Chapter 5 Section 1 How Populations Grow


Chapter 5

Section 1

How Populations


• List the characteristics used to describe a population

• Identify factors that affect population size

• Differentiate between exponential and logistic growth

Introduction 5-1 Activity

December 2, 2013

Write these questions and your answers on a sheet of paper.

• How many people are in this classroom?

(include me because I am a person)

• What is the room’s area?

(there are 39.37 inches per meter)(area is length x width)

• How many people are there in the room per square meter?

(divide the number of people by the room’s area)

Population density = # of individuals/unit area

• Suppose there are 150 bullfrogs living in a pond that covers an area of 3 square kilometers. What is the density of the bullfrog population?

List the characteristics used to describe a population.

• Three important characteristics of a population are its geographic distribution, density, growth rate, and population age structure.

– Density – the number of individuals per unit area.

This can vary greatly depending on the species and its ecosystem.

– Geographic distribution – also called the range, the area inhabited by a population. This can vary greatly.

List the characteristics used to describe a population - continued

– Growth rate – the rate at which the size of a population changes

– Population age structure – the age distribution of the individuals in that population

Population growth – Three factors can affect population size:

- The number of births (if you have more births than deaths the population size grows)

- The number of deaths (if you have more deaths than births the population size shrinks)

- The number of individuals that enter or leave a population

- Immigration is the movement of individuals into an area

- Emigration is the movement of individuals out of an area

Differentiate between exponential and logistic growth.

Logistic Growth

• This occurs when a population slows or stops following a period of exponential growth

• As resources become less available, the growth of a population slows or stops.

• This ususally appears as a

“S-shaped” curve on a line graph.

Exponential Growth

• This occurs when a population grows at a constant rate

• Under ideal conditions with unlimited resources, a population will grow exponentially.

• This usually appears as a “Jshaped” curve on a line graph.

Post Notes Assignment

• Write questions numbered 1-6 on page 123 and answer them.

• Then write the definitions for the vocabulary terms found only in section 1

1. population density

2. immigration

3. emigration

4. exponential growth

5. logistic growth

6. carrying capacity
