Annotated bibliography

Aileen Martinez
English 1311
Annotated Bibliography
Child Obesity :
Garasky, S., Stewart, S., Gundersen, C., Lohman, B., & Eisenmann, J. (2009).Family stressors &
child obesity. Social Science Research, 38(4),755-766.
doi:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2009.06.002. This article focuses on the family stressors of child
obesity. The author researched the factors of child obesity in particularly black children in two
different age groups and identified the different factors that affected the two age groups. The
difference in this article is the author is seizing to reduce child obesity by identifying the factors
and eliminating them through psychological practices. This research will help my opinion piece
become more elite through the focuses on family stressors and the reduction process. “This study
focuses on factors within the family, namely stressful experiences, which may be associated with
child obesity.”(2009)
Kral, T., & Rauh, E. (2010). Eating behaviors of children in the context of their family
environment. Physiology & Behavior, 100(5), 567-573.
doi:10.1016/j.physbeh.2010.04.031. Focusing on family environment, the author depicts child
obesity through the influential acts a parents takes. The author shows the child’s risk for
developing obesity through genetics and the promotion of overeating. This article will help my
opinion piece as it illustrates an overview to child obesity. “It is important to identify
intermediary behavioral eating traits which promote overeating and obesity in children and to
determine the extent to which associations between eating traits and excessive weight gain in
children may be influenced by genetic factors, environmental factors, or both.”(2010)
Aileen Martinez
English 1311
Michael, L. D. (1998). Determining Fatness. In Child Obesity (pp. 9-10). New York: Springer
Publishing Company.: Determining Fatness: In this section, the author is explaining how to
identify and determine the degree of fatness among children. This is a very crucial element for
my paper as it will provide my audience with an operational definition of obesity and what level
of fatness I’m basing my research results on. This section goes on to analyze the difference
between two boys who are similar in weight, height and age, but completely differ when
compared to their physical activity. “Their moderately high weights, though equal, reflect
different levels of fatness.”(p.9) The author discusses the term overweight and how different
researchers place their degree of excess at a certain sort of standard.
Michael, L. D. (1998). Class, Race, Family Connections. In Child Obesity (pp. 22-24). New
Springer Publishing Company.: Class, Race, Family Connections: The author in this
particular section explains where we can find the “fat” children in society. They compare
socioeconomic status to the obesity level of a child. “The obese, as measured by weight for
height, have a lower socioeconomic status (income, occupation, rent) that do the
nonobese.”(p.23) This section will support my argument as I’m comparing financial status to the
impartations of child obesity. The author depicts obesity using the acculturation measure of
social class affiliation. He explains a research case by Garb & Stunkard (1975) regarding social
class and obesity. This section will support a great deal of my opinion piece as it will put into
play the different concepts that affect child obesity that have to do with financial stability and
Aileen Martinez
English 1311
Michael, L. D. (1998). Genetic Connections. In Child Obesity (pp. 35-36). New York.
Springer Publishing Company.: Genetic Connections: Here now, the author focuses on
a possible factor that can contribute to the obesity of a child on a more scientific note. They
discuss the probability of a child being obese before they have been born by simply taking a look
at the parents. “Significant, however, was that mothers and children resembled one another in
excess weight; More overweight youngsters had overweight mothers than did non-overweight
youngsters.”(p.35) The author shows the relationship between the parents and how this can
influence the child; they discuss the connection of foster children and their foster parents. If a
child was raised by an overweight mother or father the possibility of a child being overweight
was greater than of the child being raised by a non-overweight parent. This theory highlights the
Nature V. Nurture virtue as genetics and environmental sciences go against one another. This
section will give me a better understanding when I’m composing my opinion piece as it will give
me an alter view of child obesity oppose to the typical psychological factors.
Oi Ling, W. (2010). Childhood Obesity in a Chinese Family Context. Contemporary Family
Therapy: An International Journal, 32(3), 335-347. doi:10.1007/s10591-010-9121-7.
This author takes a different approach to child obesity as he takes his research from a chinese
families perspective. He centers his approach on family interaction and argument resolution in 8
different families. This can help me take a counter approach to my argument as I will add family
interaction to financial status. “The significant role that may be played by the extended family in
contributing to a child’s obesity, as well as female power dominance in the domestic sphere are
considered.”(2010) The advantage to using a different culture family will be the different
perspectives of child obesity and realizing that child obesity is a worldwide issue.
Aileen Martinez
English 1311
Olstad, D., & McCargar, L. (2009). Prevention of overweight and obesity in children under the
age of 6 years. Applied Physiology, Nutrition & Metabolism, 34(4), 551-570.
doi:10.1139/H09-016. This article gives a different perspective on child obesity as it
demonstrates the parental control on their child’s health. It describes an insight to the parent’s
power over the child’s daily activities and eating choices. The author talks about the obesity rate
in general and tries to emphasize on the affecting factors of child obesity such that an obesity
prevention strategies needs to be enforced. “Intrauterine life, infancy, and the preschool years
may all include critical periods that program the long-term regulation of energy balance, and
therefore obesity-prevention strategies should be initiated in utero and continue throughout
childhood and adolescence.”(2009) This article will give me great foundation for my opinion
piece as it supports my argument of child obesity worldwide and the factors.
These sources I have cited above will add to the sophistication of my opinion piece and will
create a better understanding to my audience. These sites and books will create larger
background knowledge and allow me to have greater authority to write about child obesity.