Do Now - Images

Do you think
people should
be required to
donate money
to others in
need? Why or
why not?
Objective: Explain and analyze the motivating visions behind the freemarket system and socialism
Do Now: 5 min
Good Things Monday: 3 min
Quote of the Day: 2 min
Test Review: 10 min
Smith v. Marx: 15 min
Check for Understanding: 10 min
Comparing and Contrasting Thinkers: 10
Exit Ticket: 5 min
What great things happened this weekend?
Commonly Missed Questions
 Number 12 – Specialization
 Number 13 – Division of Labor
 Number 15 – PPF Curve
 Number 17 – Marginal Utility
 Number 18 – Diminishing Marginal Utility
“Whatever you are, be a
good one.”
– Abraham Lincoln
Circle and define words that are unfamiliar.
Underline the main point for every
Write your thoughts and questions in the
I think that greed is good
I think that people in charge have a tendency to take advantage of their
I think that everyone in society should be equal
I think that risk-taking leads to the advancement of society
I think that self interest guides us in the right direction
I think that the workers should share the profits with the owners
I think that competition for money leads to lower prices for buyers.
I believe that the value of any good is the time and effort that went into
producing the good.
I believe that an “invisible hand” guides the economic system in a
positive way.
Choose three
main ideas that
describe Marx’s
What are
three things
they had in
Choose three
main ideas that
describe Smith’s
Explain the “Invisible Hand” theory written by
Adam Smith. How does this “invisible hand” lead to
a society that is beneficial for all?
Explain the ideas of Karl Marx – why did he believe
that we should live in a socialist society?
Which side do you agree with and why? (Think about
everything you already know about capitalism and
What do you find confusing about Smith and Marx?
Compare and contrast the economic theories
of Karl Marx and Adam Smith
Explain and analyze the motivating visions behind the free-market
system and socialism; understand the process of writing a DBQ
Do Now: 4 min
Quote of the Day: 1 min
Document Based Questions: 5 min
Smith V. Marx DBQ Example: 5 min
Group Practice: 10 min
Debrief: 5 min
Independent Practice 15 min
Closing: 5 min
“Someone’s sitting in the shade today
because someone planted a tree a
long time ago”
– Warren Buffett
DBQ’s allow us to analyze real world context
and synthesize the context into writing.
DBQ’s are an essential part of rigorous Social
Studies testing you will take
Complex – but easy if you take the right steps
Describe the speaker’s point of view about
 Katia believes that communism is better than
capitalism because it allows for every person to
live with a job. Instead of some people becoming
rich, all people can live to a high standard of living
With your group analyze documents 2-4
Remember to use our annotation strategies
What are the perspectives of each of the
Analyze the final three author’s perspectives
Write an essay in which you (1) Describe how
these two economic systems attempt to
meet the needs of the people. (2) Evaluate
how successful each system has been at
meeting the economic needs of the people.
Be sure to use the documents for support
Write an essay in which you (1) Describe how
these two economic systems attempt to meet
the needs of the people. (2) Evaluate how
successful each system has been at meeting
the economic needs of the people. Be sure to
use the documents for support
What have you learned so far in Economics?
What questions do you have about the
material covered so far this quarter?
Download Bubblesheet from the App store
Objective: Students will display mastery of the material covered so far this
Do Now: 4 min
Quote of the Day: 1 min
Questions from unit: 5 min
Review Game 20 min
Review Activity: 25 min
Closing Activity: 5 min
“Judge each day not by the harvest
you reap but by the seeds you plant.”
– Robert Louis Stevenson
What questions do you have from the
material covered so far this year?
Goal: be the team with the most x’s on the
board by the end of the game
Eliminate X’s based on success in the game
 1 x for getting the question right
 2 x’s for two point shot
 3 x’s for three point shot
X’s will be removed for off task behavior,
talking etc.
Create a rap about your assigned topic
What will you do to prepare for the
Benchmark Exam?
Get with your Rap Review Groups and begin
to practice
Objective: Students will display mastery of material covered so far this
quarter on the benchmark exam.
Rap Review: 20 min
Test: 25 min
DBQ: 15 min
“When you determine what you want, you
have made the most important decision of
your life. You have to know what you want in
order to attain it.”
-Douglass Lurton
Objective: Students will be able to explain and analyze the influence of
current events on the American economic system.
Do Now: 4 min
Quote of the Day: 1 min
“We cannot become what we need to
be by remaining what we are.”
- Max de Pree