Ch 15


Ch 15 Study Guide

Whiskey Ring

Bloodiest act of violence during Reconstruction

Accomplishments of southern governments run by Republicans during Reconstruction

During Reconstruction, southern state governments helped finance



Southern Republicans during Reconstruction

Black officeholders during Reconstruction

Hiram Revels and Blanche Burce

Bradwell v. Illinois

Radical Reconstruction, southern African-Americans taking direct action to remedy long standing grievances

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucy Stone

1868 Democratic presidential ticket campaign motto

15 th Amendment

Andrew Jackson’s impeachment

“waving the bloody shirt”

Define “free labor” as meant in the section on the free labor system

Freedman’s Bureau

Central elements in the lives of post-emancipation blacks in the 20 years following the end of the Civil War

2 black church denominations with the largest following after the Civil War

13 th Amendment

14 th Amendment

“forty acres and a mule”

Causes of the decline of Reconsturction

What was being reconstructed in Reconstruction?

Central thrust of the Reconstruction Amendments

Bargain of 1877

Major effects of Reconstruction upon southern society

Election of 1876

Person who claimed in the 1870s to have converted the white South from corruption, misgovernment, and northern and black control

Widespread activity among newly emancipated blacks

Leaders of the Radical Republicans

1875, Adelbert Ames, Pres. Grant, white rifle clubs, Republicans

US Supreme Court, Slaughterhouse Cases

Prostrate State

Liberal Republican movement

Enforcements Acts of 1870 and 1871

Reconstruction, black church function

Howard University

Effects of Civil War on planter families

Northern vision of the Reconstruction era southern economy

Nations where slavery was replaced by indentured servitude

Emancipation’s effects on the structure of the black family

Reconstruction Act of March 1867

Definition of feminists regarding “the destruction of slavery led feminists to search for ways to make the promise of free labor real for women”

Two maps of the Barrow Plantation demonstrate

Black Codes

President Andrew Johnson’s view for role of African-Americans during Reconstruction

Gen. Sherman’s Special Field Order 15

Beliefs of Radical Republicans in the Reconstruction Era

Black response to the ending of the Civil War and coming of freedom

Black Americans who refused to sign labor contracts to work for whites during Reconstruction


Pres. Johnson’s orders for nearly all land in federal hands in the summer of 1865

Andrew Johnson after Lincoln’s assassination

Conditions for white and black farmers in the South after the Civil War

Pres. Johnson’s reaction to the passage of the Civil rights Bill of 1866

In March 1867, Congress began Radical Reconstruction by adopting what

Most ambitious but least successful of the Radical Republicans’ aims

Radical Republicans

Civil Rights Bill of 1866

Characteristics of Thaddeus Stevens

Characteristics of Andrew Johnson

Southern cities under Reconstruction

Crop-lien system

Petition of Committee in Behalf of Freedmen to Andrew Johnson 1865
