The Nature, Rate and Distribution of the World’s
• There is little doubt that the world’s population is growing at
an increasingly rapid rate.
• There are many implications of this for our globe
• * Food shortages
• * Housing problems
• * Increase in crime
• * Increase in energy requirements
• * The issues of an increasingly ageing population
These reasons among others make it necessary for geographers
and planners to have a clear understanding of the future
possibilities for population on the planet.
World Population Growth
• The world’s population has grown this century at a rate never
before witnessed in human history.
• In 2007 the world’s population was ____________ and in 2050 it is
projected to be ___________.
• This means that the world’s total population grows by 77 per
• If 28% of the worlds population is under 15 what does that mean for
future population growth?
• ( yes write an answer please!)
• Define the following key POPULATION GEOGRAPHY TERMS:
• Birth rate, death rate, demography, infant mortality rate,
population density, population doubling time, population pyramid,
rate of natural increase, replacement level fertility, zero population
The global pattern of Population increase
• The amount of population is increasing but the rate of annual
increase is declining…. What does this mean… put it into your own
• Using p 220 – 224 Write a detailed paragraph (or two!) on the global
pattern of Population increase. You should include statistical
information in your response and address the following areas:
a) Areas with the greatest proportional increase
b) Difference between developed and less developed nations
c) The significance of Europe’s contribution
• Using the map of the world provided map the Average annual rate
of population increase (Fig 2.1.5)
Extended Response
•Using a variety of sources….
•Describe the current trends in
Australia’s population and
explain some of the issues
facing Australia’s population
Describe what is being shown in the source
The different shapes of a population
pyramid can clearly show the level of
population growth in each country.
The changing distribution of the world’s
Using a map of the world show the current and projected population
Spatial patterns of fertility and mortality
• Complete Understanding the text questions from the text.
Types, volumes and directions of population
• Population is rarely static, it is constantly changing in terms of
numbers, ethnic structure and urbanisation.
• “One of the main characteristics of our globalised world is the
movement of goods, money and people. This is not new in itself, but
the speed with which it is happening and the sheer volumes involved
are unprecedented”
• Source: UNESCO Sources, January 98, Issue 9 7, page / 2
• Because the volumes of people moving from country to country
and within one country is so large it is important to understand the
reason why people choose to move.
• Population movement is often referred to as Migration. Migration
from one region to another has been an important factor in the
spread of civilizations, spread and diffusion of culture, and the
spread of knowledge and technology. Population movement has
taken place at different scales from the macro (nation to nation) to
micro (region to region).
• What is apparent is that there are two clear categories of
population movement; INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION and RURALTO-URBAN MIGRATION. There are clear patterns in the rate and
directions of these types of movements.
Types of Migration
• Define and describe each of the following
• * International Migration
• * Refugee Migration
• * Labour Migration
• * Rural- Urban Migration