Pre-AP World History Chapter 6/7: Rome/India and China Test

Pre-AP World History
Chapter 6/7: Rome/India and China Test Review
Section 1: The Romans create a Republic
A. What groups settled in the Roman area?
B. Who were the Patricians?
C. Who were the Plebeians?
a. What did they form to represent them?
b. What was its main goal?
D. Describe consuls, senators, and dictators:
E. Who were the key figures in the Punic Wars and what was the outcome:
Section 2: The Roman Empire brings change
A. What percentage of Rome’s population were slaves?
B. Julius Caesar
a. Formed a triumvirate with whom?
b. What is an absolute ruler?
c. What reforms made him popular?
d. What happened on March 15, 44 BC?
e. Who takes over power?
f. What was his title?
C. What is the Pax Romana?
D. What is “paterfamilias?”
E. Who was allowed to get an education? Until what age?
F. Strong slaves could be forced to become what?
G. What was held at the Roman Colosseum?
Section 3: The Rise of Christianity
A. What are the Gospels?
B. When was the first Jewish revolt?
a. What was destroyed in 70 AD?
b. What is the holiest spot in Judaism?
c. What is the Diaspora?
C. Constantine saw what in his vision?
a. What did he do after he saw this?
D. What is the Edict of Milan?
E. What is the Nicene Creed?
Section 4: The Decline of the Roman Empire
A. What were some causes of the gradual decline?
B. What is inflation?
C. What are barbarians?
D. What are mercenaries?
E. When did Diocletian come to power?
a. How does he divide the empire?
i. East spoke_______
ii. West spoke _______
b. Who ruled the West?
c. What happened when Diocletian retired?
F. Where does Constantine move the capital?
a. The city was renamed what?
G. Who were the Huns?
H. Who was Attila the Hun?
I. Who was Romulus Augustulus?
a. When was he sent into exile?
J. What does the Eastern half of the Roman empire become?
Section 5: Rome and the Roots of Western Civilization
A. What cultures make up “Greco-Roman” culture?
B. What happened to Pompeii?
a. Why are some things so well preserved?
C. What are some architectural innovations made by the Romans?
D. What are the important principles of Roman law?
Chapter 7: India and China
A. Define the Mauryan Empire.
B. Who was the first ruler of the Mauryan Empire?
C. Define the Gupta Empire.
D. Who was the first ruler of the Gupta Empire?
E. What did the Silk Road connect?
F. What was the most important contribution made by Gupta intellectuals?
G. Define the Han Dynasty.
H. Define assimilation.
I. What were similarities and differences between the Han Dynasty and the Roman