
ETE 335
Elementary Social Studies Lesson
deBono’s Thinking Hats
ETE 335
Elementary Social Studies Lesson
deBono’s Thinking Hats
Emily Miller
3rd Grade
Open the Doors!
ETE 335
Elementary Social Studies Lesson
deBono’s Thinking Hats
•Students will learn about the plethora of career choices!
•Students will integrate technology into Social Studies.
•Students will learn of the many option their future may lead them.
•Students will explore multiple career choices.
•Through the integration of technology, students will practice and view
many career opportunities.
•Students will understand the value of future goals.
ETE 335
Elementary Social Studies Lesson
deBono’s Thinking Hats
Open the Door allows for the exploration of career opportunities through
sociology. It is important for students to value and see many future and
potential routes. As teachers, we are educating the future of tomorrow. It
is essential to allow our students time to see just what their future may
have in store for them!
State – Illinois Common Core or Learning Standards
18.B.1b Identify major social institutions in the community.
National – NCSS Themes
•Individual Development & Identity
•Individuals, Groups, & Institutions
•People, Places, & Environments
•Using the video white hat delicious
bookmark, the students will be
introduced to this unit plan…Careers!
•Students will learn that there are so
many opportunities in the human
society, sociology.
•Using the other white hat delicious
bookmarks, the students will explore
the many resources that allow for
them to view multiple career
•Using the red hat delicious
bookmark, students will take a short
career quiz.
•Remind students that this is just a
quiz. This quiz does not define their
future by any means.
•Have the students take into
account of what the quiz told
them and if they feel it matches
up with their personal ideas of a
•Remind students also to answer a
question based on their feelings and
•Choose the answer they most
relate with first.
•Using the yellow hat delicious
bookmark, students will explore jobs
around an online city.
•After choosing a location, students will
be able to listen to an employer and
see what they do on a day-to-day
•This website explains why something
may work or pertain to your interests.
•Using the black hat delicious bookmark,
students will experience online
simulations of some careers.
•Review the website before allowing the
students to work on their own.
•The students will stock shelves, type
airline tickets, and so much more!
•Students will understand the difficulties
jobs may face.
•Using the green hat delicious
bookmark, students will create an
online poster.
•The students will research many
careers, from the other lessons.
•They will then decide upon a career
they have particular interest in.
•After this, they will use the delicious
bookmark to create an online poster.
•The students will then present to the
Thinking About Thinking
Thinking About Thinking
•Using the blue hat delicious bookmark,
the students will view a YouTube video.
•This video showcases the route to
achieving most careers in an exciting and
memorable way!
•Students will write a short paragraph
about what they wish to do in their future.
ETE 335
Elementary Social Studies Lesson
deBono’s Thinking Hats
Visual Learning, Assessment, and Online Resources:
•White Hat: Students will be assessed by making smart and participatory choices
while viewing careers online.
•Were they focused?
•Red Hat: Students will be assessed by their completion of the online quiz and a
print out of it as well.
•Yellow Hat: Students will be assessed by their use of time maintaining focus while
on the computers.
•Black Hat: Students will be assessed by their use of time maintaining focus while
on the computers.
•Green Hat: Students will be assessed by their online poster creation.
•Was there lots of factual information?
•Did they present clearly?
•Blue Hat: Students will be assessed by their concentration on the video as well as
the short paragraph they will be writing.
Online Resources: