
Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: _______ Class: ______
Skin and Body Membranes
Chapter 4 Notes
Objective Checklist
 List the structure (tissue type) and functions of each membrane and give its location in the body
 Name the layers of the integumentary system and list characteristics of each
 Differentiate between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree burns
 Describe three different types of skin cancer
Introduction to Membranes
What are the main functions of body membranes?
Name the three types of epithelial membranes:
What other membranes do we have besides epithelial?
Cutaneous Membrane
Cutaneous membrane = _________________________
Keeps you _________!
Outermost _____________________ boundary
Membrane Composition:
Membrane Layer
Tissue Composition
Dense connective tissue
Hypodermis (Not part of the skin)
What is the purpose of the hypodermis?
Mucous Membranes
What type of tissue is the surface epithelium composed of?
What type of tissue does this surface epithelium rest on?
Lines all body cavities that open to the exterior body surface. Give four examples:
_______________ and adapted for absorption or secretion
Serous Membranes
What type of tissue is found at the surface?
And what type of tissue does the surface membrane rest on?
Lines open body _______________________ that are closed to the exterior of the body
What separates the two layers?
Serous Membrane Types:
Serous Membrane Type
Region Protected
Abdominal Cavity
Synovial Membrane
What type of tissue is associated with this membrane?
Where is this tissue located and what does it secrete?
A Closer Look at Skin…
Skin derivatives
Skin Functions
Protects deeper tissues from:
Aids in ______________ regulation
Aids in excretion of ___________________ and uric acid
Synthesizes vitamin _____
Where does the epidermis get its blood supply from?
What important components of skin are found in the dermis?
What skin layer are the papillae (ridges) a part of?
Skin Color Determinates:
Associated Colors
Appendages of the Skin
Sebaceous glands
What are two functions of the oil produced by the sebaceous glands?
Where do these glands empty into?
When are they activated?
Sweat glands
Use the table below to compare the Eccribe and Apocrine sweat glands
Sweat Gland Type Opening
Axillary and pubic regions
What type of cells is hair composed of?
What cells provide the pigment for hair color?
What protein provides the hard structure for our nails?
What are some causes of burns?
What dangers do you face if you experience burns?
Rule of Nines
What is this rule used for?
Body is divided into _____ areas for quick estimation; each area represents about _____%
Burn Severity
Burn Severity
Skin Layer Damaged
First degree burns
Skin is red and
Epidermis and upper dermis
Third degree burns
Burns are considered critical if:
Over _____% of body has second degree burns
Over _____% of the body has third degree burns
There are third degree burns of the ________________________________________________.
Skin Cancer
Skin Cancer Types
Cancer Type
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Spreads to lymph nodes; good prognosis if removed; shallow
ulcer with firm, raised border
Malignant Melanoma
A = _______________________ - Two sides of pigmented mole do not match
B = _______________________ - Borders of mole are not smooth
C = _______________________ - Different colors in pigmented area
D = _______________________ - Spot is larger then 6 mm in diameter