What to study 2014

le français 3
Bien Dit 3
date _______________________________
A. Content – mostly chapters 1, 2, 3
1. Vocabulary – classroom expressions ; leçons 1, 2, 3
2. Verbs–présent, p.c., imparfait, futur, conditionnel, futur antérieur ; passé simple
3. pronoms relatifs (qui, que, ce qui, ce que, ce dont)
4. Object pronouns (me.te, le, la, nous, vous, les et lui, leur ; y and en)
5. Futur/futur with quand, lorsque, dès que, aussitôt que & après que
6. Uses of APRES (l’infinitif passé)
7. la culture – Saint-Exupéry et le Petit Prince
B. Format –
1. First section of multiple choice – vocabulary, reading, culture (25%)
2. Second section of multiple choice- grammar & writing (verbs, tenses, pronouns, etc.)
3. Short answer – verbs; pronouns; infinitif passé
4. Essay – use vocabulary and structures we learned this year to write about an
assigned topic
C. Speaking (25%)
1. Read passage (1/3)
2. Talk with a partner for 90 seconds on one of three topics (2/3)
D. Listening (25%)
Respond to oral questions you hear by selecting the correct answers
To practice for the essay, use structures, vocabulary and idioms we’ve learned this year
to write some good paragraphs. Feel free to come after school for writing practice.
Remember to use Quizlet, Quia, about.com, the Univeristy of Texas-Austin and any
other useful sites you find for extra practice.