New York's Transition to Medicaid Managed Care

New York’s
Transition to
Managed Care
NYS Care Management Coalition
2015 Annual Training Conference
Andrew Cleek, PsyD
Dan Ferris, MPA
Learning Objectives
To Understand:
The basic principles of Managed Care as a payment
vehicle for health care services
The structure of the current NYS Medicaid Managed
Care program
The changes anticipated as the State rolls out a new
Medicaid Managed Care Model to support those with
Behavioral Health needs.
Setting the Stage…
Governor’s Vision for
Medicaid Reform
“It is of compelling public importance that the State
conduct a fundamental restructuring of its Medicaid
program to achieve measurable improvement in health
outcomes, sustainable cost control and a more efficient
administrative structure.”
- Governor Andrew Cuomo, January 5, 2011
Improved Health Status
Improved Quality of Care
Reduced Costs
Care Management for All
Medicaid Expenditures: 2013
$49.1 billion
Managed Care 101…
Managed Care: Definition
An integrated system that manages health
services for an enrolled population rather
than simply providing or paying for the
Services are usually delivered by providers
who are contracted under a capitated
payment structure or employed by the plan
Managed Care: Key Ingredients
Care “management”
○ Utilization management
○ Health management
Vertical service integration and
Financial risk sharing with providers
Managed Care: Goals
Control Costs:
○ Health care costs growing faster than GDP
○ Reduce inappropriate use of services
○ Increase completion: Focus on Value
Improve Service Quality
Improve Population Health
Increase Preventive Services: Promote Health (not
just treat illness)
Managed Care: Key Components
Network of providers created via contracting
Medical home created w/primary care provider functioning
as a gatekeeper
Prior approval required for inpatient admissions, specialty
visits, elective procedures, etc.
Benefits package with a defined set of covered services
Contained list of covered pharmaceuticals (Formulary)
Utilization review practices to manage inpatient admissions
and length of stay
How Capitation Works
Managed Care Organization receives a fixed amount of
money each month for each member: Per Member Per
Month (PMPM)
Fixed fee is for a specific time period (typically a month)
Fee covers a defined set of services (these are the
Provider accepts risk for delivering services:
○ Agrees to comply with prior authorization and utilization
management practices
○ May enter into pay for performance arrangement
How Providers May Be Paid
Capitation Rate: MD groups, hospitals or Accountable
Care Organizations (ACOs) may enter into such
May include shared risk/savings arrangement
Negotiated fee for service: some MDs, ancillary
services, labs, etc..
Per diem/ fixed daily payment: hospitals, SNF
Payment based upon the episode of care:
Diagnostically Related Groups (DRGs)- Today
Acute /post acute bundled payments- Future
Determining Service Provision
and Payment
The answers to all of the above
questions must be “YES” if the
service is to be paid for by the
What Does the NYS
Medicaid Managed
Care Program Look
Like Today?
Publicly Funded Behavioral
Health System Today
Managed Care
No Managed Care
Remaining System Challenges
20% of people discharged from general hospital psychiatric units are
readmitted within 30 days.
A majority of these admissions are to a different hospital.
Discharge planning often lacks strong connectivity to outpatient
Lack of assertive engagement and accountability in ambulatory care.
Contributes to: readmissions, overuse of ER, poor outcomes and public
safety concerns.
Lack of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) care coordination for people
with serious SUD problems leading to poor linkage to care following
a crisis or inpatient treatment.
A significant percentage of homeless singles population has serious
mental illness and/or substance use disorder.
Remaining System Challenges
People with mental illness and/or substance use disorders are
over represented in jails.
Unemployment rate for people with serious mental illness is 85%.
33% of people entering detox were homeless and 66% were
unemployed in 2011.
People with serious mental illness die about 25 years sooner
than the general population, mainly from preventable chronic
health conditions.
Poor management of medication and pharmacy contributes to
inappropriate poly-pharmacy, inadequate medication trials,
inappropriate formulary rules, poor monitoring of metabolic and
other side effects and lack of person centered approach to
medication choices.
