10th grade presentation - San Leandro Unified School District

Welcome to AVID
Family Night!
AVID Program
Individual Determination
The Mission of AVID
The mission of AVID is to ensure that ALL students, and
most especially the least served students who are in the
will succeed in rigorous curriculum;
will complete a rigorous college preparatory path;
will enter mainstream activities of the school;
will increase their enrollment and success in four-year
colleges; and
will become educated and responsible participants and
leaders in a democratic society.
How AVID Helps Students
AVID is an academic, regularly scheduled elective class
that helps students by:
•Teaching study, note-taking and
organizational skills
•Strengthening their reading and writing
•Giving tutorial help with college tutors
•Teaching them to work collaboratively
How AVID Helps Students
AVID guides students to be competitive for college and
scholarships, confident in their abilities for success by:
•Taking them to visit colleges and universities
•Assisting them with the application process for fouryear colleges and universities
•Assisting students to prepare for college entrance
exams (ACT, SAT, EAP, etc.)
•Requiring community service and active involvement
in extracurricular activities each semester of high
A Sample Week in the AVID Elective
Binder Check
Signed IRC
Due (every 2
& Motivational
AVID Curriculum includes:
Reading and Writing Curriculum
College and Career Preparation and Information
Collaborative, inquiry-based work (ex: Socratic Seminar)
How is this class graded?
Assignments & IRC
Projects, Essays & Portfolio
Cornell Notes
• Cornell notes are a system of notetaking that force students to review
notes in order to better understand
and retain knowledge
• AVID requires 15 pages of notes
per week. Students have TONS of
resources and accommodations to
complete this
• Should be completing 2-3 pages of
notes per night (not 15 on night
• Tutorials are like study groups:
students ask each other questions in
order to help each other understand
• TRFs are Tutorial Request Forms
– These are due at the beginning of each
class on Tutorial days.
– They are available online as well as during
class the day of tutorial.
– Students must work their problem to their
point of confusion (POC).
– Students create a question based on POC.
• An IRC is an Interim Report Card.
• Parents should review ALL
information on IRC BEFORE
• Students with a D or F in a class
MUST get mandatory tutoring within
two weeks of the IRC.
• If students don’t get tutoring, they
lose points in AVID.
• ALL Avid students have a planner
• Students should be writing down HW
and important dates for each period
in planner and checking when done!
• In the event of no homework, none or
no hw is written (no blanks)
• If student has lots of blanks or
unchecked boxes- probably not using
planner (losing points on binder
High School grades range from A+ to F
If a student receives a grade of D
constitutes passing the High School level
A grade of D is NOT accepted by
colleges as completion of a requirement
AVID student contracts require
minimum GPA of 2.25 and a C or higher
in AVID. Students who fail to meet
these standards may be dropped from
program if AIP not met.
Preparing for College:
Grades and GPA
•Colleges look closely at the grades that students earn in
college-prep courses.
•The grades are converted into points (A=4, B=3, C=2,
D=1, F=0). There is a handy GPA calculator on the back
of your IRC to determine your Academic GPA.
•The minimum GPA required for admission to a 4-year
college or university varies widely, but students should
strive for at least a “B” average or 3.0 GPA.
•A higher GPA in rigorous courses (AP and honors
courses) will increase students' chances of admission to
more selective colleges and universities.
• AVID students are required to create
and maintain a Portfolio.
• This is created and worked on in the
Elective class.
• Portfolios will stay with students
and be developed through the end of
senior year.
Volunteer Logs
• AVID students are required to
participate in 15-hours of
Community Service per semester.
• Students must complete and return
their “Volunteer Log” for credit.
Community Service
 All AVID students are required to complete 15 hours
of Community Service per Semester
 The Community Service needs to be documented
using the form provided
 Community Service performed with recognized
organizations (e.g. Red Cross) create better
recognition on college applications
 Students must also write a reflective essay on their
experience to help better prepare them with college
entrance writing selections based on their
Community Service
Extracurricular Activities Log
• AVID students are required to
participate in at least one
club/sport/other extracurricular
program per semester.
