W2 Analysis - WordPress.com

Becca Dvorak
W2: Analysis
o In Letters of Abelard and Heloise and Dhuoda’s Handbook for William, all
three authors are writing to a loved one to help them recover from failure,
though the intentions of Dhuoda are almost selfless, while the intentions of
Abelard and Heloise seem to have some potential personal gain involved.
Subargument 1:
o Dhuoda is writing to her son
o Wants to help him succeed in all areas of life, in God’s eyes
 This means being able to recover from failure that will
inevitably happen in life
o “And so I urge you… that you not be distracted by the mundane cares
of this earthly world from acquiring many volumes.” (13)
 success is not measured by earthly things
o “For there are some people who are successful in this world and rich
in material things but who still, out of some hidden malice, constantly
envy and tear away at others as much as they can, all the while
pretending to be good of will.” (43)
 material success is worthless if your heart isn’t set on pleasing
Subargument 2:
o Abelard and Heloise are writing to each other
o Their relationship has endured a great failure
 “But Fulbert and his household, seeking satisfaction for the
dishonor done to him, began to spread the news of the
marriage and break the promise of secrecy they had given me.”
 this was the cause of their separation, as other
consequences soon followed
o Abelard seems to be continuing the trend of failure in his own life
 “I was so horrified by their wickedness and in such deep
despair after having borne the blows of fortune for so long,
feeling that the whole world had conspired against me” (27)
 everything seems to be going wrong for him, not getting
o Heloise seems to be slowly recovering
o They need to overcome these failures to get back together
Subargument 3:
o Dhuoda wants to help her son because she was not there for him
o “I, Dhuoda, am always with you to encourage you. In the future,
should I fail you by my absence, you have this little moral work ad a
reminder, so that as you read in spirit and body and as you pray to
God you may be able to look upon me as if in a mirror.” (13)
 this book serves as a stand-in for her in giving instruction
because she can’t be with him
o Wants him to be successful and knows she will not reap the benefits
o Intentions are to help him for his benefit, not hers
o “So that you may enter that company, I enjoin for you, my son, and so
that your will may grow in Christ, read and pray often.” (81)
 the greatest success is eternal life, found in Christ
Subargument 4:
o Abelard seeks pity for his obstacles and glory for his success
o “In comparison with my trials you will see that your own are nothing,
or only slight, and will find them easier to bear.” (3)
 his problems are far worse than anything his reader has
experienced and will evoke pity
o “Thus my school had its start and my reputation for dialectic began to
spread… Consequently my self-confidence rose still higher” (4)
 he isn’t just great in his own eyes, but in the eyes of others too
o Heloise seeks appreciation in the eyes of Abelard and God for her success
o “Remember, I implore you, what I have done, and how much you owe
me.” (54)
 wants him to recognize the sacrifices that she has made for him
o “In whatever corner of heaven God shall place me, it will be enough
for me.” (71)
 knows she doesn’t deserve God’s grace, and it is therefore
sufficient for her to spend eternity with him, despite the trials
of this world