Forrest Gump Questions

Name: _________________________________________ Date: _____________ Grade: _____ / 22 POINTS
Directions: Answering these questions either during or after the film. These will be due on Monday, March 21,
2011 at the beginning of class.
1. The movie Forrest Gump focuses on many events from American history. Make a list of five of these
historical events and explain why each of these events was important. (10 POINTS)
2. The United States went through a great deal of social changes between the 1950s and 1960s. Identify and
explain three examples from Forrest Gump of social changes that American went through during this time.
(Think about the themes of this course and units we have talked about – even pull out the syllabus if you
have to.) (6 POINTS)
3. Identify and explain three different ways Lieutenant Dan and Bubba related differently to the war in
Vietnam. (6 POINTS)