supplier. Cost information should be presented in regards to
the cost for development of the educational material, and costs for potential
operation and future upgrades of the material.
 Summary of internal costs for development, operation and future upgrades.
A recommended decision should be provided to the customer after the steps above
have been completed.
The recommended decision should contain the following:
 Proposed design, pedagogical structure and evaluation preferably as a
demonstration or a sample of a portion of the educational material/course (one
module or unit), or as a “Blue Print” (sketch/drawing). This task is performed
together with internal educators, fact reviewers, or with an external supplier in the
case of external purchasing. Appendix 2 “Design and cost estimate” shall be
 Costs for development, maintenance and operation of the educational material (use
appendix 2 Design and cost estimate)
5 (6)
Prepared by (incl. person responsible for factual information, if someone else)
else)aktaansvarig om annan)
Approved by
Bo Lewander
Kennie Thörn
 A schedule indicating project activities and tollgates shall be prepared together
with internal educators, fact reviewers, or an external supplier in the case of
external purchasing (use appendix 3)
 A recommended decision shall be completed only by the project manager and
shall not be shown to external suppliers (use appendix 4 Basis for
decision/approval of TG 2).
Let the customer read through appendices 2, 3 and 4 and afterwards approve these by
signing and approving the TG 2 decision (appendix 4). Thereafter the potential
purchase order with the selected supplier can be placed and the project can be
TG 3 Placement of order with selected supplier
TG 3
The following activities shall be completed in this step:
 If there is a need for external purchasing, then the order with the selected supplier
shall be placed in cooperation with the purchasing group at Vattenfall in
accordance with the TG 2 decision whereby:
-appendices 1, 2 and 3 are appended as part of the purchase order contract
-the following provisions are assured in the case of a web based educational
program: the format (scorm 2004) is followed, all source code is owned by
Vattenfall, Vattenfall has unrestricted disposal of educational material and source
codes, source codes are delivered in the same structure as presented in appendix 1
§ 5.3 and Blue Print delivered in accordance with appendix 2
-all prices are in accordance with pricing provided in appendix 2.
 Schedule remaining activities and project meetings in the activity/project planning
schedule. It is recommended to convene a ”kick-off” meeting where all activities
are scheduled in the activity/project planning schedule after any open items have
been discussed so that a consensus has been reached about who is responsible for a
given activity, the role of each person, etc. If the project is less complex it may
suffice for the project manager to call an initial project meeting where all project
resources and potential external suppliers participate (see appendix 3),
Complete the purchase and inform the customer that the purchase has been completed
in accordance with the TG 2 decision and that the project has now been launched.
TG3 has now been completed and the project can be executed with the help of
appendix 3 as support.
6 (6)
Prepared by (incl. person responsible for factual information, if someone else)
else)aktaansvarig om annan)
Approved by
Bo Lewander
Kennie Thörn
TG 4 Preparation prior to launch
TG 4
In this step the project is executed in accordance with the previously prepared project/
activity plan (see appendix 3) and major deviations from plan are continually noted in
appendix 6, ”Final report with deviation resolution and project evaluation”.
In this step, which takes place in the middle of project execution, preparation and
planning should, however, be done for the following activities:
 Prepare a communication plan with the support of appendix 5. The purpose of the
communication plan is to ensure that the right message is conveyed to the right
audience at the right time. The communication plan shall thus indicate the
activities planned for internal marketing/communication of the education, and the
anticipated effect of these activities.
 Assign the person at the Company/BU responsible for ensuring that the
communication plan and its activities are executed and complied with.
 In the case of web based education a test run to ensure the operating/IT
environment should be performed. In addition, the educational material with its
content and functionality, navigation, script, color, format and other lay-out should
also be tested to ensure that the educational content works.
 Prepare evaluation questions based on the purpose of the education (measurable
goals) and goals based on the selected methodology (see appendix 1. §5.1, §5.2
and §8.0).
TG4 has been achieved after completion of the tasks above.
TG 5 Launch and final report
TG 5
In this step the following should be accomplished:
 The evaluation is performed in relation to the overarching goal of the education
(measurable goal) and goals.
 A final report with deviation resolution and project evaluation is prepared in
accordance with appendix 6 and the results are presented to the customer.
After the project manager has sent the Final Report to the customer with copies to
project participants and supplier(s) then TG 5 has been achieved and the project
can be closed.