• Students must complete and return
their “Extracurricular Log” for
Extracurricular Activities
• Students should be involved in outside activities
– High School Sports, Clubs, AVID Leadership
• Colleges focus more on the depth of participation in a
particular activity than on the overall number of
different activities participated in .
• Leadership positions stand out in the admissions
• Engage in academic activities as well
– Concurrent enrollment at local Community
– Summer academic based programs
Progress Reports
• Progress Reports mailed out every five weeks
– Sept 22, Dec 1, Feb 11, April 4
• Report Cards are mailed out November,
January, March and June
– October 23, Jan 15, March 24, June 10
• Any concerns with grades parents are
encouraged to contact the TEACHER directly
• Utilize ABI for regular updates concerning
students attendance and grade progression
Aeries Browser Interface--ABI
• SLHS’s student information database
• Parents have access to child’s attendance, grades as well as
ability to view teacher grade book for their student’s classes
• Must have an email address and students Aeries ID number
to access ABI
• Contact counseling office, AP office or the librarian for
your students Aeries ID number
• Visit www.slhs.net under the “FOR PARENTS” tab
• Students are required to check their grades every two
weeks to complete an interim report card. This must be
signed by parents in order to get credit.
• Please review ALL of the content on the IRC
BEFORE signing!
Preparing for College
Colleges and universities look for “well-rounded”
students that participate in extracurricular activities
such as sports, student government, music, drama,
visual arts, community/volunteer service, and/or parttime jobs.
Not the amount of activities you do, but the depth
Leadership positions stand out in the admissions
Engage in academic activities as well
Concurrent enrollment at local Community Colleges
Summer academic based programs
College Admissions
What do Colleges look for in the
Admissions process?
A-G classes
College Entrance Exams
Extracurricular Activities/Community
Good Personal Statement
Preparing for College:
A – G Courses
The University of California (UC) and California State University
(CSU) require entering freshmen to complete certain courses in high
school. Here is the list of "a-g", with the number of years required in
each subject. UC recommends additional years in some areas as
a. History/Social Science (2 years)
b. English (4 years)
c. Mathematics (3 years, UC recommends 4)
d. Laboratory Science (2 years, UC recommends 3)
e. Language Other than English (2 years, UC recommends 3)
f. Visual/Performing Arts (1 year)
g. College Preparatory Elective (1 year)
Preparing for College:
College Entrance Tests
Most 4-year colleges and universities require:
• SAT-I or the ACT (American College Test)
• Some colleges also require or recommend the SAT
subject tests
Students should take practice tests to become familiar
with test formats:
• In AVID classes, students take the ACT- Aspire test
during their 10th grade year
• Students should register to take the PSAT at the
beginning of their 10th or 11th grade years
Preparing for College:
MINIMUM Eligibility Requirements
University of California California State University
• 2.0+ GPA
• 3.0+ GPA
• A-G Completion
• A-G Completion
• SAT Reasoning Test or • SAT Reasoning or ACT
ACT Test w/Writing
• Personal Statement
• Extracurricular Activities
Eligible vs. Competitive
Most colleges look for well rounded students
Students should be taking more challenging
courses when possible like AP, Honors &
California Community College classes
Students need to be involved in extracurricular
 Sports
 Student Government
 Community/Volunteer Service
 Part Time Jobs
 Get and stay involved- the longer with an
organization the better!
How to start preparing now?
Immediately discuss your College Goal with
your support team (parents, teachers, etc.)
Good readers make good thinkers and good
Promote good study habits
Participate in SUMMER PROGRAMS!
Enroll in Honors and AP classes
Focus on taking A-G requirements and not
just graduation requirements
Meet with your child’s teachers and
counselor to learn about their performance
Thank you for attending AVID Parent Night
Sam McClymont, 10th Grade AVID Elective Teacher
SLHS AVID Coordinator