How can hard work and determination help to achieve the American

How can hard work and determination help to achieve the American Dream? This
question can be answered in many ways depending on what that personal dream is. If the dream
has to do with athletics, then someone may work harder in practices than someone whose dream
is to become a pharmacist. However, no matter what the dream may be, hard work and
determination are greatly required to achieve any type of dream/goal. When working towards a
goal, obstacles are inevitable. This is when true determination is shown. In my portfolio,
different characters and real life people journey to achieve their own version of the American
Dream. On that journey, they will be challenged with obstacles but their determination will help
them move forward.
The first piece of work in this portfolio is my Summer Reading analysis of The Kite
Runner. I discuss the determination of Baba when he arrives in America with his son, Amir.
Baba and Amir do not have an easy life. Everything they receive, they have to work hard for it.
Baba’s hard work is shown in his long hours working at the gas station. Baba’s hard work and
determination help to reach his American Dream.
In my Dream Essay, I talk about my personal American Dream. I discuss the specific
goals I have, the obstacles that stand in my way, and the actions needed to transcend those
obstacles. My specific dreams include playing volleyball in college and opening up my own
clinic in the Cayman Islands. As you can see, these dreams are not easy to accomplish and
various obstacles stand in my way. To overcome these obstacles, I need to have determination
and work hard no matter what.
The next part of my portfolio is my Huckleberry Finn video. This video is a modernized
version of a scene in Huckleberry Finn. Created by Kristen, Gina, Natalie, Kajal, and me, we
took the scene of Pap not wanting Huck to be educated and flipped it into a mother wanting her
teenage daughter to go to college.
After my video comes my Scarlet Letter Essay. In this essay, I analyze the experience of
the main character Hester. Hester is determined to make a better life for herself and her daughter,
Pearl. The only way for Hester to accomplish this goal is to work hard and have determination.
Also, in my essay, I compare Bryshon Nellum to Hester because of his determination. He works
hard to overcome his personal obstacles. Hester and Bryshon’s determination led them to their
Next, my Song of Myself Poem incorporates literary devices learned this year while
trying to show a story rather than tell a story. After my Song of Myself Poem, I talk about the
book, Survivor. I focus my essay on the determination of the Creedish people to follow the
orders of their religious elders. Regardless of where they are at that certain moment, the Creedish
people must kill themselves as soon as they hear about the Deliverance. For some this may not
be easy but this is just a part of their American Dream based on their culture.
Lastly, I interviewed my aunt, Susan Chin-Jackson, on the topic of determination. She is
now a pharmacist and the owner of her own pharmacy. I ask her five questions about her
experience with determination and the obstacles that may hinder her progress. This aspect of my
portfolio shows a real life application of determination in achieved the American Dream.
All of these aspects to my portfolio answer the question that hard work and determination
can help to achieve the American Dream. However, on this road to the American Dream, there
will be obstacles that will try to stop the process. But as my examples show, determination and
hard work lead to accomplished goals.