Managed Care Timeline -- NYC
○ July - October 2015 – NYC HARP passive enrollment letters
○ October 1, 2015 – Mainstream plans and HARPs implement
non-HCBS behavioral health services for enrolled members,
HARP enrollment phases in. Children’s Health Homes go live.
○ October 1, 2015 – Rest of state implementation: HARP
passive enrollment letters distributed
○ January 1, 2016 – HCBS Begins for HARP population
○ January 1, 2017 - NYC & Long Island Children’s Transition to
Managed Care
Accurate as of 5/12/15
Managed Care Timeline -Rest-of-State
○ June 30, 2015 – RFQ distributed (with expedited application for
NYC designated Plans)
○ October 2015 – Conditional designation of Plans
○ October 2015-March 2016 – Plan Readiness Review Process
○ April 1, 2016 – First Phase of HARP Enrollment Letters Distributed
○ July 1, 2016 – Mainstream Plan Behavioral Health Management
and Phased HARP Enrollment Begins
○ July 1, 2017 - Children’s Transition to Managed Care
Accurate as of 5/12/15
What We Know About the
Anticipated Changes….
Managed Care &
SUD Providers
SUD Providers
OASAS Vision:
System integrated with healthcare, with access to high quality services for
all in need:
Level of care in least restrictive setting
appropriate for needs or client
Continued efforts to place individuals needing
medical support for withdrawal in medically
appropriate settings
Long-Term Residential Redesign:
Bolstering Outpatient Clinic Capacity:
Develop ancillary withdrawal protocols &
integrate into clinic flow
Integrate medication assisted treatment
Coordinate care with other healthcare
Supporting Opioid Treatment Providers:
Develop utilization management protocols with
Incorporate other medications (e.g.,
buprenorphone) into clinic settings
New levels of care covered by Medicaid
Develop ancillary withdrawal protocols &
integrate into clinic flow
Integrate medication assisted treatment
Coordinate care with other healthcare
Home and Community Based Services:
Developing service models
Integrating with other care providers
Current Treatment System
Current Medicaid Billing
Inpatient Detox
Inpatient Rehab
Outpatient Treatment
Outside Medicaid
SUD Providers: LOCADTR
Reflects OASAS clinical judgment about appropriate level of care
○ Based on ASAM
○ Tailored to NY:
Required for MMC services:
Policy to increase MAT for opioids
Residential redesign
OASAS would like to extend beyond Medicaid
Training needs
○ Diverse workforce:
Designed for someone with SUD clinical background
Eventually will be used by other providers
Working with managed care to develop workflow
What does this Mean for
SUD Providers?
Plan for Change ahead
Stay engaged with
Use resources and
trainings available to
Managed Care
Organizations and
Health and Recovery
Plans (HARPs)
What will Change?
All Medicaid recipients will be members of a Managed Care Plan
More services (including recovery services) covered by Managed Care Plans
Individuals w/significant needs can become a part of a Health and Recovery Plan
(HARP) - receive services not available through the standard BH plan
Imbeds process / resource changes w/in a specific philosophical model:
Person centered, recovery focused practices
Reliance on care management for high need individuals
Greater reliance on community services rather than inpatient services
Service integration
Greater accountability for achieving outcomes
Covered Populations and Eligibility
Covers the inclusion of Medicaid BH services for adults
in mainstream MCOs. Dual eligibles (with both
Medicaid and Medicare) are not eligible
Eligibility for Mainstream Managed Care Plans: All
mainstream Medicaid eligible and enrolled individuals
21 and over requiring behavioral health services
Children & Young Adult System moving to managed
care in 2016.
Services To Be Covered by MCOs
as of October 1, 2015 for NYC and
July 1, 2016 for rest of state
(Not paid for by MCOs today)
Continuing Day Treatment
Partial hospitalization
SUD outpatient services… Including OTP
Residential Rehabilitation (SUD residential services to be
redesigned and clinical services to become billable)
○ Inpatient Psychiatric services (currently FFS for all SSI Medicaid
○ Rehabilitation services for residents of community residences
(beginning in year 2)
Health and Recovery Plans
Who is eligible?
