Public Relations and Marketing Resume

1000 Maple Avenue, Fairfax, VA
B.A. in Communication, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, Expected May 2016
Concentration in Public Relations; Minor in Business GPA 3.58
Relevant Coursework: Principles of PR, PR for Non-Profits, and Marketing in a Global Economy
Principles of Public Relations branding project, January 2014: Worked with Mason Cable Network
to develop a strategic brand message and create digital materials including a digital brochure, a radio
PSA, and a news feature story.
Principles of Public Relations campaign project, March 2014: Created and executed a successful
campaign to raise funds and participation in the St. Jude annual charity walk, generating 35 walkers,
$850 and day-long exposure on a major area radio station and web site.
Public Relations Intern, Sage Communications, Fairfax, VA
Developed and managed The Starbuck’s Festival social media campaign, initiating a 32% increase
in web page viewers, a 25% increase in Facebook shares, and a 50% increase in Twitter retweets
Write and distribute press releases on an as-needed basis
Organize monthly events for business professionals accommodating over 50 participants at each
Marketing Intern, Entertainment Industries Council, Reston, VA
May 2014-August 2014
Researched, developed, and published content for client mailing and company’s web-site
Performed client SWAT analysis to determine strengths and weeknesses
Aided in analysis of client marketing and advertising strategy; created new promotion plan
Peer Advisor, GMU Transition Research Center
January 2015-Present
August 2015-Present
Support new students with schedule planning and preparation for faculty advisor meetings during
New Student Orientation
Prepare and facilitate workshops focusing on time management, public speaking, studying and
exam preparation strategies.
Fundraising Chair, GMU Chapter American Marketing Association
Member, GMU Chapter Public Relations Student Society of America
August 2014-Present
August 2013-Present
Highly skilled in marketing research
Excellent event management and interpersonal communication skills
Proficient in social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest
Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Final Cut Pro