Cell Theory Resources

Cell Theory Resources
The following brief write up on the cell and cell theory is from:
The Cell
The cell is life's most basic unit of structure and function. Like a computer, it is
responsible for storing an enormous amount of information in a tiny space. It is the
center of life and is responsible for protecting, organizing, and coordinating an array of
chemical reactions necessary for life.
In 1838, Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann proposed the first two beliefs of the
cell theory.
1. All organisms are composed of one or more cells. 2. The smallest living unit of
structure and function of all organisms is the cell.
More than ten years later, Rudolf Virchow, proposed the third idea or belief of the cell
3. All cells arise from preexisting cells.
All cells are either prokaryotic or eukaryotic. Prokaryotic cells are bacteria and
eukaryotic cells make up all other organisms. They are distinguishable by the types of
organelles or internal structures they contain. Eukaryotic cells are larger and more
complex. The nucleus stores the genetic material (DNA). Prokaryotes are smaller and do
not have a true nucleus. The genetic material floats freely in the cytoplasm of the cell. A
plasma membrane surrounds both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Prokaryotes are
thought to be the most primitive type of cell.
Cells come in a variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from a tiny bacterial cell to a large
nerve cell extending between two body parts. Some organisms, such as bacteria and
protists, consist of only a single cell. In multicellular organisms, some cells are
"generalists" and others are "specialists". The "specialists" work together to perform a
job and make up a particular type of tissue. Tissues work together and form organs.
Finally, organs work together performing a job and make up an organ system. An
example of an organ system is your digestive system.Single-celled organisms are
"generalists" and must perform all the functions performed by many "specialists".
A cell is like a miniature body containing tiny organs, called organelles. The nucleus is
an organelle that acts as the command center for the cell. The mitochondria is like a
power plant providing the cell with energy. Still other organelles manufacture proteins
necessary for the cell to perform certain chemical reactions in a timely fashion or
replace old or damaged tissue.
Cell biologists continue to study the workings of cells. Studies of cell organelles have
led to the causes of some diseases. For example, Tay-Sachs disease which damages the
nervous system is due to defective lysosomes. Basic research on the function of cells has
led to a variety of improvements in health care. For example, an understanding of
hormone release, binding, and action has enabled pharmacologists to design a
medication for high blood pressure. New therapies for the treatment of cancer and other
illnesses are often discovered through cell testing. As cell studies continue, a deeper
understanding of the cell's activities and how to apply the knowledge will also evolve.
This abbreviated definition of cell theory is from:
All organisms are made up of one or more cells.
Cells are the fundamental functional and structural unit of life.
All cells come from pre-existing cells.
www.worldofteaching.com/powerpoints/.../The%20Cell%20Theory.ppt The last 4 slides obtain
to cell theory. There is lots of color, but few details and no worksheet/activity.