○ Must either meet the target risk criteria and risk factors or be identified by
service system or service provider identification
Target Criteria:
○ Medicaid enrolled 21 and older
○ SMI/SUD diagnoses
○ Eligible for Mainstream enrollment
○ Not dually eligible
○ Not participating in OPWDD program
140,000 individuals are estimated to be eligible (60,000 in Upstate NY)
All will be expected to have a Health Home Care Manager
Services To Be Covered by HARPs
Services will be paid for by MCOs if person is shown to
be eligible for a HARP)
Referred to as Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) for Adults Meeting
Targeted and Functional Needs. Proposed under the 1115 Demonstration
(Psychosocial Rehab, Community Psychiatric Support and Treatment
[CPST], crisis intervention)
(Habilitation, Residential Supports in Community Settings)
(Short Term Crisis Respite, Intensive Crisis Respite)
Support and Training
Supports (Pre-voc, transitional Employment, Intensive Supported
Employment, Ongoing Supported Employment)
Support Services
for Self-Directed Care (To be phased in as a pilot)(Information and
Assistance in Support of Participation Direction)
MCO & HARP: System Reform Goals
It is necessary to ensure each MCO has adequate
capacity to assist NYS in achieving system reform
goals including:
Improved health outcomes and reduced health care costs
through use of managed care strategies/technologies
Transformation of the BH system from inpatient focused system
to a recovery focused outpatient system of care.
Improved access to more comprehensive array of communitybased services grounded in person centered recovery principles.
Integration of physical and behavioral health services and
care coordination through program innovations
MCO & HARP: Operating Principles
Reliance on specialized expertise for the assessment, treatment,
and management of special populations
Medical necessity determinations that consider level of need
as well as environmental factors, available resources and
psychosocial rehabilitation standards
For MH, Level of Care and clinical guidelines approved by the
For SUD, Level of Care determinations based on OASAS
Use of data-driven approaches to performance measurement
Heightened monitoring of the quality of behavioral health and
medical care
MCO & HARP: Operating
Use of financial structures that support and/or incentivize achieving
system goals.
Separate tracking of BH expenditures and administrative costs to ensure
adequate funding to support access to appropriate BH services.
Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) for HARPs and BH MLR for Mainstream
Reinvestment of behavioral health savings to improve services for
behavioral health populations.
Enhanced pharmacy management for individuals with co-occurring
complex MH and SUD challenges.
MCO & HARP: Expected System
Improved individual health and behavioral health life outcomes
Improved social/recovery outcomes including employment
Improved member‘s experience of care
Reduced rates of unnecessary or inappropriate emergency room
Reduced need for repeated hospitalization and re-hospitalization
Reduction or elimination of duplicative health care services and
associated costs, and
Transformation to a more community-based, recovery-oriented,
person-centered service system.
MCO & HARP: State Goals
Based upon provider feedback, NYS recognizes the need to:
the service capacity to support the HARP enrollees
define the role of the Health Home in conjunction with
the role of the MCO
approach for making HARP service payments (1st two
years will be FFS)
which agencies will be considered qualified to
provide HCBS services and develop the procedure coding, etc.
the Care Management model for HARP members
and HARP eligible who are not enrolled in Health Homes.
MCO & HARP: Questions
What does this mean to the work of your
Is your agency delivering services on the
lists of additional Managed Care covered
services, but have never had a contract with
an MCO?
What will you need to do differently moving
Let’s Not Forget:
Other Initiatives Are
○ Health
Home Care Management
○ Delivery
System Reform Incentive
Payment (DSRIP) Plan
Why Health Homes?
Outgrowth of the Affordable Care Act:
Expands on the traditional medical home model to build linkages
to other community and social supports
Enhances coordination of medical and behavioral health care for
individuals with multiple chronic illnesses
Improves health care and health outcomes
Lowers Medicaid costs
Reduce preventable hospitalizations and ER visits Avoid
unnecessary care for Medicaid members
What is a Health Home?
A program that provides Care Management to
High Need Medicaid Recipients
All of the professionals involved in a member’s care
communicate with one another so that all needs are
addressed in a comprehensive manner.
Medical, behavioral health and social service
needs are to be addressed
What is the Work of a Health
Work is done through a care manager who oversees
and coordinates access to all of the services a
member requires – including those being covered by
Managed Care Organizations
Care manager ensures that the member receives
everything necessary to stay healthy
All the services and partners are considered
collectively as the “Health Home”
Delivery System
Reform Incentive
(DSRIP) Plan
Changes Anticipated Through the
Delivery System Reform Incentive
Payment (DSRIP) Program
$7.567 Billion over 5 years
Theme: Communities of providers encouraged to work together to
develop DSRIP project proposals
Focus on reducing inappropriate hospitalizations
Open to a wide array of safety net providers
Payments are performance based
Must choose from a menu of 25 CMS-approved programs
Goal: Reduce avoidable hospitalizations by 25% over five years.
NYS DSRIP: Key Components
Key focus on reducing avoidable hospitalizations by 25% over five
Statewide initiative open to large public hospital systems and a
wide array of safety-net providers.
Payments are based on performance, on process, and on outcome
Providers must develop projects based upon a selection of CMS
approved projects from each of the domains
Key theme is collaboration! Communities of eligible providers will
be required to work together to develop DSRIP project proposals
Performing Provider Systems
(PPS): Local Partnerships to
Transform The Delivery System
Partners Should
Health Homes
Skilled Nursing Facilities
Clinics & FQHCs
Behavioral Health
• Home Care Agencies
• Other Key Stakeholders
Responsibilities Must Include:
Rather than think about these
transformational initiatives (BH
Carve In, Health Homes and
DSRIP) as disparate initiatives,
lets consider the alignment
that exists….
Common Themes
Health Carve-In
Reduce avoidable ED
and Inpatient
Reduce avoidable ED
and Inpatient
Reduce avoidable ED and
New relationship
expectation for MCOs
and Providers
Cross-systems Care
Team required
Goal for QHP’s
Required for HARPS
Required for Health
Homes (Unfunded)
Essence of Regional
Performing Provider
Systems; key for mutual
accountability across NYS
Required and potential
Care Management
Available through QHP
Required for HARP
New Solutions
Flexible supply of
Medicaid payable
HCBS Services
Core MCO value
New dollars to expand
Tool for achieving DSRIP
care management
Required focus on social Key to success
determinants of health
Focus on Outcomes
Health Homes
Core Health Home value Core DSRIP value
What Should
Providers be Doing
to Prepare?
Competencies, Practices &
Skills that will Support Success
in Managed Care
To make sure you are meeting MCO expectations
Three Main Categories:
1.Understand MCO business practices and imbed these
practices in the work of your organization
2.Build organizational infrastructure to effectively work
with MCOs
3.Demonstrate desired outcomes /value
Understand MCO Business
Practices : Build a successful
business relationship w/MCOs
MCO priorities
Communication/Reporting: data exchange in required formats, requests for
clinical information, services authorization, member verification
IT systems requirements
Credentialing processes
Level of Care Criteria/Utilization Management Practices
Member Services/Grievance Procedures
Medical Management
Network Management
Quality Management/ Quality Studies/ Incentive Opportunities
Billing/Payment Practices
Auditing practices
Organizational Infrastructure
Build the infrastructure to support the changes necessary
to succeed in the new managed care environment
Analytic Capacity:
Collecting, housing and analyzing process and clinical data with CQI follow up
and Change Management Capacity:
Identify and empower “Change Champions.”
Leaders (not managers):
Share the “power” tied to establishing a strategic direction. Use those with a
variety of experience and perspectives.
Capacity Beyond FFS:
Learn more about what MCOs currently require and possible future payment
and Workforce Development:
Develop a flexible and forward thinking workforce that responds positively to
quantified performance feedback
Organizational Infrastructure
Develop Channels for Effective Communication:
Within your Organization:
changes with Board and engage them in the change process
certain the Leadership Team is clear on expectations that will
support a successful transition
the sharing of information about Medicaid Redesign and
the next phase of Managed Care with staff across the organization
cross- department conversations about the role each will
play in the organization achieving identified outcomes.
