Close Reading Questions & Tasks

Close Reading Questions & Tasks
Beowulf: the Final Battle
Note: The ritual boast was an important part of Beowulf’s society. It wasn’t looked upon as conceit in
the way that bragging is seen in modern society. For Anglo-Saxons, a boast was not empty as warriors
risked their lives to live up to their promises.
1. As you read lines 80-111, begin to collect and cite text evidence.
a. Underline courageous deeds Beowulf has done.
b. Underline what he promises to do.
c. In a graphic organizer,
 list the line numbers you underlined
 note what you can infer from those lines about Beowulf
 note who is the source of the information in the lines
2. Of what traits/virtues does Beowulf seem proudest in lines 80-111? Write your answer using
explicit evidence from the text.
3. As you read lines 120-160a,
a. Underline text that describes setting.
b. Circle text that marks an action or turning point in the battle.
c. Write to explain how the details of setting create tension in the battle.
4. Reread lines 124-140.
a. How does the poet show that the dragon is similar to Beowulf?
b. What are the similarities?
c. What explicit text evidence supports these answers?
5. Read lines 160b-231.
a. Underline text explaining what Wiglaf and his comrades promised in the past.
b. Underline text explaining what Wiglaf want them all to do now.
c. What do Wiglaf’s unspoken thought reveal about the obligations of a king and his
people to one another?
d. What do we learn about those obligations from Wiglaf’s speech to the other men?
e. Write to explain the irony of the narrator’s words in lines 150b-171.
6. Read lines 169b-231.
a. What specific details does Wiglaf give that depict Beowulf as an honorable king?
b. How does Wiglaf show that he is honorable?
7. Read lines 232-320.
a. Underline text that shows Beowulf’s awareness that he is dying.
b. Underline text that shows how Beowulf feels about his approaching death.
c. Explain why Beowulf’s statement in lines 301-304a is important to the Geats.
d. What does the narrator reveal about Beowulf’s thoughts?
e. Which of Beowulf’s spoken words echo his unspoken thoughts?
8. Read 304b-315a.
a. What honorable actions does Beowulf claim for himself in these lines?
b. How does Beowulf summarize his 50-year reign?
c. What virtues are reflected in his speech?
9. Read lines 356-393.
Beowulf – the Final Battle – Closing Reading – Page 1 of 2
Underline text that shows Wiglaf’s feelings toward Beowulf.
Circle text that shows who Beowulf chose as his successor/heir to the throne.
Explain how lines 375-381 demonstrate a value important to the Geats.
Compare lines 80-85 with 375-381. What early statement of Beowulf’s is reflected in his
last wish?
Read lines 382-389.
a. Before this, what do we know about Wiglaf’s behavior?
b. What happens in these lines?
c. Why is it important that we have seen Wiglaf’s courage in battle as well as his loyalty to
Read lines 435-466.
a. What does Wiglaf say in his first speech after Beowulf’s death?
b. Explain how Wiglaf is growing into his position as the new leader of the Geats.
Read lines 435-466.
a. Who is the source of land and riches for the Geats?
b. What might the king have a right to do to those who fall out of favor or violate laws or
c. How does this passage demonstrate the importance of loyalty and bravery to the Geats?
Read lines 468-514.
a. Underline text describing how the Geats mourned for Beowulf.
b. In what ways do the Geat’s actions reflect Beowulf’s wishes?
c. How do the Geat’s actions reflect the values of their society?
Beowulf – the Final Battle – Closing Reading – Page 2 of 2