Organizational Infrastructure
Develop Channels for Effective Communication:
Support Cross-Discipline Efforts:
Regardless of discipline, leaders must believe in and be
champions of transformation and communicate expectations
Redesign care to optimize each professional discipline’s
expertise and knowledge.
Members of multidisciplinary teams must be collaborative, share
a mutual respect for one another and rotate leadership based on
the initiative and the skill set the project requires
Across the System of Care:
○ Develop process to promote inter- organization communication in
support of shared outcomes and opportunities for Continuous
Quality Improvement.
Organizational Infrastructure
Build capacity to support continuous clinical improvement:
in clinical staff to review data reflective of key service delivery
process and clinical outcome measures that are collected internally – and
externally ( e.g., reports prepared by State Agencies, PSYCKES, MCOs,
process to review outcome measures w/clinical team members
(including MDs when appropriate) on a routine basis. Team makes
recommendations for improvement. Changes in practice are monitored.
on the work of the Clinical Team are routinely distributed to
leadership team members (including Board)
consistently articulates its full support for ongoing quality
improvement activities
Deliver and Demonstrate
Impact & Value
Determine the outcomes and related measures that define success
for the MCOs with which you work
Inventory data sources that reflect impact
Work with or develop Quality Team to review available data and
assess organization’s position
Develop new data collection protocols as needed
Know your Cost Per Unit/Episode of Service
Build your value proposition (continuously improve)
What is MCTAC?
MCTAC is a training, consultation, and educational
resource center that offers resources to all mental
health and substance use disorder providers in New
York State.
MCTAC’s Goal
Provide training and intensive support on quality
improvement strategies, including business,
organizational and clinical practices to achieve the
overall goal of preparing and assisting providers
with the transition to Medicaid Managed Care.
Who is MCTAC?
MCTAC Offers:
Support and capacity building for providers
o Tools
o Consultation
o Informational forums
o Assessment tools
o Learning communities
Critical information along each of the domain areas necessary
for Managed Care readiness
Feedback to providers and state authorities on readiness for
Managed Care
A clearinghouse of information for other Managed Care
technical assistance efforts
Unique Agency Participation
537 agencies have participated in a MCTAC offering:
• 195 (46%) of OASAS SUD Providers
• 342 (62%) of OMH Agencies
This includes attendance at kickoff forums, readiness
assessment webinar attendance and tool completion, the
co-sponsored NYAPRS Open Minds conference, and inperson/on-line contracting events through 3/1/2015.
Kickoff Forums
MCTAC hosted twelve kick-off events in partnership
with NYS DOH, OMH, and OASAS:
• Manhattan
• Brooklyn
• Queens
• Long Island
• Albany
• Buffalo
• Syracuse
• North Country
1500+ people attended one of the offerings and an
additional 450 viewed a live stream of the Albany
event. Slides, video recording, and an FAQ
generated from discussion at the sessions were
generated and are available at
Managed Care Contracting
Contracting events to date:
In-person contracting sessions, featuring Adam
Falcone (618 total attendees)
• November 14: Rochester
• November 25: Long Island
• December 9: New York City
• December 10: Albany
• January 13: New York City
93% of feedback form respondents found the in-person
contracting session with Adam Falcone useful.
Contracting (cont.)
Web-based offerings:
• Managed Care Contracting: The Plan Perspective,
featuring Harold Iselin and Whitney Phelps of
Greenberg Traurig -- December 17, 2014.
• Contracting Overview and Office Hours with Adam
Falcone – February 10, 2015.
• Managed Care Contracting: The Provider
Perspective, featuring Mark Furlong and Ron
Lampert of Thresholds -- March 25, 2015.
RCM, UM & Outcomes
In-person overview offerings:
○NYC: April 17, 2015
○Buffalo: May 1, 2015
○Albany: May 29, 2015
Web-based Learning Communities
○Revenue Cycle Management: May 12th - June 4th:
Utilization Management & Outcomes: TBA
HCBS Infrastructure
Development Trainings
Co-Sponsored Open Minds Conference on HCBS with NYAPRS December 1112, 2014. All materials available on NYAPRS and MCTAC websites.
For Designated Providers or those outside NYC who are interested in applying
with little or no experience with Medicaid and/or Managed Care:
Part I. Introductory Webinar: May 1, 2015
Part II. Full-day in-person training in NYC (May 11, 2015), Syracuse (TBD), and
Albany (TBD)
Foundations in Essential Business and Operations Practices
Exploring Options for Deploying Essential Practices
For all HCBS providers, Health Homes, and Care Managers – HCBS Frontend
and Workflow Walkthrough, Overview of each HCBS Service. Scheduled for
6/15/2015 in NYC.
MCO Priorities, Business
Practices & Strategy
Change Management Leadership for Managed Care webinar featuring
Anthony Salerno, PhD.
National Provider Identifier (NPI) Training webinar featuring Boris
Vilgorin, MPA.
Co-Sponsored 2-Day NYAPRS Open Minds Conference in December
of 2015
Readiness Assessment Tutorial and Aggregate Findings Overview
webinars featuring Andrew Cleek, PsyD.
MCTAC Readiness Tool
This MMC Readiness Tool is designed to provide
organizations with 11 categories of processes, practices
and change management activities needed to effectively
prepare for and function during the early stages of a
business relationship with a Managed Care
When completed, the self-assessment tool offers a
snapshot of the organization’s current level of readiness
as well as an assessment of the need for technical
assistance. This tool may be helpful as a planning
resource to guide organizations in their preparation and
decision making activities.
Readiness Assessment
Findings Overview
313 MCTAC Readiness Assessments were included in analysis
OMH, OASAS and OMH/OASAS were represented (~30% each)
162 (52%) agencies did not score in the Top 25% in any Factor
There are no statistically significant differences by Region
There are statistically significant differences by Reimbursement
There are statistically significant differences by Agency Type
Domains of Readiness
Understanding MCO Priorities & Present
Managed Care Involvement
MCO Contracting
Communication /Reporting (Services
authorization, etc.)
IT System Requirements
Level of Care (LOC) Criteria / Utilization
Management Practices
Member Services/Grievance Procedures
Interface with Physical Health, Social Support
and Health Homes
Quality Management/Quality Studies/Incentive
MCO Priorities
Level of Care
Member Services
Finance and Billing
Access Requirements
Demonstrating Impact/Value (Data
Management & Evaluation Capacity)
Total Score
Total Score
Average Score by Domain
1. MCO Priorities
2. Contracting
3. Communication
4. IT
5. Level of Care
6. Member Services
7. Interface
8. Quality
9. Finance
10. Access
11. Evaluation
Total Score
Average Score
What Next?
Steps to Take
Create a Managed Care Readiness Team
Identify a Readiness Team Leader that will function as
the champion
Complete the Managed Care Readiness Assessment
being provided by MCTAC
Consider assessing readiness by program
Develop a Managed Care Readiness Work Plan
Steps to Take
Participate in MCTAC Technical Assistance offerings based
upon needs identified.
Educate and involve Board members
Educate and involve staff members at all levels
Look for opportunities to create synergy for your organization
in your involvement in the various transformational initiatives
Develop relationships with Managed Care Company
MCTAC is driven by a robust partnership of academic, research,
advocacy, and behavioral health experts. All training and technical
assistance, including this presentation, are informed and guided by
real-time feedback and input from the broad provider community and
policy makers.
Special thanks to:
John Lee and Joslyn Teter-McBride of Coordinated Care Services, Inc. (CCSI)
Dr. Charlie Neighbors and Kate Federici of CASAColumbia
Noah Isaacs and Meaghan Baier of the Institute for Community Living (ICL)
Visit to view past trainings, sign-up
for upcoming events, and access resources.